Canada...Office of Religious Freedom
Rome...Observatory for Religious Freedom...freedom is the power
SDA (IRLA)....religious freedom
Canada...Office (Department) of Religious Freedom
USA..."live free or die"
...Obama "spirit of humanity and universal values"
...Clinton..."gay rights are human rights"
Rome says...that the "mother of all rights" is freedom of religion.
Canada says, as per Mr. Baird ( Foreign Affairs Minister), that... "societies that protect religious freedom are more likely to protect other fundamental freedoms.They are typically more stable and more prosperous. When you have religious freedom, other freedoms follow suit. That is why religious freedom is front and centre in foundational documents such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights and both our countries' respective Bills of Rights,".
Religious freedom speech offers few clues about new office - Politics - CBC News
Embracing, advancing, defending, and (soon) enforcing the belief in freedom of self-rights.
Freedom of religions FIRST.....Christ second as a "religion" amongst religions.
....denying the the Creator God as the One and Only God
...denying Christ as the One and Only True Way of Life.
Man says that his way is right.
Man says that the Way of God is not right.
But it is Only Christ that will rule.....and there will not be any "right" to worship the "way of life" / the "god" that one desires for their self-interest.
There will be weeping.
There will be gnashing of teeth.
SDA (IRLA)....religious freedom
Canada...Office (Department) of Religious Freedom
USA..."live free or die"
...Obama "spirit of humanity and universal values"
...Clinton..."gay rights are human rights"
Rome says...that the "mother of all rights" is freedom of religion.
Canada says, as per Mr. Baird ( Foreign Affairs Minister), that... "societies that protect religious freedom are more likely to protect other fundamental freedoms.They are typically more stable and more prosperous. When you have religious freedom, other freedoms follow suit. That is why religious freedom is front and centre in foundational documents such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights and both our countries' respective Bills of Rights,".
Religious freedom speech offers few clues about new office - Politics - CBC News
Embracing, advancing, defending, and (soon) enforcing the belief in freedom of self-rights.
Freedom of religions FIRST.....Christ second as a "religion" amongst religions.
....denying the the Creator God as the One and Only God
...denying Christ as the One and Only True Way of Life.
Man says that his way is right.
Man says that the Way of God is not right.
But it is Only Christ that will rule.....and there will not be any "right" to worship the "way of life" / the "god" that one desires for their self-interest.
There will be weeping.
There will be gnashing of teeth.
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