Monday, 30 July 2018

ALL people will die the prescribed physical death. Therefore the 1God is real.

People (even so called "Christians") do not really believe nor really accept that the 1God exists...because they do not do His Will...instead they believe in and live by "FREEDOM" to do their own will, own rights, own religions, own sex lifestyles, etc.
Strange...and yet each will suffer physical death.
Each will die before or by the age of 120.
The 1God did condemn all mankind to die the physical return to the dust of the earth.
Even, after thousands of years of "evolution" and "survival genetic adaptation", man still dies by the age of 120.
One would think and expect, as per science, that the lifespan would increase because of this "evolutionary and genetic adaptation" to survive.
But it has not happened.
Even the animals, after millions of years, have not been able to evolve to overcome the largest threat to their physical lives...that of "their prescribed and predestined time to die".
This 'death' is, in itself, a testament to the authority and existence of the 1Creator God.
But man continues to arrogantly rebel against the Will of the 1God...redefining it as his desire for "FREEDOM" to do his own will, to serve and magnify himself.
Why is this so?
Could it be that man embraces the spirit of Eve, who believed these words from the devil... "surely you will not die, for you will be like God"...equal to Him and thus claiming ,as a disobedient servant, "FREEDOM" to define evil to be good and good to be Eve proclaimed when she self righteously declared that the fruit of the forbidden and evil tree were instead "good" for one's wisdom and desires.
As you can see, this spirit of "FREEDOM" 'my will, my rights' can only be from its father, the devil.
But all people still die the physical death.
One day , satan the devil , and his "FREEDOM", will die the eternal spiritual death.
Will you also die this eternal spiritual death because of satan's "FREEDOM" deception?


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