Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Egypt / first free election / embrace the image of the beast.

"Egyptians are voting in their first free presidential election, 15 months after ousting Hosni Mubarak in the Arab Spring uprising."
ref.: BBC News - Egyptians vote in landmark presidential election

Their old way, their previous way, of life has died and now they embrace another way of life, which they never did before.

They protested for, fought for, died for, and overturned their ruler for the belief in freedom of rights, freedom of religion, equality of rights....the way of the leader of the free world.

They now live by the way of the beast and have received its mark on their forehead.

Daniel wrote of this...Daniel 11: 42-43...
"...He (the last king of the north) shall stretch out his hand against the countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape (survive the pressure).
His power (his way of life/ his belief/ his god of fortresses) will be over what was previously precious to the Egyptians, also the Libyans (nations of north Africa) and Ethiopians (nations of the land of Cush) shall follow him (his way of life) at his heels."

And soon , the glorified way of "freedom" and "equality of rights" will be declared as the "one true and good way of life" for all mankind....this belief will be placed between all nations and above the Holy Mountain of the One True Creator God and His Son The Christ...

...denying their Preeminence.


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