ALL people and religions say that their 'god' created man with a free will. Isn't this suspicious in itself???
Many say that 'God' created man with a free will. All people and religions say this, with one accord, as you do. Isn't this suspicious in itself that they all agree on and desire this?
Did the 1God ever say to are free (without restraint, judgement, or penalty) to do your own will?
No, He did not.
He did say, however, for man to do HIS Will.
He also said to Adam & Eve that they did not have the "FREEDOM" to take of the FORBIDDEN tree of knowledge of good and evil....and if they disobeyed the consequence would be death.
He said to the nation of Israel "you shall not (are NOT FREE to) worship any other 'gods'.
Lord Jesus said to shall worship only the Lord your 1God and Him ALONE serve in obedience.
Lord Jesus also said...only those that do the Will of His Father are His brothers and sisters.
Lord Jesus said....not my will but Yours be done.
There is a difference between "free will" and the ability to do one's own will.
We all have the 'ability' to do our will...but we are NOT "FREE" to do our own will.....because if this "FREEDOM" were given by the 1God to man, then there would be no judgement on man..since the Lord said you are "FREE" to do as you wish.
Example: people have the ability to drive faster than the speed limit BUT they are NOT FREE to do so....otherwise they would not be penalized with speeding tickets.
This adoration and glorification of "FREE WILL", of this image of "FREEDOM" 'my rights, my religion, my desires' is the deception, the false "light", from the devil...for he rebelliously and disobediently believes in his "FREEDOM" to do his own will, to be as high as the 1God....therefore not to be subject to the 1Creator's Will.
But he cannot escape the Father's Will & Judgement even though that is his core and deepest desire...this "FREEDOM"...and he will one day pay for this DISOBEDIENCE with the end of his existence....and then "FREEDOM" NO MORE, but only obedience and love for the 1Truth and Absolute Good of the 1Creator Father.
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