Monday, 30 July 2018

Religious "FREEDOM"...vs...LGBT "FREEDOM". Each claims their "FREEDOM" does not go far enough.

Religious "FREEDOM"...vs...LGBT "FREEDOM".
EACH believes that "their FREEDOM" doesn't go far enough for "their rights".
The North & the South both believed that their respective "FREEDOM" for "their rights" did not go far enough...and so they went to war to kill each other in the name of "FREEDOM".
POTUS Lincoln could not understand how both sides, claiming to believe in the God of the Bible, could each pray to this SAME God, each for their "FREEDOM"...thus hating and killing each other, even brothers killing brothers.
POTUS Lincoln did not see that the "God" that each side really worshiped and prayed to was the "god of FREEDOM" to do one's own will, own rights, own religion.
Today, this "FREEDOM" spirit is in its FULLNESS...darkening out the True Light of the 1God...the sun and the moon have been darkened... and the stars are falling to the ground for their 1st love for this "FREEDOM".
This "FREEDOM" will be cut short, as Lord Jesus has prophesied, for if it were left to continue no flesh would be saved....but because of the true elect and faithful in obedience to the 1God...this "FREEDOM" will be cut short.

ALL people will die the prescribed physical death. Therefore the 1God is real.

People (even so called "Christians") do not really believe nor really accept that the 1God exists...because they do not do His Will...instead they believe in and live by "FREEDOM" to do their own will, own rights, own religions, own sex lifestyles, etc.
Strange...and yet each will suffer physical death.
Each will die before or by the age of 120.
The 1God did condemn all mankind to die the physical return to the dust of the earth.
Even, after thousands of years of "evolution" and "survival genetic adaptation", man still dies by the age of 120.
One would think and expect, as per science, that the lifespan would increase because of this "evolutionary and genetic adaptation" to survive.
But it has not happened.
Even the animals, after millions of years, have not been able to evolve to overcome the largest threat to their physical lives...that of "their prescribed and predestined time to die".
This 'death' is, in itself, a testament to the authority and existence of the 1Creator God.
But man continues to arrogantly rebel against the Will of the 1God...redefining it as his desire for "FREEDOM" to do his own will, to serve and magnify himself.
Why is this so?
Could it be that man embraces the spirit of Eve, who believed these words from the devil... "surely you will not die, for you will be like God"...equal to Him and thus claiming ,as a disobedient servant, "FREEDOM" to define evil to be good and good to be Eve proclaimed when she self righteously declared that the fruit of the forbidden and evil tree were instead "good" for one's wisdom and desires.
As you can see, this spirit of "FREEDOM" 'my will, my rights' can only be from its father, the devil.
But all people still die the physical death.
One day , satan the devil , and his "FREEDOM", will die the eternal spiritual death.
Will you also die this eternal spiritual death because of satan's "FREEDOM" deception?

ALL people and religions say that their 'god' created man with a free will. Isn't this suspicious in itself???

Many say that 'God' created man with a free will. All people and religions say this, with one accord, as you do. Isn't this suspicious in itself that they all agree on and desire this?

Did the 1God ever say to are free (without restraint, judgement, or penalty) to do your own will?

No, He did not.

He did say, however, for man to do HIS Will.

He also said to Adam & Eve that they did not have the "FREEDOM" to take of the FORBIDDEN tree of knowledge of good and evil....and if they disobeyed the consequence would be death.

He said to the nation of Israel "you shall not (are NOT FREE to) worship any other 'gods'.

Lord Jesus said to shall worship only the Lord your 1God and Him ALONE serve in obedience.

Lord Jesus also said...only those that do the Will of His Father are His brothers and sisters.

Lord Jesus said....not my will but Yours be done.

There is a difference between "free will" and the ability to do one's own will.

We all have the 'ability' to do our will...but we are NOT "FREE" to do our own will.....because if this "FREEDOM" were given by the 1God to man, then there would be no judgement on man..since the Lord said you are "FREE" to do as you wish.

Example: people have the ability to drive faster than the speed limit BUT they are NOT FREE to do so....otherwise they would not be penalized with speeding tickets.

This adoration and glorification of "FREE WILL", of this image of "FREEDOM" 'my rights, my religion, my desires' is the deception, the false "light", from the devil...for he rebelliously and disobediently believes in his "FREEDOM" to do his own will, to be as high as the 1God....therefore not to be subject to the 1Creator's Will.

But he cannot escape the Father's Will & Judgement even though that is his core and deepest desire...this "FREEDOM"...and he will one day pay for this DISOBEDIENCE with the end of his existence....and then "FREEDOM" NO MORE, but only obedience and love for the 1Truth and Absolute Good of the 1Creator Father.

Sunday, 29 July 2018

One cannot be saved by one's works...because...

One cannot be saved by one's works...because one's works do not erase the past sins for which the penalty is death.
Death must be paid for these sins.
Lord Jesus paid this obligatory death for those that repent and who through faith, in obedience and love, now do the works of GOOD of the Will of the 1&ONLY Creator testimony of their faith in, obedience to, and love for Him.
But is one saved if they continue to do the works of "FREEDOM"?
This "FREEDOM" proclaims & justifies that it is right and good for each to worship and go to ANY 'god'.
This is against the Will of the 1&ONLY God, Who said to a nation that you shall NOT worship any other words "you are NOT FREE, DO NOT have a given "FREEDOM" to worship any other.
Will "Christians" give up this "FREEDOM" so as to be slaves to the Will of the 1God to only do absolute truth and good?

Monday, 16 July 2018

Why would the nations rebel after 1000 yrs of peace and GOOD?...."FREEDOM"?

Why would the nations rebel after 1000 yrs of peace and GOOD?
"And whenever the 1000 years are finished, Satan will be released from his imprisonment,
And he will go forth to seduce all the nations in the four corners of The Earth: Gog and Magog ( ie. will become enemies of God's people), to gather them to war, those whose number is as the sand of The Sea.
And they went to war upon an open place of The Earth and surrounded the city of the camp of The Holy People and of The Beloved City,
...BUTfire descended from Heaven from God and consumed them.
And their Seducer, The Devil, was cast into The Lake of Fire and Brimstone where The Beast and The False Prophet are, and they shall be tormented day and night for the eternity of eternities."

"...after the 1000 years are finished..." , but what will it be like during those 1000 yrs of King Jesus's ruler ship according to the Will of His Father, the 1God?
...only the 1God's Will will be done...His spirit will be in all mankind.
...This means that man will NOT be "FREE" to do his own will....therefore this means there will be NO "FREEDOM" 'human rights', no 'my rights', no 'my religion', no 'my happiness', no 'my sex lifestyle', etc.
...This also means that there will true peace on earth, each doing GOOD for the other.

Satan was imprisoned during those 1000 yrs...but then he is FREED....and what happens?
...the nations receive satan's seductive way of "FREEDOM"...rebel against and declare their independence from King Jesus....rejecting OBEDIENCE to the Will of His Father, the 1God.
...the nations unite and protest in the name of "FREEDOM" and gather to go to war against King Jesus.

The 1 God allows man to be tested one more time, this time after living according to His Will thru the ruler ship of His Son Jesus.
....and even after the GOOD in those 1000 years, mankind rebelliously and self righteously chooses "FREEDOM" instead of Absolute GOOD of the 1 Creator.
....and fire consumes the rebellious and disobedient nations
....and the lake of fire consumes forever satan and his "FREEDOM"

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Netanyahu worships god of "FREEDOM" for Jewish majority rights

"But the majority have rights too, and the majority rules,” the Israeli prime minister said.
See how Netanyahu and Israel worship the god & image of "FREEDOM".
See the true nature of "FREEDOM"....."FREEDOM" my majority rights" "my religion".
See how "FREEDOM feeds on itself, each on the other.
Law will ‘reveal ugly face of ultranationalist Israel in all its repugnance’, professor says

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Franklin Graham says that VP Pence stands for biblical principles....& "FREEDOM"

Franklin Graham says that VP Pence stands for biblical principles.
Correction, VP Pence stands 1st &foremost for "FREEDOM".
A "FREEDOM" which he gave oath to protect.
A "FREEDOM" which proclaims it is right, a right, for each to worship ANY 'gods'.
.....which is CONTRARY to the core and most clear biblical principle which proclaims that there is ONLY 1God, defined solely by His Son Jesus, and that we are to worship ONLY Him. There is NO principle in the bible which endorses "FREEDOM" for each to worship ANY or other 'gods' of their self justified choosing.
There is however the principle of DISOBEDIENCE, lawlessness, and sin when a nation & government believes in "FREEDOM" to worship other 'gods'....that was the reason for the fall of & punishment on the nation of Israel.
What will VP Pence do when King Jesus returns to forcefully take over ruler ship of the USA and all nations?
....will he (& Franklin) stand up for "FREEDOM" and independence against this alien dictator who will rule ONLY according to the Will of His Father and therefore "FREEDOM" 'my will' 'my democratic (self ruling) rights' will be no more?

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Paul Ryan (a Catholic) proclaims "FREEDOM" to worship "who you want to worship" as a BLESSING....from which 'god'?

Paul Ryan said that "In America—because of freedom of choice— you can do what you want to do, worship who you want to worship, and achieve whatever you set your mind to achieve." And he says that Americans are BLESSED to have this. BLESSED by whom? Did this "blessing" of "FREEDOM" to worship ANY (&other) gods come from the 1God Who said "you shall NOT (are NOT FREE) to worship any other 'gods'? A big contradiction! It is clear that this "FREEDOM" that Paul Ryan worships, that all Americans worship, that all nations worship, that all "religious" worship (incl. 'Pope') is not given by the 1God (Who is solely defined by His Son Jesus,....the same Lord Jesus that said to the devil "you shall worship ONLY the Lord your 1God and Him Alone serve in obedience and do His Will) but is given by the one who is the father of it and who claimed the rights and equality to do his own will ...the devil. Paul Ryan calls the claim 'to do what you want to do, to worship who you want to worship' as "FREEDOM. The 1God, thru Lord Jesus His Son, calls Paul's claim to be what it really is...that of DISOBEDIENCE, lawlessness, missing the mark, sin. And judgement is very soon...Lord Jesus will return to rule mankind as the 1KING according ONLY to the Will of His Father, the 1God,...and therefore man's (the devil's) "FREEDOM" will be NO MORE.

Monday, 2 July 2018

POTUS Obama, but Americans prefer a story of "FREEDOM" 'my interests'.

The majority, if not all, Americans prefer 1st and formost a story of "FREEDOM" 'my will' 'my rights' 'my happiness'.
And this "FREEDOM" takes away hope, creates division and anger because each claims "FREEDOM" for 'their rights' for 'their good' for 'their interests'. a prophet/lamb of "FREEDOM". a dragon of "FREEDOM".
Both serve this SAME Woman of "FREEDOM".

'Pope' Francis says to fear sin. But how about fearing "FREEDOM" 'my will'.

'Pope' Francis says to fear sin.
What is sin?
...the Hebrew word for sin means 'missing the mark, error'.
...the 1God also said to Cain "if you do good will you not be accepted?" and then He said "but if you do not do good, then sin lies at the door and its desire is for you".
Therefore, to fear sin is to fear the error of 'not doing good'.
This 'good' is defined ONLY by the 1Creator Who gave us existence and existence to space + universe to serve our existence.
But man has 'missed the mark' by disobediently rejecting to do the 'Good' of the 1Creator...instead rebelliously proclaiming "FREEDOM" to redefine the Creator's Good to be evil and evil to be 'his own good'.
Therefore, this "FREEDOM" is 'missing the mark' of True Good.
Therefore this "FREEDOM" is sin.
Therefore, fear this "FREEDOM".

Sunday, 1 July 2018

F. Graham asks ..."Are you a new creation?". Does this new creation still worship "FREEDOM"?

Franklin asks ..."Are you a new creation?".
Lord Jesus said to repent and do His Father's Will.
Do people really repent?
Do they do (obediently serve) the Will of the 1 & ONLY Creator?
But people (& "Christians") claim "FREEDOM" to do / serve 'their own will'.
But people (& "Christians") proclaim the "FREEDOM" to worship ANY & other 'gods' to be right, a right, and to be good in their own eyes.
It is clear that many who say that they are in Christ, are really first and foremost in "FREEDOM".
(See the messages to the 7 churches. See Peter's warning not to receive those that proclaim the promise of "FREEDOM".)
You are not a new creation if you do not decry "FREEDOM" (which is really disobedience and rebellion against the Will of the 1God).
You are a new creation when you serve, as a bondman, ONLY the Will of the 1God.