Saturday, 21 April 2012

...and now the US Catholic nuns...

BBC News - Leader of 'radical' US nuns rejects Vatican criticism

The Vatican has ordered a crackdown on a group of American nuns that it considers too radical.
A Vatican report into the group suggested that they "collectively take a position not in agreement with the church's teaching on human sexuality."
It says the group is undermining Roman Catholic teaching on homosexuality and is promoting "feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith".

However, as per Simone Campbell...“I’m stunned,” said Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of Network. “I would imagine that it was our health care letter that made them mad,” Sister Campbell said. “We haven’t violated any teaching, we have just been raising questions and interpreting politics.”

..."I can only infer that there was strong feeling about the health care position that we had taken," Campbell said. "Our position on health care was application of the one faith to a political document that we read differently than the bishops."

When the Vatican-ordered inquiry was initially announced, many religious sisters and their supporters said the investigation reflected church officials' misogyny and was an insult to religious sisters, who run hospitals, teach, and play other vital service roles in the church.

It seems that the bishops believe that they are right and that the nuns believe that they are right.

....freedom of thought and religion, the belief advanced by Mr. Rtazinger.

It seems that the nuns also have embraced the"pope's" teachings....who is on the side of freedom....following the way of life of freedom of self-interest ...of democracy...of freedom of religion.

Sister Campbell suggested that her organisation's vocal support for President Barack Obama's healthcare bill was behind the slapdown.
"There's a strong connection," she said. "We didn't split on faith, we split on politics."
...But Sister Campbell suggested a difficult time ahead: "It's totally a top-down process and I don't think the bishops have any idea of what they're in for."

Austrian priests....US nuns....seems that defiance and the leaven for freedom of thought and religion is growing....the vatican will be doing a crackdown....seems like the beginning of a "Catholic" spring.

But Mr. Ratzinger does believe in freedom of thought, religion, rights....
"...The modern idea of freedom is a legitimate product of the Christian environment..../ When the Church itself becomes the state… freedom becomes lost.
ref.: Why Church and State Must Be Separate by Benedict XVI (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger)

.....Perhaps a compromise will be negotiated and the "rights" will be respected.

The Roman General Church believes in and lives by another first love....the belief in freedom of self-interest. It speaks "religious" words but its fruit show another belief.


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