The Promise to Abraham...for what lineage?...physical or spiritual?
The One God gave a promise to Abraham because Abraham loved, served, and did the Will of Yehowah Elohim.
And the One God gave this same promise to all who REPENT and walk according to His love the One Father and to love the other according to His righteousness.
...and this promise through His grace , His Son Jesus Christ, is open also to Jews, even though they murdered His Son.
(for the Jews said that the blood of Christ's murder was on their and their children's hands). Paul (in Romans 11) was writing to people who assumed that the Jews were disqualified from God...but he corrected them and explained that God's grace is available to all that repent.
Please note that Abraham was not an Israelite, nor was he a Jew. Abraham was one who did the will of the One Creator and not his own (freedom) will. The promise of the One God was given to the spiritual descendants of Abraham ( Israelis and all other nations)... all those that will LIVE like Abraham....and not because of physical lineage.
Israel today embraces and worships "self-freedom"(just as do all nations)...and this freedom dictates that it is right to worship any belief/god that one justifies to be good in one's own eyes.
Abraham did not worship any god that he justified to be right in his own eyes for his own desires. Abraham worshiped and lived according to the Will of the Only Creator God, whose identity is defined by His Son Jesus Christ, and not according to the desire for "his freedom self-will".
John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the Only Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Yehowah Elohim
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