Sunday, 27 May 2018

True love is giving freedom to explore. Is it ????

A person said to me that true love is giving freedom to explore. Does a father love his daughter if he tells her 'you are free to explore' or instead if he tells her 'you are not free to explore' because certain explorations will be dangerous for the daughter. Does a parent tell their small child that they are free to explore all the cabinets or does the parent , instead, say you are not free to explore all the cabinets because some hide dangerous chemicals?
In their definition of love ,they are willing to endanger the well being of a person. Is this GOOD? No. They seem to give priority to FREEDOM instead to GOOD.
How about when a teenage daughter CLAIMS & TAKES FREEDOM to explore, telling a parent it is my right saying "no, don't tell me what to do", in a situation where the parents know that she will get hurt. Is this love of the daughter for the parents?
What is the definition of "freedom"?...the self claimed right & power to think, speak, and act without restraint for one's will, desires, self-rights.
BUT Jesus taught a message of RESTRAINT. He said to repent and to follow ONLY Him, to serve ONLY the Will of His Father. People defend & justify this "FREEDOM" in the same way that Eve justified her disobedience in taking of the forbidden tree...claiming and redefining that it was instead good for one's wisdom and desires....redefining 'freedom' to be good and obedience to be evil. Jesus did say that many will enter the wide gate and that few will enter the narrow gate. Is the wide gate 'freedom' and the narrow gate 'obedience'? Jesus also said that if you obey the Father then you love Him, and that if you love Him then you obey Him.


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