Saturday, 26 May 2012

"Freedom of Religion" is not exclusive to "christians"

There are protests presently going on by "christians" against the contraception law because of their belief that it infringes on their freedom of religion to practise their "faith".

There are also claims by Muslims that their freedom of religion is infringed on when denying the practice of Sharia law, which is part of their "religion".

There are also claims by the atheists that their freedom of rights (non traditional religion/faith) are also being infringed on by people using "their freedom of religion rights" to publicly promote their "religion".

There are also claims by women that their freedom of rights is not being respected as to their freedom to birth control.

There are also claims by the homosexual society that their way of life must have equal freedom rights so as to marry among themselves....which many "religions", leaders (incl. President Obama) support.

As you can see.....freedom of religion, freedom or rights, equality of rights is not exclusive to "christians".

The belief in freedom of religion dictates that ALL religions, faiths, ways of life have equal validity and existence and are to be worshipped and lived as per one's preference and self-interest.
...this is the "god of fortresses" that Daniel spoke of
...this is the image of the beast that John wrote about.

This belief and way of life also says that there is no One and Only also says that Christ is not the Only Way.
....this belief, this "palace tabernacle" is being placed above the Holy Mountain and the One True Way of the One True God.

.....and all embrace, advance, glorify, and worship the way of man because it serves their own interest....making Christ into a religion amongst religions.

But Christ will return as the One King...the One True Way of Life.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Canada...Office of Religious Freedom

Rome...Observatory for Religious Freedom...freedom is the power
SDA (IRLA)....religious freedom
Canada...Office (Department) of Religious Freedom
USA..."live free or die"
...Obama "spirit of humanity and universal values"
...Clinton..."gay rights are human rights"

Rome says...that the "mother of all rights" is freedom of religion.

Canada says, as per Mr. Baird ( Foreign Affairs Minister), that... "societies that protect religious freedom are more likely to protect other fundamental freedoms.They are typically more stable and more prosperous. When you have religious freedom, other freedoms follow suit. That is why religious freedom is front and centre in foundational documents such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights and both our countries' respective Bills of Rights,".
Religious freedom speech offers few clues about new office - Politics - CBC News

Embracing, advancing, defending, and (soon) enforcing the belief in freedom of self-rights.

Freedom of religions FIRST.....Christ second as a "religion" amongst religions.

....denying the the Creator God as the One and Only God
...denying Christ as the One and Only True Way of Life.

Man says that his way is right.
Man says that the Way of God is not right.

But it is Only Christ that will rule.....and there will not be any "right" to worship the "way of life" / the "god" that one desires for their self-interest.

There will be weeping.
There will be gnashing of teeth.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Egypt / first free election / embrace the image of the beast.

"Egyptians are voting in their first free presidential election, 15 months after ousting Hosni Mubarak in the Arab Spring uprising."
ref.: BBC News - Egyptians vote in landmark presidential election

Their old way, their previous way, of life has died and now they embrace another way of life, which they never did before.

They protested for, fought for, died for, and overturned their ruler for the belief in freedom of rights, freedom of religion, equality of rights....the way of the leader of the free world.

They now live by the way of the beast and have received its mark on their forehead.

Daniel wrote of this...Daniel 11: 42-43...
"...He (the last king of the north) shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape (survive the pressure).
His power (his way of life/ his belief/ his god of fortresses) will be over what was previously precious to the Egyptians, also the Libyans (nations of north Africa) and Ethiopians (nations of the land of Cush) shall follow him (his way of life) at his heels."

And soon , the glorified way of "freedom" and "equality of rights" will be declared as the "one true and good way of life" for all mankind....this belief will be placed between all nations and above the Holy Mountain of the One True Creator God and His Son The Christ...

...denying their Preeminence.

Monday, 21 May 2012

SDA and RCC serve the same "mother of rights"...religious freedom

The Roman church of General / Universal (catholic) values serves the same primary core belief as that of the Seventh Day Adventists, and all other "religions".

....they serve and worship the way of the "mother of rights" ...freedom of religion…the belief that it is right to worship the "religions", ways of life, the "gods" of one's choice as per one's self-interest justification.

The SDA and others believe that a "world religion" will be forced upon them, in that, for example, they will be forced to worship on "Sunday" instead of the "Sabbath".

Now that the RCC has publicly confessed its believe and support for "freedom of religion" will therefore be against its belief to try to force people to follow a "religion / i.e. “Sunday worship”" . To do this would be against the way of "freedom of religion".

The belief that is being advanced on man, on all religions, on “christians” is, however, the belief and way of life of freedom of rights, freedom of religion, equality of rights…
……which is a belief, a way of life / a “god” in itself, which denies the Preeminence of the One and Only Creator God, to which Christ is the Only True Way of Life.

Man says that his WAY is right.
Man says that the WAY of the One True and Only God, through Christ, is not right.

....but it is Christ that will rule.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

NAACP....civil / human rights FIRST...Christ SECOND

REF.: NAACP backs same-sex marriage – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

"The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People on Saturday announced its backing of same-sex marriage, more than a week after President Barack Obama also expressed support for the issue.
"The mission of the NAACP has always been to ensure political, social and economic equality of all people," Roslyn M. Brock, chairman of the NAACP's board of directors, said in a statement."

"Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP's support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people," said the group's president, Benjamin Todd Jealous."


The NAACP have clearly embraced the image of the beast and are serving the "god of fortresses".

They have placed the righteousness of man above the TRUTH of the One Creator God and above Christ, the One True Way of Life.

There will be weeping when Christ will say "I do not know you...workers of lawlessness."
There will be gnashing of teeth when man will fight Christ for the love of his way of life, the way of Satan, the love for self-rights.

It is written...that Christ, the Son of the One Creator God, will rule with a rod of iron, in the One True and Good Way of Life.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Rome,"Observatory for Religious Freedom", serves the "god of fortresses"

Rome has launched an “Observatory on Religious Freedom …Rome has embraced the mark of the beast on its forehead and on its hand and will now work with the leader of the belief in freedom of rights (the leader of the free world) to help advance this way of life.

The mother of all “self-rights” is the belief in religious freedom, as per Rome.

...The woman/ harlot sitting upon the beast is the spirit/belief in freedom of religion and freedom of self-rights.

This belief not only protects the rights of “Catholics” and “Christians” BUT it also protects the rights of Muslims, the Jews, the Hindu , the Buddhists, the atheists, and those that believe any other of man’s traditional religions and personal ways of life.

Rome is saying that God = freedom of religion.
But freedom of religion = freedom for all religions, gods, beliefs, ways of life
Therefore, the god of Rome = the god for the freedom of worship of all gods
Therefore, the god of man = the god of freedom of self interest, self-rights.

Quoted from …--John Graz, Secretary General, International Religious Liberty Association, Seventh Day Adventist Church
“…the city of Rome has launched an “Observatory on Religious Freedom”—an initiative aimed at making Rome the “reference point for the defense of religious freedom in the world.” This idea to promote Rome as the international capital for religious freedom is being pushed forward by the mayor of Rome, the Roman Catholic pontiff and other Vatican officials, along with a number of international diplomats. According to news stories, the Observatory is a conference “dedicated to the status and protection of Christian minorities in the world.”
“Are times changing? Are voices that have historically been muted when it comes to the rights of religious minorities, preparing to become active religious freedom advocates?”
“Only time will tell if the Observatory on Religious Freedom will push Rome forward as an international "religious freedom capital." And only time will tell if Rome intends to champion a broad notion of religious freedom, which reflects the ideal articulated in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”
“For now, the IRLA will watch developments with interest, and we’ll continue to be guided by our unshakable conviction that every man and woman has the God-given right to follow his or her conscience in matters of belief. And, as we have in the past, we’ll work alongside many different agencies, organizations, institutions and countries that are committed to this fundamental premise.”
“This was our mission when we began in 1893, it is our mission today in 2012, and it will be our task for as long as religious repression and persecution exists in our world.”
Fom “Vatican Insider” (May 19,2012)…“Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, on the same wave length, emphasized that “ a culture and a society that wanted to expel God would be incapable of any religious freedom. Hence, according to the cardinal, the importance of rediscovering the public role of God . He admitted that on this point “many seem allergic to the idea.” The Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno too believes religious freedom to be the mother of all rights. “Rome” he said “ represents the birthplace of the principle of religious freedom. We are working and planning the city so that any place of worship can have its expression. When religious freedom is threatened, all other expressions of freedom are too.”
“Observatory on religious freedom in Rome against fundamentalism and relativism” by Bernardo Cervellera

“Mayor Alemanno said that the idea of an observatory was first thought as an "ideal gift" to Benedict XVI back in 2009. For the mayor, Rome, in terms of religious freedom, is most qualified place because it is the "headquarter" of one the largest religious communities in the world, the Catholic Church. It is also one of the freest cities in the world, with Europe's largest mosque and the world's oldest diasporic Jewish community.”

“Card Piacenza explained the notion of religious freedom, indicating what risk factors may jeopardise it. Citing John Paul II and Benedict XVI, he described religious freedom as the "mother" of all freedoms, the litmus test to measure the state of human rights in a country.”

“To respect religious freedom, we need "reason and truth," the cardinal noted. Without them, arbitrariness, which rules religious fundamentalisms, prevails as so does relativism, which leads us towards nothingness, with the danger of destroying the bases of democracy. The prevailing relativism is the least favourable ground for religious freedom," he said.”"

There is Only One True Way of Life and Christ is that Only Way to the One Creator Father.....
....all else is a deception that man has embraced as righteousness.

There will be weeping.
There will be gnashing of teeth.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

President Obama, Al Sharpton...universal values and civil rights above Christ.

"Rev. Al Sharpton: Marriage Equality Shouldn’t Divide Black America", By Kirsten West Savali

Quote from Mr. Sharpton… “This is not about mine or anyone’s personal or religious views. It is about equal rights for all. We cannot be selective with civil rights. We must support civil rights for everybody or we don’t support them for anyone. I am prepared to fight, as I have since 2003 in the faith community, about the rightness of the position that the President has now taken.”

Quote from article…“Even then, Obama convincingly makes the point that faith has no place in politics and that because we do not share common spiritual eyesight, we can only share common laws. Most powerfully, he says that “religiously motivated [politicians] must translate their concerns into universal — not religious — values.”

It is clear that for Al Sharpton, freedom of rights / civil rights takes precedence over the Truth of the One God.

Mr. Sharpton is saying that the One and Only Creator and His Son the Christ are a “personal or religious view”. Therefore, on the other hand, he is also saying that the belief in freedom of self-rights is the primary true way of life….within which Christ is a “personal or religious view”.

“Personal or religious views” do not have a place in politics, in ruling the nation, but The True God, His Word, does. King Nebuchadnezzar and other kings were clearly made aware of this. Christ said to give to caesar what is caesar’s and to give to the True and Only God what is His….that is to live by His Word, to follow the Way of Christ and Only His Way.

President Obama instead “powerfully” states that the right way of life is that of living by “universal values” and not by what the Christ, Son of the One God, says (which he refers to as a generic religion).

It is interesting to note that the Roman Empire also believed in “universal values” as dictated by the caesars. It is no surprise that the Emperor Constantine created the belief/church/ assembly of Roman peoples that embraced the “universal / καθολικη” values of the Roman Empire, a popular mix of “compromised Christian” and non Christian beliefs and traditions. It is Caesar who also powerfully gave direction for the motivation of concerns to be based on the worship of “universal values”.

Mr. Sharpton has willingly received the mark of the beast on his forehead, worships its image, and embraces this “god of fortresses”….because he and many others believe that this way of life, a way which denies the Preeminence of the One True God and of Jesus Christ as the One and Only True Way of Life, is a way of man's righteousness and peace….powerful enough to deceive, dressed in the outward appearance of a lamb…but speaking as the dragon (blaspheming the One God and the One True Way).

Man is placing his way above the Way of God.
Man is saying that his way is right and that the Way of God is not right.

But it is written that Christ, in the Name of the One True God, will rule.

The tribulation / the testing is in place and the time is at hand.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

The 4 Horsemen of Freedom and Equality of Self-Rights

The 1st horseman, in white with a crown, represents a world "spiritual/way of life" leader who will advance his "god of fortresses" to all nations, above all personal/religious beliefs. The purpose is to spiritually conquer....for all to willingly receive his way of life...which will be promoted as man's righteous way of life. There is only one belief that is embraced by almost all nations, all religious and political leaders...the belief in freedom and equality of man's rights.

The rider on the red horse....all battles and wars in the recent past have been fought because of the belief in the righteousness of freedom of rights, of democracy. The Arab Spring is an example of the fighting, killing, and dying for "freedom of rights". The Muslims do their Friday prayers and then they go protest, fight, and die for freedom of rights.
Rulers have and are being overthrown because of the desire for "one's rights".

The rider on the black horse...look at the world economic people are crying out for economic the greed of some have created hardship for many because of the love for the freedom of self-gain...many of the protests in the middle east and other parts of the world started with the desire for economic equal rights and freedoms. Consider the power of economic sanctions in the name of "rights".

The rider on the pale horse...death...consider the death that has been caused in the name of freedom of rights. People have been killed and have died for "freedom of rights". It is not only about physical death but more importantly about spiritual and particularly "Christians" compromising on the Preeminence of the True God and His Son the Christ in favor of freedom of religion, freedom of rights, equality of rights.

There is Only One True God and One can one live and believe a way of life which says that it is right to worship "any god".

Darkening the True Light..the 4th Trumpet and Bowl are at Hand.

The 4th Trumpet and Bowl are at hand.

We have seen recently that man embraces the belief in freedom and equality of rights above that of the Word of the One God.

Mr. Obama and many other national and religious leaders have redefined Christ to represent equality and freedom of rights.

Within this primary core belief, they have denied the Preeminence of the One Creator God, of His Word, of Christ His Son as the One True and Only Way and have embraced their way of self-righteousness....a belief which even says that it is right for people of the homosexual belief to marry.

Soon, any one who will confess that Christ is the One and Only True Way of Life will be pressured, persecuted, and killed because they will violate the way of the beast, the way of freedom and equality of rights...for in confessing that Christ is the Only Truth, one also confesses that the way of man (the belief in self-rights) is a lie and that all other "beliefs" are false.

Daniel 11:44
But news (doctrine, report, witnessing) from the east (sunrise, sunlight, Word of God) and from the north (hidden/protected) shall trouble the king of the north….
…but the protected report/continued witnessing of the Word of God / the One True Way of Christ will upset the last king of the north, the beast

4th Seal (summary) Rev.6:7
…and was given to them (2nd, 3rd, and 4th horsemen) authority by the beast of the earth (1st horseman) over the quatran of the earth (over the repeated passion (witnessing) for the One Truth of God) to kill (to abolish) the witnesses of Christ with sword, famine, and death.

4th Trumpet Rev. 8:12
…was afflicted the sun (the Truth / the Word of God)
…was afflicted the moon (the light of the assembly)
…were afflicted the stars (the light of the elect)
That they should be darkened (afflicted/obscured/blinded) / blasphemed
And that they (their light/ the truth) should not appear in the day nor in the night
…and the Word of God, His assembly, and His elect will be afflicted, pressured, and persecuted so as for the light of the truth to be ended and for it to no longer to stand out.

4th Bowl Rev. 16:8
…and poured out his bowl upon the sun (the light/ the Truth-Word of God)
And it was given to the light of God (the sun) to scorch (heat) men with fire (the truth of God)
And were scorched men with heat great
And they blasphemed (afflicted/darkened) the name of God (the light, the sun)
And they did not repent to give Him glory
…however, the Truth of God will be witnessed, and the Truth will anger the beast and those that worship its image….and they will blaspheme the Name of the One God (of the One True Way of Life)…and they will continue in “their way” and will not repent.

Our Savior, Lord, and King gave warnings to the seven assemblies of those that claimed His Name because they embraced another way of life before and above Him...because this deception was very powerful...but He said to overcome, to be made white in the baptism of fire.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

The Belief in Freedom and Equality of Self Rights = the "god of fortresses"

Freedom and Equality of Self Rights = the "god of fortresses"

ref.: BBC News - Obama's support for gay marriage splits US

This is the belief above all beliefs.
This is the primary core way of life that all nations embrace and desire.

This is the belief that allows, defends, and protects all other "personal" beliefs.

This is the belief that allows, defends, and protects the rights and freedom of all "religions", stating that each is valid in its existence as per one's "personal religious worship".

Even though some 48% of the USA population does not agree with President's Obama endorsement of "gay marriage", even though conservative Republicans do not agree with President Obama's stand, even though many "religious" leaders do not gree with President Obama's endorsement of gay marriage.....

......each and every one of them DOES embrace and worship as their primary belief the way of freedom and equality of self-rights.

This they will not stand up against but will instead defend this belief because their first love is not Christ....
.....their first love is to serve their self interest, their self-will.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Mr. Biden is "comfortable" in denying the One True Way.

"Biden's support for gay marriage matches most Catholics' views"By Dan Gilgoff, Religion Editor


" Apparent White House division over gay marriage - with Vice President Joe Biden saying Sunday that he is “absolutely comfortable” with the idea, going further than President Obama has on the issue – mirrors a nation that is evenly divided on the matter."

What belief and way of life does Vice President Biden (who claims himself to be a "Catholic") share with the people who desire their "right" to live the homosexual lifestyle? it his belief in homosexuality as a personal lifestyle?...No it the belief in the freedom and equality of rights and lifestyle for those who deem it a "human right" in their own eyes?....YES

Mr. Biden, a "religious", (who professes in his "personal faith life" to believe in God and His Son Jesus Christ) says that he is "absolutely comfortable with the idea" even though God clearly states that He is "NOT comfortable with this idea".

It is clear which belief is the "first love" in Mr. Biden's true way of life.
....the belief in freedom and equality of self-rights...before and above the One True Way, before and above Christ, before and above the Creator Father.

....Christ will say that He does not know you....workers of lawlessness.
.....and there will be weeping and the gnashing of teeth.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

" church or state guidelines..." HOW ABOUT THE WAY OF CHRIST?

"The church also points out that in 1975, "no state or church guidelines for responding to allegations of child abuse existed in Ireland". "
Abuse victims' campaigner Marie Collins, who was raped at the age of 13 by a hospital chaplain in Dublin, said Cardinal Brady should resign. "I'm amazed no bishops have come out and said he should go," she said. "We have priests and theologians being silenced by the Vatican -they can act against people whose views they feel are liberal, but they will not act against someone who not only endangered children but let them be abused. "If Cardinal Brady came out and espoused the view that women should be ordained, he'd be gone within hours."
Gary O'Sullivan, editor of the Irish Catholic newspaper, said ... "If a child can see the need to save other children, how come priests, ministers of Christianity, cannot have the same awareness?" church or state guidelines????

The Word of God is the guideline. Christ taught it, lived it, was killed for it, and was resurrected for it! love and serve the One True Creator Father and to love our fellowman in the righteousness of Our Father... this also includes to love, care for, and protect children.

But, instead it was more important for the leaders of the Roman General church to protect its self interest.

Ref.:quotes from BBC MAY 2,2012