Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Joel Osteen confesses Obama a 'good christian'...and both love the FREEDOM to worship ANY 'god'.

President Obama worships and lives by the belief in FREEDOM.
...freedom of self-rights, freedom of all religions, freedom of one's own sexual lifestyle, etc.
AND this FREEDOM declares, confesses, and dictates that it is RIGHT in man's eyes to be free to worship ANY 'god / self-belief'.
BUT the One and Only Creator commanded man to worship, obey, and love Only Him
....and His Son the Anointed Jesus taught that we are to worship the One Lord your God and Him Alone to serve in obedience and love...love for Him first and foremost and love for, to do good to , the fellow man.
But President Obama, a self-claimed "religious" hypocritically calls on "God" so as to bless the freedom to worship ANY 'god'.
....this is self-righteousness and one's desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES)
And Joel Osteen is the same.


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