Wednesday 13 April 2022

Lord Jesus did not ask His Father to 'take this cup from me'.

It is not possible for Lord Jesus to have asked His Father to 'take this cup from me'. Lord Jesus knew very well why He was there and what His purpose was. He was not thinking if it was possible to get out of this work at the last moment. The following popular interpretation in Matthew 26:39 is incorrect: “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me, yet not my will, but Yours be done.”  The true interpreatation is as follows: (please study the Greek text) "My Father, this is possible because of Your almighty power  This cup is for me Another I will not, other than Your Will". Lord Jesus did not think of His self interest or self will at any point in time. He served in complete obedience and love the Will of His Father. He did not believe in "FREEDOM" / "free will" to do one's own will.