The "Buffet Rule" is not about is about equality of rights.
The "Buffet Rule" tax by President Obama is not about is about equality of rights.
This is the "American spring" that is being stimulated as it was in the middle east by President Obama's 2009 UN speech.
If Mr. Obama gets the tax passed....he wins a battle for equality of taxation.
If Mr. Obama does not get this bill accepted....he will get an even more powerful win....the support of even more Americans for their desire of equality of taxation.
When a "right" is denied....this inflames the emotions and energy of the people who want their rights.
The same theme has been put forth on several issues...
health care rights
women's rights
lifestyle rights
religion rights
In each case, either one side or another has been insighted to cry out for their "rights".
President Obama is advancing "the god of self-rights" and has postioned himself as the defender and leader of "self-rights" and universal values.
President Obama also knows that his opponents will not attack the belief in "self-rights" as they themselves support and embrace this way of life.
It all seems "righteous" on the surface....each demanding and standing for their rights.
The "Catholic"leaders are doing the same....they also embrace this belief.
But buried beneath this is the fact that the belief in freedom of religions embraces the validity and existence of man's desire to worship the "god" of his personal choice...for his own self-interest.
And this belief denies the preeminence of the One and Only Creator God, the One who gave existence to all, and it denies Christ, His Son, as the One and Only True Way of Life to the Father.
Ezekial 20:27-33...BUT God said (with anger) to them…
“What is this high place to which you go?”
(...What is this way of life that you have decided to be right and just for your self-interest?)
(...What is this place that they have made to be higher than the True and Only God?)
(Dan.11:45...and the last king of the north will plant the tabernacle of his palace (his "god of fortresses") between (above) the seas and the Holy Mountain...").
The One God goes on to say…“What you have in your mind shall never be…( to serve the gods that the gentiles have created and justified)…because I (the One True and Only God) live, says the Lord God….and I will rule you”.
This is the "American spring" that is being stimulated as it was in the middle east by President Obama's 2009 UN speech.
If Mr. Obama gets the tax passed....he wins a battle for equality of taxation.
If Mr. Obama does not get this bill accepted....he will get an even more powerful win....the support of even more Americans for their desire of equality of taxation.
When a "right" is denied....this inflames the emotions and energy of the people who want their rights.
The same theme has been put forth on several issues...
health care rights
women's rights
lifestyle rights
religion rights
In each case, either one side or another has been insighted to cry out for their "rights".
President Obama is advancing "the god of self-rights" and has postioned himself as the defender and leader of "self-rights" and universal values.
President Obama also knows that his opponents will not attack the belief in "self-rights" as they themselves support and embrace this way of life.
It all seems "righteous" on the surface....each demanding and standing for their rights.
The "Catholic"leaders are doing the same....they also embrace this belief.
But buried beneath this is the fact that the belief in freedom of religions embraces the validity and existence of man's desire to worship the "god" of his personal choice...for his own self-interest.
And this belief denies the preeminence of the One and Only Creator God, the One who gave existence to all, and it denies Christ, His Son, as the One and Only True Way of Life to the Father.
Ezekial 20:27-33...BUT God said (with anger) to them…
“What is this high place to which you go?”
(...What is this way of life that you have decided to be right and just for your self-interest?)
(...What is this place that they have made to be higher than the True and Only God?)
(Dan.11:45...and the last king of the north will plant the tabernacle of his palace (his "god of fortresses") between (above) the seas and the Holy Mountain...").
The One God goes on to say…“What you have in your mind shall never be…( to serve the gods that the gentiles have created and justified)…because I (the One True and Only God) live, says the Lord God….and I will rule you”.
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