Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Hypocrisy of Uganda’s Self-Righteousness

Uganda’s leaders say…
...homosexuality is a crime
...wearing mini-skirts is a crime
...BUT….polygamy is not a crime

The LEADERS desire to rule by what is right in their own eyes.

BUT...President Obama is saying that EACH has the freedom to do what is right in their own eyes.
This is the “light “ and “will” of this ‘god of freedom...god of fortresses’ that President Obama is confessing and advancing...
...for EACH to serve and magnify the self (XES) know / justify “good and evil”.
...and each is embracing this mark.

...and this way is a way of conflict and death….and it is the given tribulation by the One God on man for his rejection and denial of Jesus Christ as the One Way….and for man’s love for his self-will.

BUT the Lord Jesus Christ said to worship the One Lord Creator God and Him Alone, His Will Alone to serve in obedience , for there is no other, ...and to do GOOD to your friend or foe.

AND The Lord Jesus Christ said to the polygamist, to the homosexual, to the exhibitionist, to the fornicator, to the adulterer, to the prostitute, to the liar, to the murderer, and to the rich ruler ….to repent and to follow Him.

Soon The One King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only God, will return to rule and judge the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of Yehowah Elohim and NOT according to man’s self-righteous will to justify his desires….because of his first love for his self-righteous freedom.

John Stefanyszyn

...a bondman of the One Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only God.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Obama / Ukraine: Advancing the “god of all fortresses” ...Freedom

President Obama...“I think this is an expression of the hopes and aspirations of people inside of Syria and people inside of the Ukraine who recognise that basic freedoms – freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, fair and free elections – are fundamental rights that everybody wants to enjoy.”......“But I want to emphasise this. The situation that happened in Ukraine has to do with whether or not the people of Ukraine can determine their own destiny.”

President Obama confessed in Jerusalem that “FREEDOM” is the “light” and “will” of his ‘god’.
...And this “FREEDOM” also dictates that it is RIGHT to be free to worship any ‘god’.
...And man desires to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
...And man desires to do what is right in his own eyes.
...And man desires to be ‘keeper’ of himself first and foremost.
...And man desires to know (establish/justify) good and evil in his own eyes.

BUT, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One and Only Creator God ( Giver of all existence), said that we are to worship Only The One Lord God and Him Alone, His Will Alone, to serve in obedience and love….and to do good to our ...friend or foe.

Note: this “FREEDOM” is the tribulation or test that The One God has allowed on man because of his rejection of the One True give man over to the consequences of this ‘freedom’ and to test the faith of those who claim to follow His Son Jesus Christ.

Soon, it is Only Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator God, that will rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the Yehowah Elohim and NOT according to man’s first love for his “FREEDOM”.

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the One Eternal Lord and King Jesus Christ

Monday, 17 February 2014

Obama / Freedom...warning Uganda that it will not be able to 'buy and sell'

Barack Obama warns Uganda's Museveni over anti-gay bill…
...that it would complicate relations with the US.
President Obama warns President Museveni that he may not be able to buy and sell  if he signs the anti-gay bill.

President Obama believes that his ‘god’ of freedom is the high ‘god’ ...he believes it to be the ‘god above all the fortresses’.
President Obama believes in each individual doing what is right in their own eyes.
President Obama believes that it is right for each to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
President Obama believes that it is right “to be FREE” to worship any ‘god’ as per one’s own self justified desires.

….and all willingly receive and will receive this mark of “freedom” ...for it is believed to be the righteousness of man.

As President Obama has declared in Jerusalem that this “freedom” is the “Light” and the “will” of his ‘god’.

BUT The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator God, said that we are to worship the One Lord God and Him Alone, His Will Alone, to serve in obedience.

The return of the One King and Ruler Jesus Christ is soon….and all will kneel to Him.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Obama loves FREEDOM...Hollande loves his FREEDOM with women

Obama believes in “freedom of self rights”, that it is right to be free to worship any ‘god’...
...and Hollande believes in doing what is right in his own eyes... with women.
...and the people of his nation endorse this way, saying it is “private matter”

It is written that one is to worship the One Creator God and Him Alone, His Will Alone to serve.
It is also written that  a man is to be united as one with his love and care for only her.

But Hollande believes instead that it is right to serve and magnify the “self” (XES)
...Mr. Hollande….as you believe that it is right in your eyes to be unfaithful will the vines of France be unfaithful this year.

Obama has confessed in Jerusalem that this way of “SELF-FREEDOM”...TO BE FREE TO DO ONE’S OWN RIGHTS is the “Light” and the “will” of his ‘god’ (of fortresses).

The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent of this way.

AND soon, the One Lord and True King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only God, will return to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of Yehowah Elohim and NOT according to man’s first love for his “self-freedom”.

John Stefanyszyn

...a bondman of the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator God.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Freedom for ALL faiths / gods...Obama prays for /// BUT there is ONLY ONE!

President Obama said that "around the world, freedom of religion is under threat." "...We sometimes see religion twisted in attempt to justify hatred, persecution against other people just because of who they are and how they pray or who they love," Obama referring to people who embrace freedom of self-rights, freedom of self-religion, freedom of self-sexuality?

The definition of “Religious Freedom” = the RIGHT (it is right / it is good) to be free (without consequence) to worship ANY ‘god’.
The truth is that President Obama, leader of the free world, promotes and confesses that it is RIGHT & GOOD to be free (without consequence) to worship ANY self-justified ‘god’ as per man’s desires.

...BUT Jesus Christ said that we are to love and worship the One Only Lord Creator and to serve Him Alone, His Will Alone.
...BUT the One God gave command that one is to worship Him Alone.
...BUT the Creator said that man would die, that his way would die, if he disobeyed Him and took of the forbidden tree of knowing / establishing “good / evil” for one’s own desires.

INSTEAD, President Obama has confessed that “FREEDOM” is the “Light”, that it is the “will” of his ‘god’...of fortresses.
This “freedom” speaks of peace and justice...but in reality it does the opposite. The real fruit of this “freedom” is conflict, hatred, and death...for it justifies each to do what is right in one’s own justifies the desire to serve and magnify the self (XES).

There is Only One True is the Way of Jesus Christ, SON of the Only Creator God.
Soon, The One Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the Only Yehowah Elohim and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”.

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the One King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only God.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Vatican turns to "its religious freedom" to protect itself from UN abuse accusation.

Ref.: “Vatican 'must immediately remove' child abusers - UN” BBC Feb 5, 2014

“....The UN watchdog for children's rights denounced the Holy See for adopting policies which allowed priests to sexually abuse thousands of children.

….But the Vatican said that..."it regrets to attempt to interfere with Catholic Church teaching on the dignity of human person and in the exercise of religious freedom" and "reiterates its commitment to defending and protecting the rights of the child... according to the moral and religious values offered by Catholic doctrine".
….Barbara Blaine, president of a group representing US victims of abuse by priests,  told the BBC that the UN report "reaffirms ...and shows that the Vatican has put the reputation of Church officials above the protection of children."
WHICH BELIEF does the Vatican ( the church of general values of Rome) turn to for protection?…..they have confessed that it is its exercise of religious freedom….its freedom of self-rights…...It does that which is right in its own eyes. It believes that it is right to protect itself and its pedophile priests. It believes in its serve and magnify the “self” (XES).
Keep in mind that the “pedophile priests” are just the tip of the iceberg.….how about the protection of?….the priests that fornicate with “of age girls”, with married women, with prostitutes, that have caused abortions, that fornicate with other men, that are corrupt for money, that are corrupt for political power, that lie, that are alcoholics, that take on the title of “Father”.
BUT above all of these, is their belief that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship ANY ‘god’ Jorge Bergoglio (and his predecessors) have confessed that “religious freedom” is right and good.
President Obama has confessed that this “SELF-FREEDOM” is the “LIGHT”  of man’s righteousness and that this same “FREEDOM” is the “will” of his ‘god’... of fortresses.
It is clear that Christ is not their first love...that their first love is instead their “freedom”....and that this is the mark on their forehead.

BUT soon, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Only God, will rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the Only God and NOT according to man’s love for “his self justified freedom”.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

In the name of ”Freedom”....“Queen Elizabeth II to meet Pope Francis in Rome”

In the name of ”Freedom”....“Queen Elizabeth II to meet Pope Francis in Rome”

Queen Elizabeth II represents the Protestant church.
“Pope Francis” represents the Catholic church.

But what is the common belief that the “Queen” and the “Pope” share?
Is it Jesus Christ, Son of the One God?
….cannot be since each worships a DIFFERENT self-justified “religious Christ”.
….cannot be since both have confessed that “freedom of all religions” is RIGHT .
….cannot be since both have proclaimed that it is RIGHT  to be free to worship ANY ‘god’.

Therefore...their common belief can only be...
….their belief in self-freedom ...freedom of self-rights, freedom of self-religions.

And now soon, both will meet each other as “christian” hypocrites...for their first love is not Jesus Christ , the Son of the Only God, but their first love is their self-freedom...the desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
...they both worship this “god of all fortresses”....this image that speaks with authority and power.

And President Obama is advancing this “god of fortresses” to all nations.
President Obama has proclaimed that this “FREEDOM” is the “Light” of man’s righteousness.
President Obama has confessed in Jerusalem that this “FREEDOM’ is the ‘will’ of his ‘god’.
….and all are uniting with this belief....
….because each desires to do what is “right” in their own eyes.

BUT note...the return of Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator God, is at hand and He will RULE with POWER as the Only King according to and in obedience to the Will of the Only God and not according to man’s first love for “his freedom will”.

John Stefanyszyn

...a bondman of the One Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the One Yehowah Elohim

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Ukrainians Embracing and the USA Advancing the “god of fortresses”...FREEDOM

Ukrainians Embracing and the USA Advancing the “god of fortresses”...FREEDOM

… and those that will not willingly receive / will not allow the mark, name, number of the beast to be glorified, will not be able to ”buy and sell...will suffer sanctions” in the name of the image (that has global authority) of the beast.

...The White House has confirmed it is discussing possible sanctions against Ukraine with the US Congress.

Mr. Kerry said:
..."The aspirations (ref. to democratic / self-rule freedom) of citizens are once again being trampled beneath corrupt, oligarchic interests..."

...that “Ukraine should (be free to) choose...that their futures do not have to lie with one country alone, and certainly not coerced". He said the "vast majority of Ukrainians want to live freely in a safe and prosperous country - they are fighting for the right to associate with partners who will help them realise their aspirations".

Mr Kerry added: "Nowhere is the fight for a democratic, European future more important today than in Ukraine. The United States and EU stand with the people of Ukraine in that fight." President Obama said that this “freedom is not given...but must be taken”.

This FREEDOM is glorified by man because they believe that it is right in their own eyes for their self-interests….to know good and evil for their own self-justified desires.

President Obama has proclaimed that this same FREEDOM is the “Light” of man’s righteousness….that it is the “will” of his ‘god’...the ‘god’ that dictates that it is right to serve and magnify the ‘self’ (XES).

And today, his ‘commanders / locusts’ ( political, national, religious, business leaders) advance and proclaim with authority and power that this FREEDOM is the RIGHT WAY….in the aim of uniting all mankind in "peace".

AND this FREEDOM also dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) for a man to marry a man….that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free (without consequence) to worship ANY ‘god / belief’.

BUT Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator God, said that we are to worship the One Lord Creator and Him Alone, His Will Alone to serve.

Soon, The Lord and King Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the Only Creator God and NOT according to man’s first love for “his self-righteous freedom”.

John Stefanyszyn

….a bondman of the One King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Jehovah Elohim