Saturday, 7 September 2013

Hypocrites are "fasting and praying" for peace in Syria.

Ref.: "Thousands fasting and praying for peace in Syria"..By Daniel BurkeCNN Belief Blog Co-Editor, Sept. 7.2013.

As per article..."According to Catholic teaching, people who are fasting are allowed one full meal and two smaller meals....".

A compromised "fast" / a partial fast ...not a fast at all /   for the priority concern is still given to one's own need (stomach).

This is a reflection of the true belief of all "religious" for their true belief is seen in how one lives his life everyday.

Jorge Bergoglio is praying for peace within the context of self interest...within the belief of freedom of self-rights....for he has publicly confessed, and so have his predecessors, that it is right to be free to worship any religion, any god.
Jorge Bergoglio follows the way of Light that President Obama has confessed in Jerusalem to be the will of his god...FREEDOM.
Jorge Bergoglio worships this "image that speaks" and wears its mark on his forehead.

It is written that man prays and asks...but does not receive...for he asks amiss.....for he asks for his self-will, for his self-righteousness.....for what he establishes and justifies to be good and evil in his own eyes.

The One and Only Creator God gave what was required...He gave His Son.....AND now it is up to man to repent and serve, in obedience as a bondman,  the Will of the One Who gave us Existence and Who can give Eternal Existence......for Christ is returning to RULE as the One King according to the Will of the Creator God and NOT according to man's love for his "freedom will".


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