Sunday, 29 April 2012

Mr. Ratzinger "...freedom is a product of Christianity..."???

""Why Church and State Must Be Separate", by Benedict XVI (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger); An excerpt from "Theology and the Church’s Political Stance" in Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger Church, Ecumenism and Politics: New Essays in Ecclesiology (NY: Crossroad, 1988)."

Why Church and State Must Be Separate by Benedict XVI (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger)

"The modern idea of freedom is thus a legitimate product of the Christian environment; it could not have developed anywhere else. Indeed, one must add that it cannot be separated from this Christian environment and transplanted into any other system, as is shown very clearly today in the renaissance of Islam; the attempt to graft on to Islamic societies what are termed western standards cut loose from their Christian foundations misunderstands the internal logic of Islam as well as the historical logic to which these western standards belong, and hence this attempt was condemned to fail in this form. The construction of society in Islam is theocratic, and therefore monist and not dualist; dualism, which is the precondition for freedom, presupposes for its part the logic of the Christian thing. In practice this means that it is only where the duality of Church and state, of the sacral and the political authority, remains maintained in some form or another that the fundamental pre-condition exists for freedom.

Where the Church itself becomes the state freedom becomes lost. But also when the Church is done away with as a public and publicly relevant authority, then too freedom is extinguished, because there the state once again claims completely for itself the justification of morality; in the profane post-Christian world it does not admittedly do this in the form of a sacral authority but as an ideological authority – that means that the state becomes the party, and since there can no longer be any other authority of the same rank it once again becomes total itself. The ideological state is totalitarian; it must become ideological if it is not balanced by a free but publicly recognized authority of conscience. When this kind of duality does not exist the totalitarian system is unavoidable."

...When Christ will return to put in place the kingdom of the One God....then the will of the One God will become the state....and freedom (of religion, self-will, self-rights) will be lost.

Since Mr. Ratzinger and the RCC believes in and embraces freedom of self-conscience, self-rights and religion, it seems that the Roman general Church will not accept the return of Christ to take this freedom away.

It seems easier for the RCC to redefine Christ than to stand for the One True Way of Life, for the One True Creator Father.

....Ezekial 18:29...
"Yet the house of Israel says "The WAY of the Lord is not right"
"O house of Israel, is it not MY WAY which is right, and YOUR WAY(s) which is not right?"
"Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his way(s)." says the Lord God.

"The WAY of the Lord is NOT RIGHT" says the house of Israel.

Ezekial 18:29....
"Yet you (house of Israel (those who speak of God and/or Christ)) say "The WAY of the Lord is not right."
...therefore they are saying, instead, that man's WAY is right....that they believe that it is right to establish for one's own interest what is right....that the way of freedom of self-rights is right....that it is right to live by the way of freedom of self-religion, human rights, equality of rights...that it is right to redefine Christ to represent freedom of rights and universal common values...that it is right to deny the Preeminence of the One and Only Creator God, whose identity is seen in Only His Son, Jesus Christ.)

"O house of Israel, is it not MY WAY which is right and your WAY(s) which is not right?"

"Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his way(s), says the Lord."

"Repent and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity (your way)will not be your ruin (eternal death)."
"cast away from you all transgressions which you have committed and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit."

"...for why should you die, O house of Israel (for the lie which you embrace as your righteous way)?"

Saturday, 21 April 2012

...and now the US Catholic nuns...

BBC News - Leader of 'radical' US nuns rejects Vatican criticism

The Vatican has ordered a crackdown on a group of American nuns that it considers too radical.
A Vatican report into the group suggested that they "collectively take a position not in agreement with the church's teaching on human sexuality."
It says the group is undermining Roman Catholic teaching on homosexuality and is promoting "feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith".

However, as per Simone Campbell...“I’m stunned,” said Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of Network. “I would imagine that it was our health care letter that made them mad,” Sister Campbell said. “We haven’t violated any teaching, we have just been raising questions and interpreting politics.”

..."I can only infer that there was strong feeling about the health care position that we had taken," Campbell said. "Our position on health care was application of the one faith to a political document that we read differently than the bishops."

When the Vatican-ordered inquiry was initially announced, many religious sisters and their supporters said the investigation reflected church officials' misogyny and was an insult to religious sisters, who run hospitals, teach, and play other vital service roles in the church.

It seems that the bishops believe that they are right and that the nuns believe that they are right.

....freedom of thought and religion, the belief advanced by Mr. Rtazinger.

It seems that the nuns also have embraced the"pope's" teachings....who is on the side of freedom....following the way of life of freedom of self-interest ...of democracy...of freedom of religion.

Sister Campbell suggested that her organisation's vocal support for President Barack Obama's healthcare bill was behind the slapdown.
"There's a strong connection," she said. "We didn't split on faith, we split on politics."
...But Sister Campbell suggested a difficult time ahead: "It's totally a top-down process and I don't think the bishops have any idea of what they're in for."

Austrian priests....US nuns....seems that defiance and the leaven for freedom of thought and religion is growing....the vatican will be doing a crackdown....seems like the beginning of a "Catholic" spring.

But Mr. Ratzinger does believe in freedom of thought, religion, rights....
"...The modern idea of freedom is a legitimate product of the Christian environment..../ When the Church itself becomes the state… freedom becomes lost.
ref.: Why Church and State Must Be Separate by Benedict XVI (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger)

.....Perhaps a compromise will be negotiated and the "rights" will be respected.

The Roman General Church believes in and lives by another first love....the belief in freedom of self-interest. It speaks "religious" words but its fruit show another belief.

Monday, 16 April 2012

The "Buffet Rule" is not about is about equality of rights.

The "Buffet Rule" tax by President Obama is not about is about equality of rights.
This is the "American spring" that is being stimulated as it was in the middle east by President Obama's 2009 UN speech.
If Mr. Obama gets the tax passed....he wins a battle for equality of taxation.
If Mr. Obama does not get this bill accepted....he will get an even more powerful win....the support of even more Americans for their desire of equality of taxation.

When a "right" is denied....this inflames the emotions and energy of the people who want their rights.
The same theme has been put forth on several issues...
health care rights
women's rights
lifestyle rights
religion rights

In each case, either one side or another has been insighted to cry out for their "rights".
President Obama is advancing "the god of self-rights" and has postioned himself as the defender and leader of "self-rights" and universal values.
President Obama also knows that his opponents will not attack the belief in "self-rights" as they themselves support and embrace this way of life.
It all seems "righteous" on the surface....each demanding and standing for their rights.

The "Catholic"leaders are doing the same....they also embrace this belief.

But buried beneath this is the fact that the belief in freedom of religions embraces the validity and existence of man's desire to worship the "god" of his personal choice...for his own self-interest.

And this belief denies the preeminence of the One and Only Creator God, the One who gave existence to all, and it denies Christ, His Son, as the One and Only True Way of Life to the Father.

Ezekial 20:27-33...BUT God said (with anger) to them…
“What is this high place to which you go?”
(...What is this way of life that you have decided to be right and just for your self-interest?)
(...What is this place that they have made to be higher than the True and Only God?)
(Dan.11:45...and the last king of the north will plant the tabernacle of his palace (his "god of fortresses") between (above) the seas and the Holy Mountain...").

The One God goes on to say…“What you have in your mind shall never be…( to serve the gods that the gentiles have created and justified)…because I (the One True and Only God) live, says the Lord God….and I will rule you”.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

"What you have in your mind shall never be...and I will rule you."

Ezekial 20:27-33...BUT God said (with anger) to them…
“What is this high place to which you go?”

(...What is this way of life that you have decided to be right and just for your self-interest?)

(...What is this place that they have made to be higher than the True and Only God that they are going to?)

(Dan.11:45...and the last king of the north will plant the tabernacle of his palace (his "god of fortresses") between (above) the seas and the Holy Mountain...").

The One God goes on to say…“What you have in your mind shall never be…( to serve the gods that the gentiles have created and justified)…because I (the One True and Only God) live, says the Lord God….and I will rule you”.

The way of life and belief in "self-rights" ( freedom of rights / freedom of religions / human rights / common universal values / the spirit of man) has been placed as the highest place, above the One True God and His Son , the Christ.

The fruit of this is seen in all the world and amongst all "religions".

Saturday, 14 April 2012

RCC: Religious Liberty is "Our first, most cherished freedom"

ref.: After contraception controversy, Catholic Church announces 'religious freedom' campaign – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

"The Roman Catholic Church announced a major campaign aimed at bringing attention to what it said were growing threats to religious liberty in the United States..."

“Religious liberty is under attack, both at home and abroad,” the American bishops said in a new document titled “Our first, most cherished freedom.”

“Religious liberty is not only about our ability to go to Mass on Sunday or pray the Rosary at home,” the bishops said in a Thursday statement. “It is about whether we can make our contribution to the common good of all Americans. Can we do the good works our faith calls us to do, without having to compromise that very same faith?”

“This is not a Catholic issue,” the statement said. “This is not a Jewish issue. This is not an Orthodox, Mormon or Muslim issue. It is an American issue.”

Religious freedom....freedom of religions...all religions?

But is not Christ the One and Only True Way of Life?
Is there not Only One True Creator God?

Why is the Roman General Church standing up for and confessing their love for freedom of religions?

...for it is written that Christ is our first true love....and nothing else.
...for it is written that it will be Him and Only Him that will rule the earth as King.....and there will not be any "religions".

...and if it were that the Roman General Church does not agree with the words of Christ , our King, will it stand up for its belief in "religious liberty"?

Saturday, 7 April 2012

So the name of this “high place” is called “Bamah”

The Jews knew and spoke of God, of Abraham, of Moses…..
…and yet Jesus said that they were hypocrites and a synagogue (assembly) of vipers (deceivers).

The Jews taught and enforced the Sinai covenant of “laws” …
…and yet Jesus said that they were hypocrites and a synagogue (assembly) of vipers (deceivers).

The Jews made sacrifices at the altar, kept the annual Sabbaths and the weekly Sabbath…
…and yet Jesus said that they were hypocrites and a synagogue (assembly) of vipers (deceivers).

Christ, the One True Way of Life, said this because the Jews, instead, lived in their heart another way of life.
…they lived and believed in the way of serving one’s own self-interest, justifying the way of self will all the while showing a “religious” self righteousness (within which they even could say that God was almighty).

Remember, Satan never denied the existence of the Creator God nor that Christ was His Son, for even the demons referred to Christ as the Son of God. What greater rebellion is there than to be aware of the existence of the Creator and to willfully reject to do His will because of the desire to do one’s own will.

Today we see the same.

Today, during this “religious” time, the leader of the free world speaks of God, speaks of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. I am sure that many “Christians” embrace his words.

(One does not need to deny the existence and significance of Christ as a means in a deception. One advances a way of life in which "Christ" is made subject to man's self-righteousness.)

BUT in the same breath, he also refers to another belief , the belief in the common human spirit, which is a bond between all religions and beliefs.
…this is the bond and belief that all nations glorify, desire, and live by.
…this is the belief in a common human spirit, in common universal values.
…this is the belief in freedom of thought, rights, religion as per one’s own interest.
…and the world, nations, religions follow this “god of fortresses”.

The nation of Israel knew God and spoke of God, however…
…they rebelled when they were in Egypt and embraced another way of life
…they rebelled when they were in the wilderness desert and embraced this other way of life
…they rebelled when they were in the promised land and embraced this other way of life

BUT God said (with anger) to them…
“What is this high place to which you go?”
(i.e. …this way of life that you have decided to be right and just for your self-interest?)

So the name of this “high place” is called “Bamah” to this day.

The One God goes on to say…“What you have in your mind shall never be…( to serve the gods that the gentiles have created and justified)…because I (the One True and Only God) live, says the Lord God….and I will rule you”.

The time is at hand, for the signs of the mark, name, or number of the name of the image of the beast show it, for Christ to return and rule the earth as the One King, with a rod of iron (one straight way), the One and Only True Way of Life in love for the Creator Father and in love for the fellowman.