Friday 8 August 2014

President Obama is asking “GOD” to bless the freedom to worship ANY ‘god’.

President Obama is asking “GOD” to bless the freedom to worship ANY ‘god’.

Statement by the attack IS….to defend the Yazidis
White House Press release, Aug 7 , 2014

“...And we strive to stay true to the fundamental values -- the desire to live with basic freedom and dignity -- that is common to human beings wherever they are.  That’s why people all over the world look to the United States of America to lead.  And that’s why we do it.
….and God bless the United States of America.”

President Obama ends his speech by asking “God” to bless the USA
….he is asking ‘god’ to  bless the belief in freedom of self-rights, freedom of self-religions
….he is asking ‘god’ to bless the freedom to worship any religion, to worship ANY ‘god’.

President Obama is asking “GOD” to bless the freedom to worship ANY ‘god’.

How can the One Creator bless the belief in and claimed freedom to worship ANY ‘god’ when He is the One and Only God...when He forbid man to worship any other ‘gods’, when the Lord Jesus Christ said that it is written that one is to worship Only the One Lord Creator Your God and Him Alone to SERVE in obedience and love, love for Him First and Foremost and love for , TO DO GOOD TO the fellowman.

Soon , very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power as the One King according to the Will of the One Who Gives Existence to All That Exists and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”, for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator God