Thursday, 31 May 2018

Mr. MacArthur...For Lucifer has said in his heart: ...I will (my will - my right to )...

Mr MacArthur...I heard your radio message today (May 31).
Why does one rebel and disobey His Master?
For you, Lucifer, have said in your heart:
...I will (my will - my right to )... ascend into heaven ( to the top)
...I will (my will - my right to)... exalt my throne (ruler ship) above the stars of God
...I will (my will - my right to)... sit also upon the mount of the congregation
...I will (my will - my right to)... ascend above the heights of the clouds (the glory of God)
...I will (my will - my right to)... be like the most High.
(to be equal to God...and if equal to then also not subject to God’s Will)
The 1God calls this spirit to be rebellion, disobedience, iniquity.
What did Satan, the rebellious angel/servant, call this?....FREEDOM “I will”.
See how significant it was when Lord Jesus said, as a good servant, to His Father...“not my will, but yours be done”.
Satan also propagated this spirit of FREEDOM ….and at least ⅓ of the angels embraced this FREEDOM to be 'good'….even though it is DISOBEDIENCE in the Creator’s eyes.
See how powerful this FREEDOM spirit is.
No wonder that all peoples, nations, religions worship this FREEDOM...each for their will, for their human rights.
...all desire & live by this a MARK on their foreheads and hands.
The Lord Jesus did say that satan would present (propagate) himself as a beautiful “light” and that his ministers would be received because of this FREEDOM “light”.
And today, many ministers, including yourself, speak of God...while embracing the spirit of FREEDOM “my rights, my religion”.
Note that very soon Lord Jesus will return to rule earth as the1KING according ONLY to His Father’s Will….therefore FREEDOM “I will” will be no more...but sealed in the pit. the test, the tribulation fire.
...will it consume you because of your love for it...or will you come out of it and be purified by it?

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Pope Francis worships the 'god of FREEDOM' in his mass.

Pope Francis worships the 'god of FREEDOM' in his mass. (Tuesday May 29 '18)

“In moments of trials and tribulations, we always are tempted to look back, to look at the worldly patterns of behaviour, at the patterns that we had before setting out the path towards salvation: without freedom. And without freedom one cannot be holy. Freedom is the condition for moving forward while looking at the light ahead of us. Do not adopt the worldly patterns of behaviour, walk forward, looking at the light that is the promise, in hope; this is the promise like the people of God in the desert: when they looked forward everything went fine; when they were nostalgic because they could no longer eat the good things they formerly had, they made mistakes and forgot that they had no freedom back there.”

He said:
...that without freedom one cannot be holy
...that Freedom is the condition for moving forward, that it is the light, that it is the promise, that it is the hope

Contradiction& hypocrisy:
...The 'Pope' said that the Israelites, in the desert, were nostalgic because they could no longer eat the good things they formerly had, they made mistakes and forgot that they had no freedom back there.”

But they had FREEDOM to eat what they wanted in Egypt.  In the dessert , with God, they did not have the FREEDOM to eat what they wanted....God gave them only which they complained about and rebelled against God.

In Egypt they had the "FREEDOM" to worship any gods. In the desert, they were commanded to worship ONLY the which they rebelled... and quickly claimed this same FREEDOM to worship any gods, ie the golden calf.

In Egypt the Israelites lived as servants for over 400 years. 

Why was it so?
...because they forgot (rejected) the 1True God and went after the FREEDOM to worship any gods.

Man calls this FREEDOM.
But the 1God calls this DISOBEDIENCE and missing the mark (sin).

Does man have the "right" to worship any other gods?

Did the 1God say to man that he has the "right" to worship any other so called gods besides Him? Did He give man the "right" to worship any other?

Did Lord Jesus teach and say that His disciples, the Jews, the gentiles, mankind had the "right" to worship any other gods?

Is D.Trump referring to Mexico or to one of his sexual conquests?

Is D.Trump referring to Mexico or to one of his sexual conquests?
POTUS Trump said these words about Mexico..."They're going to pay for the wall and they're going to enjoy it, OK? They're going to enjoy it....".
In other words it sounds like "she is going to put out and she is going to enjoy it". It sounds like a sexual aggressor speaking about one of his sexual conquests, perhaps a young (maybe under aged) woman who is resisting his advances & assault.
POTUS Trump is embracing FREEDOM... to threaten another for his interests and desires.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

"HAPPY Memorial Day"...D. Trump is HAPPY. Why is he HAPPY?

D. Trump is HAPPY...."HAPPY Memorial Day"... Why is he HAPPY?
POTUS Trump proclaimed a "Happy" Memorial Day. 
Could it be that he described it as a "Happy" day because... HE IS HAPPY... that others fought and died for FREEDOM so that he could be FREE to pursue his desires & happiness (& fornication..while evading STD bullets)? ....and somehow get draft dodging deferments so that he would be FREE not to endanger his life & happiness for the FREEDOM for his fellow American citizens?
See, the true nature of FREEDOM. serve and magnify oneself.

Monday, 28 May 2018

POTUS Trump & Memorial Day FREEDOM to serve & magnify himself.

POTUS Trump Memorial Day the name of FREEDOM "my will" "my rights" "my self-interests" as to serve and magnify oneself. Americans died for this FREEDOM so that D. Trump can be free to do his way, his 5 draft dodging deferments, and to say what he just said in his tweet. SEE how FREEDOM feeds on itself, each on the other. POTUS the dragon of FREEDOM POTUS a lamb/prophet of FREEDOM. Ironically, all have the MARK of this FREEDOM on their foreheads and hands. Judgement very soon.

Ireland voted YES for abortion FREEDOM.

See, the Irish are truly Catholic.
See, the Irish truly follow the teaching and example of 'Pope Francis'.
....see how they worship and live by the spirit of FREEDOM "my rights" "my religion" "my sexual lifestyle" "my fornication" "my abortion".
See, how they are willing to offer & sacrifice their children into the fire of FREEDOM.
Note that the vast majority of abortions are not done for medical/health reason BUT for personal freedom.
And 'Pope Francis' has defined & declared that this FREEDOM "my rights" is good.

Sunday, 27 May 2018

True love is giving freedom to explore. Is it ????

A person said to me that true love is giving freedom to explore. Does a father love his daughter if he tells her 'you are free to explore' or instead if he tells her 'you are not free to explore' because certain explorations will be dangerous for the daughter. Does a parent tell their small child that they are free to explore all the cabinets or does the parent , instead, say you are not free to explore all the cabinets because some hide dangerous chemicals?
In their definition of love ,they are willing to endanger the well being of a person. Is this GOOD? No. They seem to give priority to FREEDOM instead to GOOD.
How about when a teenage daughter CLAIMS & TAKES FREEDOM to explore, telling a parent it is my right saying "no, don't tell me what to do", in a situation where the parents know that she will get hurt. Is this love of the daughter for the parents?
What is the definition of "freedom"?...the self claimed right & power to think, speak, and act without restraint for one's will, desires, self-rights.
BUT Jesus taught a message of RESTRAINT. He said to repent and to follow ONLY Him, to serve ONLY the Will of His Father. People defend & justify this "FREEDOM" in the same way that Eve justified her disobedience in taking of the forbidden tree...claiming and redefining that it was instead good for one's wisdom and desires....redefining 'freedom' to be good and obedience to be evil. Jesus did say that many will enter the wide gate and that few will enter the narrow gate. Is the wide gate 'freedom' and the narrow gate 'obedience'? Jesus also said that if you obey the Father then you love Him, and that if you love Him then you obey Him.

Saturday, 26 May 2018

"Thy Kingdom come..."...BUT with FREEDOM

.Archbishop Welby proclaimed "Thy Kingdom come"....YES, amen & hallelujah..."Thy (the One God's) Kingdom come...Thy (the One God's) Will be done..."
But the Queen and Prince Charles both believe in FREEDOM “own will”, in a kingdom where each to worship any "god", any "religion" ...which Archbishop Welby fully agrees with and supports..
Prince Charles has said in the past that the Queen's title of 'Defender of the Faith' should be changed to 'Defender of the Faiths". Instead of the singular "the Faith", that it should instead be the plural "the Faiths"....since he believes in FREEDOM of all religions.
But the Queen has already been unfaithful to her oath to serve ONLY Lord Jesus, Son of the One God, by proclaiming that it is right ,a right, and good for each to worship ANY religious gods in the name and glorification of FREEDOM.
Take note, that Lord Jesus said to worship ONLY the Lord your Creator God and Him ALONE to serve in obedience and love.
The Creator God has forbidden for any to worship any other "gods , religions" other words mankind is NOT FREE, does not have FREEDOM, to worship any other.
Therefore, this FREEDOM is really DISOBEDIENCE & rebellion.
It is written that all will bow to King Jesus and to the Will of His Father the 1God....therefore NONE will bow to FREEDOM "my rights, my religion".

In the name of FREEDOM, NFL forbids FREEDOM to 'kneel-protest'.

In the name of FREEDOM are they denying FREEDOM? To stand for 'Trump' FREEDOM....vs...To kneel for 'Black' FREEDOM. FREEDOM: to claim the self right & power to think, speak, or act for one's desires, self-rights, religions, sexual as to do one's own will serve and magnify oneself. See how this "FREEDOM" feeds on itself, each on the other. And yet, both worship this same FREEDOM a light. See, both have the mark of this FREEDOM beast on their foreheads and hands.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Was Trump embracing his nuclear FREEDOM... "so massive and powerful"?

POTUS Trump said in his letter ..."You talk about nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used."
Trump wanted NK to denuclearize. Ironically, it is very clear in his statement that he does not believe in USA denuclearization.
POTUS Trump believes in USA FREEDOM & right to be nuclear ("so massive and powerful") for its defense.
However, Kim Jung Un also claims same FREEDOM for NK right to be nuclear for its defense.

On Thursday, President Donald Trump sent a letter to North Korea's Kim Jong Un canceling the summit between the two leaders.

Without physical ‘space’, there can be no physical existence.

Space, universe, galaxies, stars, planets, earth.
Without ‘space’, there can be no physical existence.
Without ‘space’ there would no physical existence because a physical thing, whether matter or energy, requires a space to exist in.
Therefore this ‘space’ had to exist before or come into existence at the same time as the physical things.
Since this ‘space’ contains physical things, it must then also be a physical thing.
‘Space’ in itself is empty...void of any matter or energy.
Therefore, ‘space’ itself cannot create anything, since there is nothing in it.
Since there is physical matter and energy in ‘space’, these physical things came into existence either at the same time or after physical ‘space’ came into being.
Since this ‘space’ is physical it cannot be infinite in size or eternal in time because all physical entities have a beginning and an end.
Our Milky Way galaxy is estimated to be 100 thousand light years in diameter. The observable universe is estimated to be 90 billion light years in diameter.
But these distances are uncertain since no one has actually technically seen the edge of the Milky Way galaxy or the edge of the universe (which contains millions of galaxies).
How big is ‘space’ then?
Some say infinite. But this is not possible since ‘space’ is a physical entity and environment.
How big is ‘space’ then?
It is at least as big as the universe which is contained within it.
Is this ‘space’ bigger than the universe?
No one can tell, since no one has technically seen or been to the edge of the universe (90 BILLION light year trip / i.e travelling at speed of light for 45 BILLION years going there and then 45 BILLION years coming back...even the sci-fi Star Trek Enterprise hasn't been there).
Therefore, this physical ‘space’ may be only as big as the physical universe.
What is beyond this ‘space’ then?
The Creator,
….He Who give existence to all that exists.
….He Who is the beginning and the end.
….He Who has always been, is, and will be. He Who is eternal and infinite.
….He Who is Good.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Jews believe Jewish Temple belongs on Temple about Jesus?

The Jews believe that the Jewish Temple belongs on the Temple Mount ...because they do not believe that Muslim/Allah religion belongs there.
The Jews believe that the Jewish Temple belongs on Temple Mount ...because they also do not believe that Christ, the Son of God, belongs there.
Will the Jews agree to leave the "Christian Jesus" OUTSIDE the Temple Mount in the Church of the Sepulchre?
The Jews reject Allah...they also reject Jesus as the Son of the 1God.

Monday, 21 May 2018

'Pope' & homosexuality..."Who am I to judge"... if not evil... then his judgement must be it is 'good'?

It seems that 'Pope Francis' said to a gay man..."that you are gay does not matter. God made you like this and loves you like this and I don’t care. The pope loves you like this. You have to be happy with who you are,". It is clear that the "Pope" worships 1st and foremost FREEDOM for each to live their own way, FREEDOM for self serve the 'god of fortresses' FREEDOM. 
What is an evil servant?
...One which rebels against his Master.
What does the Master define this rebellion to be?
What does the evil servant define this rebellion to be?
...FREEDOM to serve and magnify oneself.

The 'Pope' once said regarding homosexuality..."Who am I to judge"... to say that it is evil.
If he does not say that it is a perversion and evil.....then he is saying instead, he is judging instead in the name of FREEDOM human rights, that it is acceptable and good.
(Romans)"...Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools. and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done."

Why are some people homosexual?
Many say that they are born this way.
What does God say about why they are so?
...Although they claimed to be wise (in the spirit of FREEDOM to claim the right to define good and evil for their self desires) , they became fools. and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being...Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.They exchanged the truth about God for a lie (of FREEDOM), and worshiped and served created things ( themselves) rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed, in the name of FREEDOM for their rights, with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error (see the judgement by the 1God).
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done." (Romans 1)

Therefore, because of their desire to worship and serve oneself , or in modern words for FREEDOM “my way”... the 1 God gave them over: be degraded . be shamed be penalized a depraved mind

And even in light of these curses actually affecting them, they do not acknowledge the 1God nor repent of their disobedience….instead arrogantly and defiantly proclaiming it to be FREEDOM for their way and their self justified “rights”.

An evil servant? Is it disobedience or freedom?

What is an evil servant?
...One which rebels against his Master.
What does the Master define this rebellion to be?
What does the evil servant define this rebellion to be?
...FREEDOM to serve and magnify oneself.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Mr David Jeremiah and the 2nd Coming Of Lord Jesus

Mr Jeremiah
Friday, May 18, I heard your message on the ‘Second Coming of Christ’.
It is true that Lord Jesus will return to conquer and rule earth.
This is the ‘good news’ (bible) of His coming Kingdom on earth.
Amen and Hallelujah!!!
That He will rule as the 1&ONLY King, according to the Will of His Father the 1God...and that He will speak His Father’s Will as a sharp sword...ruling with a rod of iron in his absolute sovereignty...and all mankind will bow to Him.
It is true, however, that the armies of mankind will gather to war against His rulership...perhaps claiming Him to be an invading dictator.
But why, if the Lord Jesus represents the Good and Truth of the 1Creator God, would mankind and satan rebel against Him & His total rulership?
Is it not because….
If the 1God’s Will is to define & dictate righteousness, to define and apply absolute Good, and rule earth….that means that man will no longer have FREEDOM (self-rule of, for, by the people) to rule according to his own will, his own rights, his own religions, his own happiness desires, his own self righteous speech, his own sexual lifestyles?
The 1God calls man’s resistance against His Will and His rulership as ‘rebellion and disobedience’.
But man and satan call this resistance….FREEDOM & self-righteousness.
You do not decry this FREEDOM because it is your 1st love….for you have redefined and justified this rebellious evil to be instead good for “your rights, religion, desires, wisdom”...for each to serve and magnify oneself….believing, as the devil said to Eve, that surely you (your FREEDOM) will not die.
But as it is written, the Lord Jesus will return to rule mankind as the 1King according to the Will of His Father, the 1God,....and therefore FREEDOM NO MORE but ONLY Truth and Good.
Mr. Jeremiah, will you be in man’s army to fight for this FREEDOM....or will you give up your FREEDOM and bow and serve in obedience to the Will of the 1King?
You should explain this to your listeners and ask them the same question. (they may decide to stone you)
If you do not reject the spirit of FREEDOM...then you cannot bow in obedience and submission to the Will of the 1God.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

FREEDOM is your 'god'....POTUS Trump's Jerusalem Embassy message to Israel.

FREEDOM is your 'god'....POTUS Trump's Jerusalem Embassy message to Israel.

FREEDOM is your 'god'....POTUS Trump's Ramadan message to USA Muslims.

POTUS Trump, Leader of the FREEDOM World,  said in a statement about Ramadan...“In the United States, we are all blessed to live under a Constitution that fosters religious liberty and respects religious practice. Our Constitution ensures Muslims can observe Ramadan in accordance with the dictates of conscience and unimpeded by government,”

In other words, his message is that….In the USA, people (including Muslims) are blessed by & live under the ‘god of fortresses’ FREEDOM, which proclaims it right, and a right, for each to worship any religion, god, or belief . This FREEDOM “god” is also worshiped by Muslims in order to define and justify, as per their conscience and self interest, that their religion is “their religious right”....a FREEDOM which is not only unimpeded by the American government but also proclaimed to be the right  and good way & the light which will never die. other words, POTUS Trump proclaimed that FREEDOM is your 'god'.

But Lord Jesus commanded to worship ONLY His Father, the Lord your Creator God, and to serve ONLY Him in love and obedience to His Will. Very soon the government of King Jesus will return to rule earth as the 1KING according to the Will of His Father, the 1God,....and therefore FREEDOM “my will” “my truths” “my religion” “my rights” will be no more ...but ONLY Good and the Truth.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

KIM Jung Un...denuclearization is a two way street.

Kim Jung Un says that he desires 'denuclearization'.
(What is 'denuclearization'? ...the dis-enabling , removal, & destruction of nuclear weapons.)
But if some countries do not denuclearize...there is no true denuclearization.
Trump wants Kim Jung Un to denuclearize NK... but is POTUS Trump willing to denuclearize the USA and the South Korea nuclear umbrella?
NK claims FREEDOM their nuclear self defense.
USA also claims FREEDOM their nuclear self defense.
Both worship same FREEDOM for 'their nuclear rights'.
Will Trump or Kim Jung Un give up their FREEDOM?
...hint: Ironically, on May 9, referring to Iran’s refusal to negotiate a new deal, POTUS Trump said “I’d probably say the same thing if I was in their position.”

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Protesting by and killing of Palestinians in the name of FREEDOM "my rights".

An Israeli ambassador defends Israel's shooting of Palestinians protesters claiming that they were "terrorists". Jared Kushner stated in his embassy speech that they were the "cause of the problem". USA blocks UN investigation into killings. All this in the name of FREEDOM Israel rights....and in the name of this FREEDOM they killed 50+ Palestinians....who ironically were protesting in the name of the SAME spirit of FREEDOM for their rights. See how FREEDOM feeds on itself....and each on the other. There can be no peace when each side worships FREEDOM for their rights. Very soon, Lord Jesus, Son of the One God, will return to rule the Jews and mankind as the 1King according to the Will of His Father the ONLY God....and therefore man's FREEDOM will be no more but only Good and Truth.

Robert Jeffress and his prayer at USA Jerusalem embassy inauguration.

Mr.Jeffress, it is true that Abraham worshiped & served the 1Creator God. 
But Israel confesses today that it is right in the name of FREEDOM for each to worship any gods. 
Why did you not point out their hypocrisy? 

Mr. Jeffress, why did you diminish the truth about Lord Jesus. He is prince of peace but He is 1st and foremost the son of the 1God and the King of the Jews and mankind. Is it because the Jews rejected and still reject Lord Jesus as their King that you did not stand for Lord Jesus and His true Name for fear to offend the Jews? 

Lord Jesus did say that many would say to Him ...did we not speak of you?.....but as you know His reply will be "I do not know you, worker of lawlessness and disobedience " ...because they loved FREEDOM for self interest, self rights, self religions more.

The USA Jerusalem embassy is not about is about the 'god of fortresses' FREEDOM.

The Jerusalem embassy is not about is about FREEDOM.
It is about FREEDOM "my Jewish rights".
Ironically, the Palestinian protests are also about FREEDOM "my Palestinian rights".
Both WORSHIP the same 'god of fortresses FREEDOM', each for their rights.
See how the FREEDOM spirit feeds on itself, causing each to feed on the other.
See how , in the name of this FREEDOM, the Palestinians protested and see how, in the name of the same FREEDOM, the Jews killed 50+ Palestinians.
See the fullness of FREEDOM...the tribulation fire.
And yet man does not repent, but loves FREEDOM as its 1st love instead of Obedience to Good, instead of Obedience to the Will of the One God whose Son is Lord Jesus.
Very soon, Lord Jesus will return to rule mankind as the 1King according to the Will of His Father , the 1Creator God Who is Good...therefore FREEDOM no more but ONLY Truth and Good.

Monday, 14 May 2018

A person asked me why I see FREEDOM as a bad thing.

A person asked me why I see FREEDOM as a bad thing.

The fact that they asked me that question shows that they see FREEDOM as a good thing. It seems to be an automatic response for people to claim that FREEDOM is good. Our parents believed it to be good. Our ancestors believed it to good...and all the way back to Adam & Eve who defined this FREEDOM to be good.

But note that all the apostles referred to themselves as 'bondmen' of Lord Jesus. Please look up definition of 'bondman'. Please look up definition of FREEDOM. A bondman does the will of his master....while a man who claims FREEDOM desires to do his own will...thus becoming (because of this FREEDOM claim) a rebellious & disobedient servant.

Please note that in the garden, God said to Adam & Eve that they could choose freely ( by his permission, without judgement or penalty) of any of the trees that God defined to be good AND God also said that you CANNOT take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil....God said that they were not free to choose of this tree....not free because He said that (the judgement and penalty would be that) they would die. This is NOT FREEDOM of choice....since there is a cost of death in this choice.

God afterwards again denied "FREEDOM" of choice when He placed Adam & Eve outside the garden in order to prevent them from taking of the tree of life. He even placed an angel holding a fiery sword to prevent man from doing his own will to take of this eternal life tree. Access to this tree was ONLY thru this angel (messenger) and the fiery sword. As you can see, man did not have freedom to take of the tree of life.

What did the 1God say to the Israelites in the desert?
Did He say to them that they were free (had the freedom) to worship any gods? Or did He say to them that they were NOT to worship any other gods?
In other words, He said to them that they were NOT FREE, did not have the FREEDOM or FREEDOM of choice, to worship any other gods ...warning them that the consequence of disobedience would be death. How many times were the Israelites punished and killed in the desert because of rebellion and disobedience...because of their desire to be FREE to choose to worship other gods, to reject Moses and lead themselves?

Lord Jesus said that ONLY those that do the Will of His Father are his brothers and sisters....not those who believe in doing their own will.

Lord Jesus said to the devil that he is to worship ONLY the Lord Creator His God and to serve ONLY Him...but satan rebelliously and disobediently refused and fled from this command because of his belief in FREEDOM (def: the claimed power/right to think,speak,act without restraint) to worship and serve oneself.

Mankind is born with this desire for FREEDOM because of Adam & Eve. This is the core spiritual belief in each individual on the earth. That is why people defend FREEDOM, fight for it, and die for it....believing that it will never die. The deception, the love for FREEDOM, is so great that it blinds people from seeing the truth....and causes them to redefine this evil to be good....each for own desires, own rights, own gods.

There is big difference between the ability to choose and the FREEDOM to choose. God did give man the physical, mental, and sentient ability to make choices. He also said to make these choices ONLY from the good trees and of the tree of life....AND He also said to them NOT to choose (that they were NOT FREE to choose) the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
What did Lord Jesus say in His prayer to His Father, the 1God Who is Good?
....not my will but Your's be done.

Saturday, 12 May 2018

"Benjamin Netanyahu is king and Donald Trump is a god" (Haaretz)

“In Israel these days, Benjamin Netanyahu is king and Donald Trump is a god.” wrote Chemi Shalev, US editor for Israeli newspaper Haaretz.
And the Jews worship this 'god of FREEDOM' for 'their rights' and for any religion.
It is written that the last king of the north would conquer the Holy Land. And so it is.
It is written that he would also place the tabernacle (tent) of his palace between the seas (nations) and above the Holy Mountain....and so it is.
It is written, that very soon Lord Jesus , Son of the 1&Only God, will return to rule mankind as the 1KING according to the Will of His Father...therefore man's FREEDOM, the desire to do own will / to serve and magnify oneself...will be no more...but only Truth and Good.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Netanyahu says to Assad....your friend Putin is really...

...your friend Putin is really my friend Putin.

Iran fired ONLY 20 rockets? Makes no sense....perhaps it does.

Israel claims that Iran fired 20 rockets towards Golan Heights.
Why only 20 rockets?...aimed at what in the Golan Heights? 
& Conveniently shot down. 
Where is the rest of the attack? The Iranian military?
It seems it was a really incompetent & senseless attack.
Perhaps not.
It seems to have served well the Jews.
A very good and justifiable pretext for the Jews to attack & destroy Iranian military locations.
...+ condemnation of Iran by EU nations & UN...+ motivation to apply sanctions on Iran.
Could the senseless '20 rockets' have been staged?

"Only USA is pulling out" France says to Iran. ..But...Not so simple.

"Only USA is pulling out" France says.
But USA controls the world economy and if France (its banks & corporations) do not respect the sanctions and instead continue to do business with Iran...then POTUS said that, in this situation, France and its companies would also be sanctioned.
Not so simple.
As it is written, if you do not have the mark of the beast on your forehead and hand, then you will not be able to buy and sell.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Will Jews place golden statue of their king,POTUS Trump, in 'Trump Square'?

Israel knows that POTUS Trump loves self magnification.
A square without an impressive statue is not much of a "Trump Square".
Will the Jews place a tall golden statue of their 'Caesar Trump' in the Square to give "proper" tribute to their king?
It is prophesied that the king of the north, the beast of FREEDOM, will conquer the Holy Land and place his 'tabernacle palace' in between (and above) the seas (nations) and the Holy Mountain.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Now, with Caesar Trump, is the time for the Jews to take what they want.

POTUS Trump's  thinking is influenced by Israel & Netanyahu.
The Jews realize that this is the occasion to use Trump to get land from Palestinians, to get Jerusalem,  and to defeat Iran....not fearing (perhaps even welcoming) a war since they know that Trump and US military will back them 100%.
The Jews know that they must take advantage of this time, with Trump, because he may not be around after 2020.
They know that this is the time to make things happen, for there are about 2.5 years left in Trump's reign.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Trump's Religious FREEDOM Order

Trumps's religious FREEDOM order ...for each to be free (without restraint, judgement, and punishment) to serve any god.

But Lord Jesus said that there is ONLY One True God.
And Lord Jesus, the Son of this one God, said & commanded that you are to worship ONLY the Lord your Creator God and Him Alone serve in obedience and love to go GOOD, for the One God defines and is this GOOD.

When God took Israel out of Egypt, The 1God said that you shall not worship any other "gods" for He is a jealous God and the punishment for this DISOBEDIENCE & REBELLION ( which man has redefined to be FREEDOM to do own will, own rights, own religions) is death... for it is sin.

Very soon, Lord Jesus will return to rule earth as the 1King according to the Will of His Father....therefore man's FREEDOM (which, as Trump said, man lives for and dies for) will be taken away by Christ's government...and this FREEDOM will be NO MORE.

Saturday, 5 May 2018

POTUS Trump proclaims offerings & sacrifice for FREEDOM...declaring that "...we will live free and that we will die free".

POTUS Trump proclaims offerings & sacrifice for FREEDOM.

President Trump proclaimed (at NRA rally) that "we are united by the same timeless values...we believe that our liberty is a gift from our creator & that no government can take it away."
POTUS Trump also declared that "we will never give up our freedom...we will live free and that we will die free."

BUT didn't Lord Jesus, who is the Son of the one True Creator God, say and command that we are to worship ONLY the Lord your God and Him ALONE serve in obedience.
This means that President Trump, Leader of the FREE World, is NOT FREE to do 'his own' will and that this disobedience of the Master (which thoughts, speech, and actions man redefines to be FREEDOM) is in fact sin.

POTUS Trump believes that his, his nations, his world's "FREEDOM" will not die...
...just as satan said to Adam's helper (Eve) "surely you will not die".
But this is a lie and deception.
Do you know what God said is the penalty for sin?
Obedience to Lord Jesus is the ONLY way that 'man will not die'.

President Trump, note that, very soon, Lord Jesus Will return to rule earth as the 1King according to the Will of His Father, the ONLY God,....and therefore His government will take your FREEDOM away...and this FREEDOM "my rights" will be no more.

Trump said that "He will get his facts straight". POTUS Trump's "facts"?

POTUS Trump said that "He (Giuliani) will get his facts straight".
But it seems that Giuliani did publicly , on national TV, reveal some of the truth (since, especially, public lying for a lawyer is unethical & illegal).
Perhaps what POTUS Trump really meant by his reply to the media is that Giuliani will instead get "his / Trump's facts" right. 
For love of FREEDOM, the son of FREEDOM claims 'my rights' to redefine evil to be good and good to be evil.

Friday, 4 May 2018

POTUS Trump & the National Day of Prayer

In 2016, D. Trump said ..."Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people, under one God, saluting one flag,".
But USA does work as one people....all work for FREEDOM (my rights).
But USA does serve one god...the god of FREEDOM (my religion/belief).
But USA does salute one flag...the flag of 'my' FREEDOM.
See POTUS Trump....the son of FREEDOM to do own will, own speech, to act without restraint, to do own rights, to serve and magnify oneself.
See FREEDOM, how it feeds on itself, how each feeds on the other.
See the fullness of FREEDOM, the tribulation.