Monday, 17 February 2014

Obama / Freedom...warning Uganda that it will not be able to 'buy and sell'

Barack Obama warns Uganda's Museveni over anti-gay bill…
...that it would complicate relations with the US.
President Obama warns President Museveni that he may not be able to buy and sell  if he signs the anti-gay bill.

President Obama believes that his ‘god’ of freedom is the high ‘god’ ...he believes it to be the ‘god above all the fortresses’.
President Obama believes in each individual doing what is right in their own eyes.
President Obama believes that it is right for each to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
President Obama believes that it is right “to be FREE” to worship any ‘god’ as per one’s own self justified desires.

….and all willingly receive and will receive this mark of “freedom” ...for it is believed to be the righteousness of man.

As President Obama has declared in Jerusalem that this “freedom” is the “Light” and the “will” of his ‘god’.

BUT The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator God, said that we are to worship the One Lord God and Him Alone, His Will Alone, to serve in obedience.

The return of the One King and Ruler Jesus Christ is soon….and all will kneel to Him.


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