"Pope" confesses God created man as being "free"....this is a LIE
ref.: "Pope Francis: Church can't 'interfere' with gays" Sep 19,2013
By Eric Marrapodi and Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog Co-EditorsJorge Bergoglio ("Pope Francis") stated in the above article "...but God in creation has set us free...".
THIS IS A LIE...for it is clearly written in the Creator's Word that He commanded Adam and Eve NOT to take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In other words. He forbid them , or in other terms, He did NOT give them the freedom to take of this tree for He said that their disobedience to this commandment would result in the judgement and consequence of their death.
It is Eve that "saw" (established and justified) that this tree was instead good in her eyes....she , with Adam, disobeyed the commandment of the One God and established this act as "freedom" against the Will of the Creator and confessed it to be their "freedom" for their desires to establish and justify "their rights".
A servant cannot be free unless it is given by his master....whereas President Obama has declared that "freedom is not given" implying that it must be taken. This "taken" freedom is not true freedom for the servant is still subject to the authority of, and consequentially, the punishment by the master.
This love for this self-declared "freedom" is the mark on one's forehead that all receive willingly and it is the image that man worships. It is the "god of fortresses" that all follow, which confesses that it is right to be free to worship any 'god'...to serve and magnify oneself (the XES).
Buy it is Only Christ, Son of the One God, that will rule according to and in obedience to the Will of the Creator Father and NOT according to man's love for his "freedom will".
Man will weep and clench his teeth in anger when his self-proclaimed "freedom" will be no more.
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