Friday, 20 January 2023

Is POTUS Biden 'a child of the devil'?

Why did POTUS Biden say "... I have the rights that I have....because I'm just a child of God, I exist." 

Clearly, POTUS Biden believes that God gave him "FREEDOM" for his rights.

...even to worship any / other gods.

But wait, that cannot be since there is ONLY the 1 Creator God Who said "you shall not ( i.e. do NOT have the "FREEDOM" to) worship any other".

POTUS Biden must be refering to the 'god' that rules the world at this time, the devil, who said in his heart:

...I will (my will - my desire to ) ascend into heaven (to the top)

...I will (my will - my desire to) exalt my throne (ruler ship) above the stars of God

...I will (my will - my desire to) sit also upon the mount of the congregation

...I will (my will - my desire to) ascend above the heights of the clouds (the glory of God)

...I will (my will - my desire to) be like the most High, to be equal to God...and if equal to then also not subject to God’s Will.

These are the words that the devil did say in his heart... Isaiah 14:12-14

This is what the devil believes in.It is clearly a rejection of the 1 God's authority.

It is a declaration to rule oneself, to do one's own will (desires), to serve and magnify oneself.

It is the claim for the power to think, speak, and act for one's self claimed rights and desires, and to define good and evil in one's own, this is worshiped as the image of "FREEDOM".

POTUS Biden must be 'a child of the devil'.


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