Monday, 14 May 2018

A person asked me why I see FREEDOM as a bad thing.

A person asked me why I see FREEDOM as a bad thing.

The fact that they asked me that question shows that they see FREEDOM as a good thing. It seems to be an automatic response for people to claim that FREEDOM is good. Our parents believed it to be good. Our ancestors believed it to good...and all the way back to Adam & Eve who defined this FREEDOM to be good.

But note that all the apostles referred to themselves as 'bondmen' of Lord Jesus. Please look up definition of 'bondman'. Please look up definition of FREEDOM. A bondman does the will of his master....while a man who claims FREEDOM desires to do his own will...thus becoming (because of this FREEDOM claim) a rebellious & disobedient servant.

Please note that in the garden, God said to Adam & Eve that they could choose freely ( by his permission, without judgement or penalty) of any of the trees that God defined to be good AND God also said that you CANNOT take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil....God said that they were not free to choose of this tree....not free because He said that (the judgement and penalty would be that) they would die. This is NOT FREEDOM of choice....since there is a cost of death in this choice.

God afterwards again denied "FREEDOM" of choice when He placed Adam & Eve outside the garden in order to prevent them from taking of the tree of life. He even placed an angel holding a fiery sword to prevent man from doing his own will to take of this eternal life tree. Access to this tree was ONLY thru this angel (messenger) and the fiery sword. As you can see, man did not have freedom to take of the tree of life.

What did the 1God say to the Israelites in the desert?
Did He say to them that they were free (had the freedom) to worship any gods? Or did He say to them that they were NOT to worship any other gods?
In other words, He said to them that they were NOT FREE, did not have the FREEDOM or FREEDOM of choice, to worship any other gods ...warning them that the consequence of disobedience would be death. How many times were the Israelites punished and killed in the desert because of rebellion and disobedience...because of their desire to be FREE to choose to worship other gods, to reject Moses and lead themselves?

Lord Jesus said that ONLY those that do the Will of His Father are his brothers and sisters....not those who believe in doing their own will.

Lord Jesus said to the devil that he is to worship ONLY the Lord Creator His God and to serve ONLY Him...but satan rebelliously and disobediently refused and fled from this command because of his belief in FREEDOM (def: the claimed power/right to think,speak,act without restraint) to worship and serve oneself.

Mankind is born with this desire for FREEDOM because of Adam & Eve. This is the core spiritual belief in each individual on the earth. That is why people defend FREEDOM, fight for it, and die for it....believing that it will never die. The deception, the love for FREEDOM, is so great that it blinds people from seeing the truth....and causes them to redefine this evil to be good....each for own desires, own rights, own gods.

There is big difference between the ability to choose and the FREEDOM to choose. God did give man the physical, mental, and sentient ability to make choices. He also said to make these choices ONLY from the good trees and of the tree of life....AND He also said to them NOT to choose (that they were NOT FREE to choose) the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
What did Lord Jesus say in His prayer to His Father, the 1God Who is Good?
....not my will but Your's be done.


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