Friday, 28 November 2014

"Pope Francis", Interfaith vs Fanaticism...But is not Jesus Christ an Extremist?

Jorge Bergoglio ( “Pope Francis”) is promoting interfaith relations, which confesses the freedom and equality of all ‘religions’, as a path for peace.

He believes that it is right to sacrifice the One Truth in the name of man’s freedom.

He is promoting this “interfaith way” as a means to counteract fanaticism and fundamentalism which he claims create conflict within (which fratricide) societies.
...but this “interfaith way” fanatically and fundamentally claims, in the name of freedom, that the way to peace is to accept that it is right for each to worship “his” god / “his” truth.
...this “interfaith / freedom way” fanatically and fundamentally denies the ‘absolute’ claim by Jesus Christ that He is Son of the One and Only Creator.
...this “interfaith / freedom way” fanatically and fundamentally denies the claim and truth by the One Creator that He is the One and Only God, that He is the ‘I AM’.
...this “interfaith / freedom way” fanatically and fundamentally denies that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Only Way, the One Sacrifice and Salvation, to the One God

...and this “interfaith / freedom way” fanatically and fundamentally embraces the belief ,which satan confessed, that it is right to be free to take of the forbidden tree of knowing ( defining and justifying) “good and evil” in one’s own eyes….claiming that “surely you will not die, for you will be ‘like god’.

BUT the Lord Jesus Christ said to satan that we  are to worship ONLY the One Lord your Creator God ( for there is no other) and Him Alone to serve in obedience and love, love for Him First and Foremost and love for, to do good to, the fellowman.
….perhaps Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), President Obama, and other leaders would say that Jesus Christ , the Son of the One God, is a fanatic, a fundamentalist, an extremist.

He was killed for this….but He was also resurrected for this ...and He will very soon return as the One King to rule and judge the earth in power according to the Will of the One Creator and NOT according to man’s first love for “his fanatic freedom / his extremist religious freedom”...for his fundamental desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

Sunday, 9 November 2014 be FREE to worship ANY 'god....BUT Christ said there is Only One God.

Queen Elizabeth remembers those that fought for FREEDOM...
...for the freedom of one's rights and justify one's self-rights
/ for one's happiness, for one's free speech, for one's lifestyle...sexual lifestyle
...for the freedom / for religious liberty
/ for the freedom and self-right to worship ANY 'god' as per one's desire.

But did not the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Creator, say that there is Only One God and that we are to worship Only Him and to serve Only Him? other words the One God never said that man is 'free' to worship 'any god' fact the One God commanded that man to worship, obey, and love Only Him....warning man that his disobedience of this would lead to punishment, eternal condemnation, and death.

Man has placed his own 'god' ABOVE the Creator and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Man has place the abomination of "FREEDOM" above the One Truth of the Creator...and  President Obama has declared in Jerusalem this FREEDOM to be the "light" and "righteousness" of man.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Director Joel Richardson asks, "Is the return of Jesus closer than you think?"...what does all mankind worship most?..FREEDOM.

Signs of the time of the end...
....and men will be lovers of themselves
...and all will have the mark ( identity, character) of the beast (world power) on their forehead or hand
...all will worship and glorify the 'god of fortresses' of the last world king

What does man love most?
What does man worship above all other beliefs?

Is it not their first love for their FREEDOM, their self-justified rights...? do what is right in their own eyes for their self-interests
...for their freedom of self-rights
...for their religious freedom...which confesses that it is RIGHT to be free to worship ANY 'god' of one's desire.

The One Creator, because of man's rejection of His Will and of His Son Jesus Christ, has sent forth the seals, trumpets, and bowls as a testing of those who claim to be the 'elect' test their faith and obedience to Him and to bring to fulfillment the time of man, of satan's way.

And the True Light is being darkened and is being put out for man rejects the True Light of the One Truth of His Son Jesus Christ...instead embracing the  freedom to do one's own will...declaring that it is RIGHT to be free to worship ANY 'god'.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power as the One King according to the Will of the One and Only Creator and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom", for his self-justified do what is right in his own eyes.

...and there will be no freedom to worship any 'god' ....for there is Only One, whose identity is defined by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Joel Osteen confesses Obama a 'good christian'...and both love the FREEDOM to worship ANY 'god'.

President Obama worships and lives by the belief in FREEDOM.
...freedom of self-rights, freedom of all religions, freedom of one's own sexual lifestyle, etc.
AND this FREEDOM declares, confesses, and dictates that it is RIGHT in man's eyes to be free to worship ANY 'god / self-belief'.
BUT the One and Only Creator commanded man to worship, obey, and love Only Him
....and His Son the Anointed Jesus taught that we are to worship the One Lord your God and Him Alone to serve in obedience and for Him first and foremost and love for, to do good to , the fellow man.
But President Obama, a self-claimed "religious" hypocritically calls on "God" so as to bless the freedom to worship ANY 'god'.
....this is self-righteousness and one's desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES)
And Joel Osteen is the same.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Bergoglio "pope", Jerusalem, & FREEDOM to worship ANY 'god'

Jorge Bergoglio "the pontiff" said (Nov.1'14)..."I urge you to pray so that the Holy City, dear to Jews, Christians and Muslims, which has experienced several tensions in these days, may be more and more a symbol and a precursor of the peace that God wishes for the entire human family,"

Jorge, the entire human family believes in and worships FREEDOM...freedom of self-rights, freedom of self-religion, whether it be Jewish, Christian, or Muslim ...or any other 'god' (incl. "no god").

AND this FREEDOM confesses and glorifies that it is RIGHT to be free to worship ANY 'god' / self-belief.

BUT there is ONE & ONLY ONE GOD, there is no other, and HE is identified by The Lord Jesus Christ His Son.
...there is no possible reconciliation between the One Creator and man's self-justified 'gods'.

Jorge, your love for this FREEDOM is blasphemy in the eyes of the One Creator and in the eyes of His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

President Obama has declared this FREEDOM TO BE THE 'GOD OF FORTRESSES'....declaring it to be the "light" and true way of man, placing it above the One Truth of the Creator.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of the One Creator and NOT according to man's first love for his freedom, for his desire to do what is right in his own serve and magnify oneself (XES).