Sunday, 1 September 2013

Ref:. “Do Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God? Opinion by Jeffrey Weiss, Special to CNN (Sept.1,2013)

YES... the Christians, the Muslims and Jews do worship the same 'god'.

He is ALSO the same 'god' that the people of all the other 'religions' ( including the atheists) also worship.

I know who he is....Do you know who he is?

A person's true belief , true god, is seen in the way that one lives his life...every day.

What do ALL people of all "religions" desire, defend, fight for, and glorify?
.....the GOD OF FREEDOM be free to do one's own be free to do one's own rights, one's own religion, one's own lifestyle, one's own happiness

This FREEDOM dictates that it is right to be free to serve and magnify 'oneself' (the XES)
...this god declares that each has the equal right to establish for oneself what is right.

This is the image that ALL glorify...this is the 'god of fortresses'.

This is the 'LIGHT' that President Obama has declared and confessed in Jerusalem to be the will of his 'god'....the 'god' that he said is common to the 3 main "religions".
...and this is the "mark" that all embrace on their foreheads or on their hands.

BUT....NOTE...THAT THIS 'FREEDOM' god ALSO dictates that it is RIGHT to be free to worship ANY god...blasphemously denying the pre-eminence of the One Creator who gave and gives existence...whose identity is defined by His Son Jesus Christ.

Christ said that one is to worship Only the One Creator Father and His Will Alone to serve.
...and this One God said that man will not worship any other 'god' for there is none other.

Soon, Christ, the Son of the One Creator, will return to RULE the earth and man according Only to the Will of the Yahweh Elohim and not according to the "freedom god" that man serves as his first love.


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