Sunday, 22 September 2013


Saturday, 21 September 2013

Born serve in obedience the Will of the One deny "self-freedom"

To be born become a new being with a new spirit….to live according to the Way of Christ….to live in obedience to the Will of the One Creator God.

The old spirit is the spirit that does not live in obedience to the Will of the One God.

This is the old spirit that Eve and Adam embraced when they took of the tree of self-knowledge of ‘good and evil”....the tree that the One God commanded Adam and Eve NOT to take from, under punishment of death….the tree to which he did not give freedom of access.

The old spirit is then the spirit that disobeyed the Will of the One Father….it is the spirit that instead embraced its self-proclaimed freedom, to be free from the Father's Will so as to be free to live according to its own will, to establish and justify what is ‘good and evil’ in its own eyes.

This old spirit is worshipped today as the spirit of freedom, freedom of rights, freedom of all religions, etc…..a spirit that believes that it will not die.

The same spirit that the leader of the free world has blasphemously declared to be the will of ‘god’ be the “light”.
...and all nations, religions, and people embrace the love for self-rule, self-freedom, self-will….they embrace and worship the desire to serve and magnify the self (XES)....they willingly wear this mark on their foreheads.

This is the ‘god of fortresses’  and the ‘image that speaks’ that they glorify.

To be born again….is not to love one’s “freedom” BUT  to serve in obedience the Will of the One God whose Son is Jesus the Anointed One...and His Will is to love Only Him and to love your neighbor in the righteousness of the Father.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Many confess that the will of God is freedom...yesterday, today, tomorrow....a LIE

It is written that the One Creator God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Today, President Obama confesses that the will of 'god' is freedom... that it is right to be free to worship any god, any religion.

Today, Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) also confesses that freedom of all religions is good and right...a right.

Today, all 'Christians' embrace and defend their belief in freedom of their religion and rights.
Today, all Muslims embrace and defend their belief in freedom of their religion and rights.
Today, Israel and all Jews embrace and defend their belief in freedom of their religion and rights.
Today, all other "religious" embrace and defend their belief in freedom of their 'gods' and rights.
Today, atheists embrace and defend their belief in freedom of their rights.

BUT the One Creator God, Yehowah Elohim, said yesterday that you shall NOT worship any other 'god'.
....and He says the same today and will say the same tomorrow.

But man disobeys this....and instead claims his "freedom" to live according to his own establish and justify what is "right" in his own serve and magnify oneself (XES).

It is also written that it is ONLY Christ that will rule as the One King according to and in obedience to the Will of the One God...and not according to the "freedom will" of man.

The return of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is soon.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

"Pope" confesses God created man as being "free"....this is a LIE

ref.: "Pope Francis: Church can't 'interfere' with gays" Sep 19,2013

By Eric Marrapodi and Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editors

Jorge Bergoglio ("Pope Francis") stated in the above article "...but God in creation has set us free...".

THIS IS A LIE...for it is clearly written in the Creator's Word that He commanded Adam and Eve NOT to take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In other words. He forbid them , or in other terms, He did NOT give them the freedom to take of this tree for He said that their disobedience to this commandment would result in the judgement and consequence of their death.

It is Eve that "saw" (established and justified) that this tree was instead good in her eyes....she , with Adam, disobeyed the commandment of the One God and established this act as "freedom" against the Will of the Creator and confessed it to be their "freedom" for their desires to establish and justify "their rights".

A servant cannot be free unless it is given by his master....whereas President Obama has declared that "freedom is not given" implying that it must be taken. This "taken" freedom is not true freedom for the servant is still subject to the authority of, and consequentially, the punishment by the master.

This love for this self-declared "freedom" is the mark on one's forehead that all receive willingly and it is the image that man worships. It is the "god of fortresses" that all follow, which confesses that it is right to be free to worship any 'god' serve and magnify oneself (the XES).

Buy it is Only Christ, Son of the One God, that will rule according to and in obedience to the Will of the Creator Father and NOT according to man's love for his "freedom will".

Man will weep and clench his teeth in anger when his self-proclaimed "freedom" will be no more.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Ref.: "What makes Jerusalem so sacred?"....NOT Freedom of Religions

Ref.: "What makes Jerusalem so sacred?" (Richard Hect, CNN Belief, Sept. 14,2013) of of the One God....people of peace.....people of the One to be RULED by the One King and Son of the One God...Jesus The Anointed One....

BUT Jerusalem now says that it is RIGHT to be free to worship any 'god' in Jerusalem.....Israel confesses that it has no one official religion, that Israel believes in the freedom of ALL religions , ALL 'gods' in the city of Jerusalem.

But it is Only Christ that will rule according to the One Will of the Creator God and NOT according to the "freedom will" of man, a freedom which confesses and 'works' that it is right to be free to worship any 'god'.

Man will weep and clench his teeth in anger when his first love of freedom will be no more.

His return is soon.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Hypocrites are "fasting and praying" for peace in Syria.

Ref.: "Thousands fasting and praying for peace in Syria"..By Daniel BurkeCNN Belief Blog Co-Editor, Sept. 7.2013.

As per article..."According to Catholic teaching, people who are fasting are allowed one full meal and two smaller meals....".

A compromised "fast" / a partial fast ...not a fast at all /   for the priority concern is still given to one's own need (stomach).

This is a reflection of the true belief of all "religious" for their true belief is seen in how one lives his life everyday.

Jorge Bergoglio is praying for peace within the context of self interest...within the belief of freedom of self-rights....for he has publicly confessed, and so have his predecessors, that it is right to be free to worship any religion, any god.
Jorge Bergoglio follows the way of Light that President Obama has confessed in Jerusalem to be the will of his god...FREEDOM.
Jorge Bergoglio worships this "image that speaks" and wears its mark on his forehead.

It is written that man prays and asks...but does not receive...for he asks amiss.....for he asks for his self-will, for his self-righteousness.....for what he establishes and justifies to be good and evil in his own eyes.

The One and Only Creator God gave what was required...He gave His Son.....AND now it is up to man to repent and serve, in obedience as a bondman,  the Will of the One Who gave us Existence and Who can give Eternal Existence......for Christ is returning to RULE as the One King according to the Will of the Creator God and NOT according to man's love for his "freedom will".

Correction Re.:..."Pope's Mass: We are God's children. It's written in our ID" (Ref. Rome

"Pope's Mass: We are God's children. It's written in our ID!" per Jorge Bergoglio...."God has reconciled the world to Himself in Christ, entrusting to us the word of reconciliation and the grace of bearing this word of reconciliation onward, forcefully, with the liberty of children. We are saved in Jesus Christ! And no one can take from us this ‘identity card.’ This is how I identify myself: as a child of God! What a beautiful identity! Civil status: we are free! Amen.”

CORRECTION, Mr. Bergoglio....The One and Only Creator God has reconciled to Himself ONLY THOSE THAT REPENT and overcome from their way of self interest, self-will, self-freedom....for it is written and was spoken by Christ, Son of the One God, that one is to worship Only the One Lord God and Him Alone, (His Will Alone) to SERVE in obedience.

You redefine and confess Christ to be the way of "freedom"....civil status of being free. But Christ said that He served the Will of the One God and not His own will.....this is obedience... for a servant is not free to do his own will but is under authority of his master and king to serve his lord's will.

You confess a freedom that declares that it is RIGHT to be free to serve one's own will...freedom of self-rights and self-religion....for you also have confessed that it is right to be free to worship any religion, any god.

Christ serves, died for, and was resurrected by the One and Only Creator God...and it is Only Christ that will rule as the One King according to the Will of the One Father and not according to the "freedom will" of man.

Monday, 2 September 2013

ref.: "Pope: Never again war!" (CNN Belief Blog).....fasting and prayer to which 'god'???

Fasting and prayer to which 'god'?
...since Jorge Bergoglio and the Roman church of universal values believes in the freedom of all religions....since he believes that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship any 'god'.
BUT Christ, Son of the Only God, said that one is to worship the One Lord Creator and Him Alone to serve.
Soon, Christ will rule as the One King according to the Will of One God and NOT according to man's "freedom will", the freedom which President Obama has confessed to be the 'Light' and the will of his god and the god of all "religions", the "god of fortresses".

ref: Pope: 'Never again war!'...By Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editor

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Ref:. “Do Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God? Opinion by Jeffrey Weiss, Special to CNN (Sept.1,2013)

YES... the Christians, the Muslims and Jews do worship the same 'god'.

He is ALSO the same 'god' that the people of all the other 'religions' ( including the atheists) also worship.

I know who he is....Do you know who he is?

A person's true belief , true god, is seen in the way that one lives his life...every day.

What do ALL people of all "religions" desire, defend, fight for, and glorify?
.....the GOD OF FREEDOM be free to do one's own be free to do one's own rights, one's own religion, one's own lifestyle, one's own happiness

This FREEDOM dictates that it is right to be free to serve and magnify 'oneself' (the XES)
...this god declares that each has the equal right to establish for oneself what is right.

This is the image that ALL glorify...this is the 'god of fortresses'.

This is the 'LIGHT' that President Obama has declared and confessed in Jerusalem to be the will of his 'god'....the 'god' that he said is common to the 3 main "religions".
...and this is the "mark" that all embrace on their foreheads or on their hands.

BUT....NOTE...THAT THIS 'FREEDOM' god ALSO dictates that it is RIGHT to be free to worship ANY god...blasphemously denying the pre-eminence of the One Creator who gave and gives existence...whose identity is defined by His Son Jesus Christ.

Christ said that one is to worship Only the One Creator Father and His Will Alone to serve.
...and this One God said that man will not worship any other 'god' for there is none other.

Soon, Christ, the Son of the One Creator, will return to RULE the earth and man according Only to the Will of the Yahweh Elohim and not according to the "freedom god" that man serves as his first love.