Rome,"Observatory for Religious Freedom", serves the "god of fortresses"
Rome has launched an “Observatory on Religious Freedom …Rome has embraced the mark of the beast on its forehead and on its hand and will now work with the leader of the belief in freedom of rights (the leader of the free world) to help advance this way of life.
The mother of all “self-rights” is the belief in religious freedom, as per Rome.
...The woman/ harlot sitting upon the beast is the spirit/belief in freedom of religion and freedom of self-rights.
This belief not only protects the rights of “Catholics” and “Christians” BUT it also protects the rights of Muslims, the Jews, the Hindu , the Buddhists, the atheists, and those that believe any other of man’s traditional religions and personal ways of life.
Rome is saying that God = freedom of religion.
But freedom of religion = freedom for all religions, gods, beliefs, ways of life
Therefore, the god of Rome = the god for the freedom of worship of all gods
Therefore, the god of man = the god of freedom of self interest, self-rights.
Quoted from …--John Graz, Secretary General, International Religious Liberty Association, Seventh Day Adventist Church
“…the city of Rome has launched an “Observatory on Religious Freedom”—an initiative aimed at making Rome the “reference point for the defense of religious freedom in the world.” This idea to promote Rome as the international capital for religious freedom is being pushed forward by the mayor of Rome, the Roman Catholic pontiff and other Vatican officials, along with a number of international diplomats. According to news stories, the Observatory is a conference “dedicated to the status and protection of Christian minorities in the world.”
“Are times changing? Are voices that have historically been muted when it comes to the rights of religious minorities, preparing to become active religious freedom advocates?”
“Only time will tell if the Observatory on Religious Freedom will push Rome forward as an international "religious freedom capital." And only time will tell if Rome intends to champion a broad notion of religious freedom, which reflects the ideal articulated in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”
“For now, the IRLA will watch developments with interest, and we’ll continue to be guided by our unshakable conviction that every man and woman has the God-given right to follow his or her conscience in matters of belief. And, as we have in the past, we’ll work alongside many different agencies, organizations, institutions and countries that are committed to this fundamental premise.”
“This was our mission when we began in 1893, it is our mission today in 2012, and it will be our task for as long as religious repression and persecution exists in our world.”
Fom “Vatican Insider” (May 19,2012)…“Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, on the same wave length, emphasized that “ a culture and a society that wanted to expel God would be incapable of any religious freedom. Hence, according to the cardinal, the importance of rediscovering the public role of God . He admitted that on this point “many seem allergic to the idea.” The Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno too believes religious freedom to be the mother of all rights. “Rome” he said “ represents the birthplace of the principle of religious freedom. We are working and planning the city so that any place of worship can have its expression. When religious freedom is threatened, all other expressions of freedom are too.”
“Observatory on religious freedom in Rome against fundamentalism and relativism” by Bernardo Cervellera
“Mayor Alemanno said that the idea of an observatory was first thought as an "ideal gift" to Benedict XVI back in 2009. For the mayor, Rome, in terms of religious freedom, is most qualified place because it is the "headquarter" of one the largest religious communities in the world, the Catholic Church. It is also one of the freest cities in the world, with Europe's largest mosque and the world's oldest diasporic Jewish community.”
“Card Piacenza explained the notion of religious freedom, indicating what risk factors may jeopardise it. Citing John Paul II and Benedict XVI, he described religious freedom as the "mother" of all freedoms, the litmus test to measure the state of human rights in a country.”
“To respect religious freedom, we need "reason and truth," the cardinal noted. Without them, arbitrariness, which rules religious fundamentalisms, prevails as so does relativism, which leads us towards nothingness, with the danger of destroying the bases of democracy. The prevailing relativism is the least favourable ground for religious freedom," he said.”"
There is Only One True Way of Life and Christ is that Only Way to the One Creator Father.....
....all else is a deception that man has embraced as righteousness.
There will be weeping.
There will be gnashing of teeth.
The mother of all “self-rights” is the belief in religious freedom, as per Rome.
...The woman/ harlot sitting upon the beast is the spirit/belief in freedom of religion and freedom of self-rights.
This belief not only protects the rights of “Catholics” and “Christians” BUT it also protects the rights of Muslims, the Jews, the Hindu , the Buddhists, the atheists, and those that believe any other of man’s traditional religions and personal ways of life.
Rome is saying that God = freedom of religion.
But freedom of religion = freedom for all religions, gods, beliefs, ways of life
Therefore, the god of Rome = the god for the freedom of worship of all gods
Therefore, the god of man = the god of freedom of self interest, self-rights.
Quoted from …--John Graz, Secretary General, International Religious Liberty Association, Seventh Day Adventist Church
“…the city of Rome has launched an “Observatory on Religious Freedom”—an initiative aimed at making Rome the “reference point for the defense of religious freedom in the world.” This idea to promote Rome as the international capital for religious freedom is being pushed forward by the mayor of Rome, the Roman Catholic pontiff and other Vatican officials, along with a number of international diplomats. According to news stories, the Observatory is a conference “dedicated to the status and protection of Christian minorities in the world.”
“Are times changing? Are voices that have historically been muted when it comes to the rights of religious minorities, preparing to become active religious freedom advocates?”
“Only time will tell if the Observatory on Religious Freedom will push Rome forward as an international "religious freedom capital." And only time will tell if Rome intends to champion a broad notion of religious freedom, which reflects the ideal articulated in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”
“For now, the IRLA will watch developments with interest, and we’ll continue to be guided by our unshakable conviction that every man and woman has the God-given right to follow his or her conscience in matters of belief. And, as we have in the past, we’ll work alongside many different agencies, organizations, institutions and countries that are committed to this fundamental premise.”
“This was our mission when we began in 1893, it is our mission today in 2012, and it will be our task for as long as religious repression and persecution exists in our world.”
Fom “Vatican Insider” (May 19,2012)…“Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, on the same wave length, emphasized that “ a culture and a society that wanted to expel God would be incapable of any religious freedom. Hence, according to the cardinal, the importance of rediscovering the public role of God . He admitted that on this point “many seem allergic to the idea.” The Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno too believes religious freedom to be the mother of all rights. “Rome” he said “ represents the birthplace of the principle of religious freedom. We are working and planning the city so that any place of worship can have its expression. When religious freedom is threatened, all other expressions of freedom are too.”
“Observatory on religious freedom in Rome against fundamentalism and relativism” by Bernardo Cervellera
“Mayor Alemanno said that the idea of an observatory was first thought as an "ideal gift" to Benedict XVI back in 2009. For the mayor, Rome, in terms of religious freedom, is most qualified place because it is the "headquarter" of one the largest religious communities in the world, the Catholic Church. It is also one of the freest cities in the world, with Europe's largest mosque and the world's oldest diasporic Jewish community.”
“Card Piacenza explained the notion of religious freedom, indicating what risk factors may jeopardise it. Citing John Paul II and Benedict XVI, he described religious freedom as the "mother" of all freedoms, the litmus test to measure the state of human rights in a country.”
“To respect religious freedom, we need "reason and truth," the cardinal noted. Without them, arbitrariness, which rules religious fundamentalisms, prevails as so does relativism, which leads us towards nothingness, with the danger of destroying the bases of democracy. The prevailing relativism is the least favourable ground for religious freedom," he said.”"
There is Only One True Way of Life and Christ is that Only Way to the One Creator Father.....
....all else is a deception that man has embraced as righteousness.
There will be weeping.
There will be gnashing of teeth.
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