Monday, 7 May 2012

Mr. Biden is "comfortable" in denying the One True Way.

"Biden's support for gay marriage matches most Catholics' views"By Dan Gilgoff, Religion Editor


" Apparent White House division over gay marriage - with Vice President Joe Biden saying Sunday that he is “absolutely comfortable” with the idea, going further than President Obama has on the issue – mirrors a nation that is evenly divided on the matter."

What belief and way of life does Vice President Biden (who claims himself to be a "Catholic") share with the people who desire their "right" to live the homosexual lifestyle? it his belief in homosexuality as a personal lifestyle?...No it the belief in the freedom and equality of rights and lifestyle for those who deem it a "human right" in their own eyes?....YES

Mr. Biden, a "religious", (who professes in his "personal faith life" to believe in God and His Son Jesus Christ) says that he is "absolutely comfortable with the idea" even though God clearly states that He is "NOT comfortable with this idea".

It is clear which belief is the "first love" in Mr. Biden's true way of life.
....the belief in freedom and equality of self-rights...before and above the One True Way, before and above Christ, before and above the Creator Father.

....Christ will say that He does not know you....workers of lawlessness.
.....and there will be weeping and the gnashing of teeth.


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