Wednesday, 1 January 2014

"Pope Francis's" new year message: Human Fraternity, Freedom of Rights, Christ.

A fraternity is a collective support of a specific belief.
It is interesting that in his speech he referred about 8 times to the belief in freedom....freedom of rights, freedom of religions, human rights.
It is clear what "fraternity" Jorge Bergoglio is referring to since the only belief that all mankind, all religious leaders, all leaders of nations collectively embrace is that of freedom of self-rights (otherwise known as human rights).

BUT NOTE that this belief in "FREEDOM" of self-rights dictates that it is right to be free to worship ANY 'god' as per one's justification.

The general church of Rome and Jorge Bergoglio have confessed their belief in religious freedom...freedom and equality of worship of all religions.....of all 'gods'.

Therefore, in one breath Jorge Bergoglio speaks of Christ and God and in the next breath he speaks of the righteousness of the freedom of rights and of all religions. One can conclude that the Christ that he is professing is a redefined that supports and justifies the belief in "freedom" that supports the freedom to worship any 'god'.

Regarding his statement that all are children of God....Christ, Son of the One and Only Creator God, asked who is My mother, My brother, My sister....and He said that it is ONLY those that do the Will of His Father. In other words, those that embrace the "taken" freedom to live according to their will, their self-justified RIGHTS, are not considered by Christ, nor by the One Creator, to be children of the One and Only Father.

NOTE; it is Only Jesus Christ that will rule in POWER, yes in power, according to and in obedience to the Will of the One and Only Creator Yehowah Elohim and NOT according to man's love for his fraternity of "freedom".

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the One Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator God.


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