Vatican turns to "its religious freedom" to protect itself from UN abuse accusation.
Ref.: “Vatican 'must immediately remove' child abusers - UN” BBC Feb 5, 2014
“....The UN watchdog for children's rights denounced the Holy See for adopting policies which allowed priests to sexually abuse thousands of children.
….But the Vatican said that..."it regrets to attempt to interfere with Catholic Church teaching on the dignity of human person and in the exercise of religious freedom" and "reiterates its commitment to defending and protecting the rights of the child... according to the moral and religious values offered by Catholic doctrine".
….Barbara Blaine, president of a group representing US victims of abuse by priests, told the BBC that the UN report "reaffirms ...and shows that the Vatican has put the reputation of Church officials above the protection of children."
WHICH BELIEF does the Vatican ( the church of general values of Rome) turn to for protection?…..they have confessed that it is its exercise of religious freedom….its freedom of self-rights…...It does that which is right in its own eyes. It believes that it is right to protect itself and its pedophile priests. It believes in its serve and magnify the “self” (XES).
Keep in mind that the “pedophile priests” are just the tip of the iceberg.….how about the protection of?….the priests that fornicate with “of age girls”, with married women, with prostitutes, that have caused abortions, that fornicate with other men, that are corrupt for money, that are corrupt for political power, that lie, that are alcoholics, that take on the title of “Father”.
BUT above all of these, is their belief that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship ANY ‘god’ Jorge Bergoglio (and his predecessors) have confessed that “religious freedom” is right and good.
President Obama has confessed that this “SELF-FREEDOM” is the “LIGHT” of man’s righteousness and that this same “FREEDOM” is the “will” of his ‘god’... of fortresses.
It is clear that Christ is not their first love...that their first love is instead their “freedom”....and that this is the mark on their forehead.
BUT soon, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Only God, will rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the Only God and NOT according to man’s love for “his self justified freedom”.
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