Thursday, 30 January 2014

"Archbishops (Welby) criticize anti-gay laws"….confessing the “god of freedom of rights”

"Archbishops criticize anti-gay laws"….confessing the “god of freedom of rights”

"We assure homosexual people that they are children of God, loved and valued by Him and deserving the best we can give - pastoral care and friendship." (ref. BBC News Jan 30, 2014)

Mr. Welby… is the 'god of freedom' that loves and values the homosexual people.
The Son of the Only God once asked “who is My mother, My brother, My sister?” which He replied that “ is only those that do the Will of My Father.”
The Lord and Master Jesus Christ also even accused the so called “religious” Jewish priests, who claimed to worship the God of Moses and Abraham, of being children of satan.
So given these words of the One King Jesus Christ, how can you proclaim that people who believe it is right (righteous / good)  in their eyes to live the homosexual way...that these people are children of the One and Only Creator?….given that the Word of the One God has clearly declared that the way of “men knowing men / lovers of strange flesh’ is NOT RIGHT in the eyes of the Creator.

But man says that his way is right, and that the way of the One Lord is not right.

You say that God loves and values these people who claim it is right to live the homosexual way.
God loves only His children...those that do His Will.
God loves only “REPENTANT” SINNERS….people who acknowledged that "their way" was wrong, was error, was lawlessness, was sin in the eyes of the One God ...and who have repented of their sins...and who have overcome their acknowledged errors….and who now follow (as reborn, as a new creation) the righteousness of the One True God, whose Son is the Christ.

Mr. Welby, BUT it is clear what is your first love…..the way of freedom of self-rights...for you stand for this “god of fortresses” which confesses that it is right to serve and magnify the “self” (XES). It is this 'god of freedom' that loves and values the homosexual people. This is also the same FREEDOM that embraces "freedom of all religions"...that says it is RIGHT to be free to worship ANY 'god / belief'. This is the same FREEDOM that President Obama , leader of the free world, has proclaimed to all nations to be the “Light” be the “will” of his ‘god’.

BUT it is Only Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator, that will rule in power according to and in obedience to the Will of Yehowah Elohim and NOT according to man’s first love for his “freedom-god”.

Mr. Welby... you, your queen , your leaders worship this “image of freedom that speaks with authority” and your country will continue this year to walk under heavy clouds.

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the One Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator God.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

World Evangelical Alliance...Its Purpose... Religious Liberty...the equality & freedom to worship ANY 'god'.

Your true mission....freedom of rights first....Christ second as a religion freedom.

"The purpose of the World Evangelical Alliance Religious Liberty Commission (RLC) is to promote freedom of religion for all people worldwide as defined by Article 18 of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights, and in accordance with Scripture."

'In particular, the WEA-RLC will seek to protect the freedom of Evangelicals by monitoring religious liberty, responding to infringements of religious liberty and promoting the need for constant vigilance in maintaining religious liberty.'

Your true mission, your first love is freedom of rights / freedom of all religions.
AND this FREEDOM dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship ANY 'god'...for all are equal in the eyes of "freedom".

BUT there is Only One Creator God, whose identity is clearly defined by His Son Jesus Christ....and the One Lord and King Jesus Christ commanded that we are to worship ONLY the One Lord Creator and Him Alone, His Will Alone, to serve in obedience.

Christ will return soon to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the One God and NOT according to man's first love for his "freedom-will".

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the One Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only God.

Friday, 24 January 2014

"Pope Francis" ref internet...solidarity with Christ or with FREEDOM?

"Pope Francis" (Jorge Bergoglio) which solidarity are you referring to in your statement...""The Internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity," ?

Is it the solidarity of worshipping and doing the Will of the One and Only Creator, whose identity is defined by His Son and our King Jesus Christ?
.....cannot be be since each worships the "belief/god/religion" that one justifies to be "his right" in one's own eyes.
....cannot be since each believes in the freedom of his own religion/way of life and consequentially supports the belief that it is RIGHT (a right) to live by the  freedom of all religions.
...cannot be since each desires to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

So what is this "solidarity" that Bergoglio is referring to?
.....the only common / fraternal belief that all embrace, that all show solidarity with, is the belief in FREEDOM...freedom of self-rights.

AND this way, AND the works of this way, confesses that it is RIGHT to worship any 'god'......

...BUT there is Only One Creator God whose identity is defined by His Son Jesus Christ.
And it is Only The Lord Jesus Christ that will rule the earth in power as the Only King according to and in obedience to the Will of the One Creator Yehowah Elohim and NOT according to man's "solidarity" love for "his freedom".

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

"Pope Francis": reconciliation via freedom???

Pope Francis recently urged reconciliation and peace in Korea, in Syria, in Egypt,  in Nigeria, in the Central African Republic, in South Sudan, and in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
He said…."I wish to implore from God the gift of reconciliation…” for each of these situations.
He believes that this reconciliation is the way to peace.
He believes that this “reconciliation” is a gift from his “god”.
But reconciliation via what belief is he referring to that will bring this supposed peace?

Is he referring to the reconciliation to the One and Only God  via one’s repentance and the sacrifice / resurrection of the Son of the One God?
Is he referring to the reconciliation to the the One and Only God by obeying to do only the Will of the One Creator as bondsmen and not the desire to do one’s own will, one’s own rights?

What do the people want in these conflicts?
Is it not “their equality / freedom of self-rights, self-will”?

It is obvious that the only way that the people will think they have reconciliation and peace is if they get their rights, their equality of rights, their freedom of rights. It is obvious that he is referring to the  belief in freedom of rights as the way to bring about this reconciliation, this peace….and not to the reconciliation to the One and Only God, whose identity is defined by His Son Jesus Christ, by servitude to and worship of the Only Creator.

BUT this “freedom of self-rights” confesses and dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) to worship ANY belief / god. This is blasphemy since there is Only One and we are commanded to worship and serve Only Him, as Christ showed us.

Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) worships first and foremost the god of freedom, the “god of fortresses”, which President Obama has proclaimed to be the “Light” and the “will” of the ‘common god’ of man, of “Christians”, of Muslims, of Jews….for each desires to do what is right in his own eyes.

This “freedom” dictates that it is right for man to serve and magnify himself (XES).
And this is the mark embraced on everyone’s forehead and hand.

But it is Only Christ that will rule according to the Only God’s Will and NOT according to man’s first love for his “freedom-will”.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Martin Luther King Jr embraced the same "freedom" that says it is right to worship ANY 'god'.

Martin Luther King Jr. turned to and confessed the righteousness of "freedom of self-rights".
Out of the pain of slavery and persecution the African Americans turned to the belief in freedom of self-rights for their protection and safety. AND this same "freedom" ( this way of life) also embraces and glorifies that it is RIGHT (a right) to worship ANY 'god'.

BUT note that there is Only One Creator God whose identity is clearly defined by His Son Jesus Christ.
...and Christ did not turn to "freedom of self rights" to save Himself from the condemnation by the Jews nor from Pontius Pilate.
Christ said..."not my will but only the Will of My Father"...He died and was resurrected for this and for us.

It is Only Christ that will rule in power as the One King according to the Will of the Only God and NOT according to man's first love for " his freedom will".

The Promise to Abraham...for what lineage?...physical or spiritual?

The One God gave a promise to Abraham because Abraham loved, served, and did the Will of Yehowah Elohim.
And the One God gave this same promise to all who REPENT and walk according to His love the One Father and to love the other according to His righteousness.
...and this promise through His grace , His Son Jesus Christ, is open also to Jews, even though they murdered His Son.
(for the Jews said that the blood of Christ's murder was on their and their children's hands). Paul (in Romans 11) was writing to people who assumed that the Jews were disqualified from God...but he corrected them and explained that God's grace is available to all that repent.
Please note that Abraham was not an Israelite, nor was he a Jew. Abraham was one who did the will of the One Creator and not his own (freedom) will. The promise of the One God was given to the spiritual descendants of Abraham ( Israelis and all other nations)... all those that will LIVE like Abraham....and not because of physical lineage.

Israel today embraces and worships "self-freedom"(just as do all nations)...and this freedom dictates that it is right to worship any belief/god that one justifies to be good in one's own eyes.

Abraham did not worship any god that he justified to be right in his own eyes for his own desires. Abraham worshiped and lived according to the Will of the Only Creator God, whose identity is defined by His Son Jesus Christ, and not according to the desire for "his freedom self-will".

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the Only Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Yehowah Elohim

Friday, 17 January 2014

"Pope Francis"...freedom of rights (but not Christ) to protect the unborn.

"Yet this defense of unborn life is closely linked to the defense of each and every other human right. It involves the conviction that a human being is always sacred and inviolable, in any situation and at every stage of development. Human beings are ends in themselves and never a means of resolving other problems," Francis wrote.

Jorge Bergoglio, you turn to your first belief and way of life….that of freedom of self-rights to defend the unborn child….because...
This same “freedom of rights” also dictates that the Catholics are entitled to religious freedom.
This same “freedom “ also dictates that the Muslims are entitled to the same religious freedom.
This same “freedom” also dictates that the Jews are entitled to their religious freedom.
This same “freedom” also dictates that the atheists are entitled to their belief freedom.
This same “freedom” also dictates that the homosexuals are entitled to their “equal” freedom.
This same “freedom” also dictates that the woman who wants an abortion is entitled to her freedom to do so….for she believes that it is right in her eyes to do so.

Bergoglio, you embrace the same “freedom” that Adam and Eve embraced so as to to be free to “know” establish good and evil in their own eyes….for each to do what is right in their own eyes…..the same “freedom” that satan embraces so as to place his way above that of the One Creator.

It is not “freedom of self-rights” that will protect the unborn child….but only love for the One and Only Creator and love for the other….as Christ, Son of the Only God, showed us.

Note...Christ will rule the earth as the One King in power according to the Will of the Only Creator and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”.

John Stefanyszyn

...a bondman of the One Lord and King Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Jorge Bergoglio ("Pope Francis") serves President Obama’s way of freedom of self-gain.

Ref.: Obama to pay visit to Pope”, Posted by CNN White House Producer Kevin Liptak

...“But Francis’ approach to world economic issues is widely seen as more in line with Obama’s own approach…”.

Jorge Bergoglio ("Pope Francis") follows President Obama’s belief in the freedom of equal economic opportunity….for each to have the human right, the freedom to have the equal opportunity to financial gain. But this “opportunity” is controlled by those that also believe in the same freedom of their right... to be rich….which Obama and Bergoglio support and live by…..see the wealth (hidden) of the Roman church of general values.

Freedom of financial gain supports self interest….the desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
….for each justifies doing what is right in their own eyes.

Jesus Christ said that one must love his neighbor...that one must serve his neighbor….that one must be his “brother’s” keeper…. you can see this is the opposite of the desire for the “freedom” to serve oneself.

Soon, Christ, Son of the One Creator God, will return to rule in power the earth according to and in obedience to the will of the Only Creator and NOT according to man’s first love for his “freedom”.

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the One Lord and King Jesus Christ

Saturday, 11 January 2014

The Jews, The Land, God...but Israel confesses that it is RIGHT (a right) to worship ANY ‘god’.

The Jews claim the land of Israel because they say it was given to them by God.
....people have died because of this claim
...the Jews are using this reason to validate their taking of land.

It is written in the "religion" of the Jews that the God of Abraham, of Moses is the One and Only Creator God...i.e. the only God of Israel...the only "religion" (in man's terms). They are commanded to acknowledge, worship, and serve ONLY Him.

However, the nation of Israel says and has publicly confessed that they do not have an official "religion / god" (ref. Ambassador Oren). This is also confirmed in their constitution.

Therefore, in so doing,  the Jews are also saying that they do not recognize the above mentioned God (of Abraham, of Moses) as the official and only God of the nation of Israel.

What do then the Jews (Israelis) believe in? is evident that they believe in and live by the way of life of “freedom”...freedom of rights, freedom of religion, freedom of self-happiness, freedom of self -gain, freedom of self- sexual lifestyle...freedom of self-righteousness... as do all other democratic (self-ruling) nations.
They, as well as all nations, embrace the desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
And this way is self-serving. It creates conflict and it creates death ….for each believes that they are right in their own eyes.

Why should the True and Only God, whose Son is the Christ, stand for the Jews and defend their claim to the "land" when they have denied Him as the One and Only True God, have denied Christ-the Savior and His Son, and have denied the One True Way of Life?

PS..God and Christ are not a religion but the only truth...there will NOT BE any belief in the freedom of self-rights, self-religion, self-interest in the kingdom of the Only God.

Jesus Christ's return as the Only King will make this evident soon.

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the One Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator God

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

"Pope Francis"... "shocked" by gay adoption in Malta...but Bergoglio this is "freedom".

“Pope Francis reportedly was "shocked" by a bill that would allow gay couples to adopt children in Malta.” (ref. The Huffington Post  |  By Alana Horowitz, Posted: 12/29/2013… “...Maltese Bishop Charles Scicluna told the Times Of Malta that he spoke with Pope Francis about the bill and the pope encouraged him to speak out against it.”
SHOCKED???....but this is because of the same belief in "freedom of rights" that you and the RCC confess as being good.
Bergoglio, this is the fruit of freedom.
On one hand it protects freedom of religion...for the Catholics...AND ALSO for the Muslims, the Jews, the Atheists, Satanists, Other, etc.....
AND in the same hand it protects the freedom and equality of rights for the homosexuals....even to adopt children.

AND this taken "FREEDOM" also dictates that it is right to be free to worship ANY god...for man to justify what is right (good and evil) in his own eyes….AND  this is sin because there is Only One Creator God...there is none other….and the One God commanded us not to worship any other....therefore this taken "freedom" is disobedience.

BUT you do not see the blasphemy of this ....for you embrace and worship this same "freedom"...a "taken freedom" which President Obama (leader of the free world) has confessed to be the "light" and the "will" of his 'god', his "god of fortresses".

Jorge Bergoglio,  it is Only Jesus Christ that rule in POWER according to the Will of the One and Only Creator God and NOT according to the "freedom" that you and man have confessed to be righteous.

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the One Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator God.

"Pope Francis's" new year message: Human Fraternity, Freedom of Rights, Christ.

A fraternity is a collective support of a specific belief.
It is interesting that in his speech he referred about 8 times to the belief in freedom....freedom of rights, freedom of religions, human rights.
It is clear what "fraternity" Jorge Bergoglio is referring to since the only belief that all mankind, all religious leaders, all leaders of nations collectively embrace is that of freedom of self-rights (otherwise known as human rights).

BUT NOTE that this belief in "FREEDOM" of self-rights dictates that it is right to be free to worship ANY 'god' as per one's justification.

The general church of Rome and Jorge Bergoglio have confessed their belief in religious freedom...freedom and equality of worship of all religions.....of all 'gods'.

Therefore, in one breath Jorge Bergoglio speaks of Christ and God and in the next breath he speaks of the righteousness of the freedom of rights and of all religions. One can conclude that the Christ that he is professing is a redefined that supports and justifies the belief in "freedom" that supports the freedom to worship any 'god'.

Regarding his statement that all are children of God....Christ, Son of the One and Only Creator God, asked who is My mother, My brother, My sister....and He said that it is ONLY those that do the Will of His Father. In other words, those that embrace the "taken" freedom to live according to their will, their self-justified RIGHTS, are not considered by Christ, nor by the One Creator, to be children of the One and Only Father.

NOTE; it is Only Jesus Christ that will rule in POWER, yes in power, according to and in obedience to the Will of the One and Only Creator Yehowah Elohim and NOT according to man's love for his fraternity of "freedom".

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the One Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator God.