Saturday, 12 May 2012

Darkening the True Light..the 4th Trumpet and Bowl are at Hand.

The 4th Trumpet and Bowl are at hand.

We have seen recently that man embraces the belief in freedom and equality of rights above that of the Word of the One God.

Mr. Obama and many other national and religious leaders have redefined Christ to represent equality and freedom of rights.

Within this primary core belief, they have denied the Preeminence of the One Creator God, of His Word, of Christ His Son as the One True and Only Way and have embraced their way of self-righteousness....a belief which even says that it is right for people of the homosexual belief to marry.

Soon, any one who will confess that Christ is the One and Only True Way of Life will be pressured, persecuted, and killed because they will violate the way of the beast, the way of freedom and equality of rights...for in confessing that Christ is the Only Truth, one also confesses that the way of man (the belief in self-rights) is a lie and that all other "beliefs" are false.

Daniel 11:44
But news (doctrine, report, witnessing) from the east (sunrise, sunlight, Word of God) and from the north (hidden/protected) shall trouble the king of the north….
…but the protected report/continued witnessing of the Word of God / the One True Way of Christ will upset the last king of the north, the beast

4th Seal (summary) Rev.6:7
…and was given to them (2nd, 3rd, and 4th horsemen) authority by the beast of the earth (1st horseman) over the quatran of the earth (over the repeated passion (witnessing) for the One Truth of God) to kill (to abolish) the witnesses of Christ with sword, famine, and death.

4th Trumpet Rev. 8:12
…was afflicted the sun (the Truth / the Word of God)
…was afflicted the moon (the light of the assembly)
…were afflicted the stars (the light of the elect)
That they should be darkened (afflicted/obscured/blinded) / blasphemed
And that they (their light/ the truth) should not appear in the day nor in the night
…and the Word of God, His assembly, and His elect will be afflicted, pressured, and persecuted so as for the light of the truth to be ended and for it to no longer to stand out.

4th Bowl Rev. 16:8
…and poured out his bowl upon the sun (the light/ the Truth-Word of God)
And it was given to the light of God (the sun) to scorch (heat) men with fire (the truth of God)
And were scorched men with heat great
And they blasphemed (afflicted/darkened) the name of God (the light, the sun)
And they did not repent to give Him glory
…however, the Truth of God will be witnessed, and the Truth will anger the beast and those that worship its image….and they will blaspheme the Name of the One God (of the One True Way of Life)…and they will continue in “their way” and will not repent.

Our Savior, Lord, and King gave warnings to the seven assemblies of those that claimed His Name because they embraced another way of life before and above Him...because this deception was very powerful...but He said to overcome, to be made white in the baptism of fire.


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