Mr. Ratzinger "...freedom is a product of Christianity..."???
""Why Church and State Must Be Separate", by Benedict XVI (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger); An excerpt from "Theology and the Church’s Political Stance" in Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger Church, Ecumenism and Politics: New Essays in Ecclesiology (NY: Crossroad, 1988)."
Why Church and State Must Be Separate by Benedict XVI (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger)
Why Church and State Must Be Separate by Benedict XVI (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger)
"The modern idea of freedom is thus a legitimate product of the Christian environment; it could not have developed anywhere else. Indeed, one must add that it cannot be separated from this Christian environment and transplanted into any other system, as is shown very clearly today in the renaissance of Islam; the attempt to graft on to Islamic societies what are termed western standards cut loose from their Christian foundations misunderstands the internal logic of Islam as well as the historical logic to which these western standards belong, and hence this attempt was condemned to fail in this form. The construction of society in Islam is theocratic, and therefore monist and not dualist; dualism, which is the precondition for freedom, presupposes for its part the logic of the Christian thing. In practice this means that it is only where the duality of Church and state, of the sacral and the political authority, remains maintained in some form or another that the fundamental pre-condition exists for freedom.
Where the Church itself becomes the state freedom becomes lost. But also when the Church is done away with as a public and publicly relevant authority, then too freedom is extinguished, because there the state once again claims completely for itself the justification of morality; in the profane post-Christian world it does not admittedly do this in the form of a sacral authority but as an ideological authority – that means that the state becomes the party, and since there can no longer be any other authority of the same rank it once again becomes total itself. The ideological state is totalitarian; it must become ideological if it is not balanced by a free but publicly recognized authority of conscience. When this kind of duality does not exist the totalitarian system is unavoidable."
...When Christ will return to put in place the kingdom of the One God....then the will of the One God will become the state....and freedom (of religion, self-will, self-rights) will be lost.
Since Mr. Ratzinger and the RCC believes in and embraces freedom of self-conscience, self-rights and religion, it seems that the Roman general Church will not accept the return of Christ to take this freedom away.
It seems easier for the RCC to redefine Christ than to stand for the One True Way of Life, for the One True Creator Father.
....Ezekial 18:29...
"Yet the house of Israel says "The WAY of the Lord is not right"
"O house of Israel, is it not MY WAY which is right, and YOUR WAY(s) which is not right?"
"Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his way(s)." says the Lord God.
"Yet the house of Israel says "The WAY of the Lord is not right"
"O house of Israel, is it not MY WAY which is right, and YOUR WAY(s) which is not right?"
"Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his way(s)." says the Lord God.