Why would the nations rebel after 1000 yrs of peace and GOOD?...."FREEDOM"?
Why would the nations rebel after 1000 yrs of peace and GOOD?
"And whenever the 1000 years are finished, Satan will be released from his imprisonment,
And he will go forth to seduce all the nations in the four corners of The Earth: Gog and Magog ( ie. will become enemies of God's people), to gather them to war, those whose number is as the sand of The Sea.
And they went to war upon an open place of The Earth and surrounded the city of the camp of The Holy People and of The Beloved City,
...BUTfire descended from Heaven from God and consumed them.
And their Seducer, The Devil, was cast into The Lake of Fire and Brimstone where The Beast and The False Prophet are, and they shall be tormented day and night for the eternity of eternities."
"...after the 1000 years are finished..." , but what will it be like during those 1000 yrs of King Jesus's ruler ship according to the Will of His Father, the 1God?
...only the 1God's Will will be done...His spirit will be in all mankind.
...This means that man will NOT be "FREE" to do his own will....therefore this means there will be NO "FREEDOM" 'human rights', no 'my rights', no 'my religion', no 'my happiness', no 'my sex lifestyle', etc.
...This also means that there will true peace on earth, each doing GOOD for the other.
Satan was imprisoned during those 1000 yrs...but then he is FREED....and what happens?
...the nations receive satan's seductive way of "FREEDOM"...rebel against and declare their independence from King Jesus....rejecting OBEDIENCE to the Will of His Father, the 1God.
...the nations unite and protest in the name of "FREEDOM" and gather to go to war against King Jesus.
The 1 God allows man to be tested one more time, this time after living according to His Will thru the ruler ship of His Son Jesus.
....and even after the GOOD in those 1000 years, mankind rebelliously and self righteously chooses "FREEDOM" instead of Absolute GOOD of the 1 Creator.
....and fire consumes the rebellious and disobedient nations
....and the lake of fire consumes forever satan and his "FREEDOM"
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