Wednesday, 30 July 2014 the name of FREEDOM...Russia will not be able to "buy & sell".

President Obama announced today, July 30 ‘2014, that the USA would rally the international community in standing up for the rights and freedom of the people around the world.
….& that the USA will be imposing new sanctions on Russia

….Sanctions that,  in the name of FREEDOM of Rights, will make it more difficult for Russia to “buy & sell”.

It is written in The Word of the One and Only Creator that (during the ruler ship of the last king of the north) the mark (allegiance), name (character) , and number (value system) of the last world ruler would be received by all nations…..and that those that would resist the way ( the “god of fortresses”) of the king of the north would not be able to “buy and sell”....causing them , all, to change, embrace, and receive the mark of the last ruler of the north.

The image, the ‘god of fortresses’,  that is embraced and worshipped by man  is FREEDOM.
These sanctions by the USA, leader of the free world, and by the international community are being levied in the name of, mark, and value of FREEDOM of Rights.

And in the name of this same FREEDOM, for the sake of and desire for economic freedom for the Russian people, Russia (Putin) will, sooner or later, change.

And this FREEDOM also dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) to worship ANY ‘god’.

BUT the One and Only Creator forbid man ( did not give the freedom) to worship any other ‘gods’.
The Lord Jesus Christ said that it is written that we are to worship Only the One Lord Creator and Him Alone to SERVE in obedience and for Him First and Foremost and love for , TO DO GOOD TO  the fellowman.

Soon, very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of the One Who Gives Existence to All that Exists and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”, for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Hamas & Israel...fighting and dying for the SAME FREEDOM

As per Hamas Gaza leader Ismail Haniyeh…."The destruction of stones will not break our will and we will continue our resistance until we gain freedom."

Ismail Haniyeh worships and is willing to fight and die for this “freedom”
….but it is the SAME “freedom” that the Israelis are willing to fight and die for.

A short while ago, President Obama warned Israel that the US would not be able to prevent an “international fallout” if peace would not be negotiated between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

A short while ago, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), President Pres, and President Abbas each prayed to their respective ‘religious gods’, at the Vatican, for FREEDOM.
….but in reality they prayed to the same “god of fortresses”, the “god of self-freedom”.

President Obama has declared that this FREEDOM is not given….that this FREEDOM must be “taken”.

And so, today, the Israelis are fighting for, to take, their “freedom”.
And so, today, the Palestinians are also fighting for, to take, and are dying for their “freedom”.

This FREEDOM  is the same “freedom” that both worship and live for. It is the ‘IMAGE’ of the “god above all fortress” that has the authority to speak and dictate what is RIGHT  in the eyes of man.

This FREEDOM believes in one serving and magnifying oneself (XES).
This FREEDOM declares that …”I am not my brother’s keeper….I am keeper of my myself first and foremost”.
This FREEDOM confessed that it is RIGHT  to be FREE to take (in disobedience) of the tree of justifying “ good and evil” in one’s own eyes, for one’s own self-interests.

BUT the One Creator forbid man ( did not give him the freedom) to worship any other ‘god’.
...And the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator God, said that it is written that one is to worship Only the One Lord Your Creator and Him Alone to SERVE in obedience and for HIM First and Foremost….and love for , to DO GOOD to the fellowman.

Soon, very soon, the Anointed Lord Jesus will return to rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of the One Who Gives Existence to All that Exists and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

ISIS...their religion, gold, or your head.....BUT the True God said to DO GOOD.

The Muslim Sunni (ISIS) demand that one either worship their religion, give them gold, or lose his head.
They declare this because they believe that their way is right, that they are free to worship their religion as they see fit...even if their actions do not do good to the fellowman.
...this is the fruit of love for SELF-FREEDOM, SELF-RULE
...the SAME FREEDOM that is worshipped by Christians, Catholics, Protestants, Muslim Shiites, Buddhists, Hindu, atheists, satanists, pro-choice, pro-life, heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, polygamists, pedophiles, fornicators, adulterers, liars, thieves, murderers, and by those that confess that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship ANY 'god'.

Did not the One Creator say to Cain...
..." if you DO GOOD, will you not be accepted?"
..." and if you do not NOT DO GOOD, then sin lies at the door and its desire is for you."

The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator, said that we are to worship the One Truth, the One & Only Creator Who is Good, and Him Alone to serve in obedience and for Him and Love for, to DO GOOD to, the fellowman.

He said to DO GOOD TO THE FELLOW MAN...friend or The Lord Jesus Christ spoke of, lived by, died for, and was resurrected for.

True judgement is in the Hands of the One Creator, Who is defined by His Son Jesus, and not by sinners who believe in serving and magnifying oneself (XES) for one's self interest.

Soon, very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power as the One King according to the Will of the One Who Gives Existence to All that Exists and NOT according to man's first love for "his self-freedom"....for in the Kingdom there are no"religions"....there is Only GOOD.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

"Pope Francis" (Jorge Bergoglio) and the 2%...+2%...+2%...+2%...+2%....+ others

Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) said that 2% of clergy are paedophiles.
If 2% are paedophiles, then can it be also...
2% fornicators with young (18yrs +) girls
2% fornicators with young (18yrs +) boys
2% fornicators with adult single women
2% fornicators with married women
2% fornicators with prostitutes
2% fornicators (homosexual)
2% impregnated women...2% supported abortions
2% are liars
2% are thieves
2% are greedy for money
2% are power hungry
2% facilitate crime
2% cover up crime
...and so on

And there is a common desire that the clergy and Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis), a self admitted active sinner,  embrace and live by:
.....they all (100%) believe in their freedom...freedom of self-rights, self-will....freedom of religion...freedom of all serve and magnify oneself (XES)
....they confess that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship ANY 'god'.

BUT the Lord Jesus Christ said that we are to worship ONLY the One Creator, for there is no other, and Him Alone to SERVE in obedience and for Him First and Foremost and love for, to do GOOD TO the fellowman.

Saturday, 12 July 2014

At 3 1/2 years, President Obama has declared an end to "sacrifice and offering" in Jerusalem

In Daniel 9:26-27, the messenger Gabriel describes the events to take place in the last days of man’s rule, within which the last prince (ruler) will proceed to end (to replace), to desolate (destroy / corrupt /redefine), the One Truth of God.


"…And the people of the prince who is to come, shall destroy (corrupt/redefine/replace) the sanctuary (sacredness / holiness / preeminence) of the city (the Holy Mountain / One Truth of God).

The end of it shall be with a flood. (It will have the power to take away, convince / deceive, all.)

And till the end of the war (pressure against the One Truth), desolations are determined (will take place against it).

This PRINCE / RULER of the people, will confirm (prevail) a covenant with many for one week (will last 7 years).

And in the middle of the week (after and at 3 ½ years), he will bring an end to sacrifice and offering."


President Obama, leader / ruler / prince of the "free" world",  has "brought to an end the sacrifice and offering" in Jerusalem and Israel applauded him. He has declared, in Jerusalem, that the way of "freedom of rights and equality" is the true and preeminent way of life. He has declared that it is right to be free to worship any god.

On Sept. 23, 2009, President Obama spoke to many (all nations) in a speech at the United Nations. At this time, President Obama declared and confessed his belief in freedom and equality for all peoples and committed himself to bring this way of life to all.

In the pursuing 3 ½ years, the people of Egypt, North Africa, and the Middle East have called for, embraced, fought for, and have died for the way of freedom and equality of self rights, of self-rule, of democracy. They have overthrown their rulers and the seed of "self-freedom" is growing in all these nations.

On March 21, 2013, 3 ½ years after his 2009 UN covenant, President Obama declared and redefined that the story of the Passover is a story of "finding freedom"…
…to be a story which holds within it the universal human experience (defined by man to be freedom and equality of human rights)
…to be a story of equality of religions, for he said that the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have a common history (Abraham and the city of Jerusalem).

President Obama goes on to declare that the Passover is a story of God’s will to give "freedom". He believes that the existence of Israel is rooted in the idea, in the belief, that people deserve to be free in a land of their own (self-rule).

BUT this is not true.

The One Creator God led the Israelis out of Egypt so as for them to be His nation….a people to worship and serve Him Alone….a people to live according to the One Truth and Way of the One Creator God, whose identity is clearly defined by His anointed Son Jesus Christ.

The One God did not bring them out of Egypt so as for them to worship their own self-justified religions (ex. golden calf). He did not bring them out of Egypt so that they would decide for themselves (free will) what is right in their own eyes for their self-interest desires.

This is clearly seen in the act of giving them the 10 Commandments, which, if trespassed, would result in the consequence of death.

President Obama has also denied and rejected the "corner stone" of Jesus Christ as the true significance of the Passover….for it is only through repentance, acknowledgement of the sacrifice of, and servitude to Christ that one is forgiven and True to the One God.

Obama confesses that the "freedom" for the ways of man is right and that the One Way of God is not the right Way, not the Only Way.

But the way of man, of satan, will not exist forever.

It is Only the Lord Jesus Christ that will rule forever according to the One Will of the One Creator …and not according to man's first love for "his self-freedom", for his "self-will",  for his desire to serve, exalt, and magnify oneself (XES),  of which satan is the father.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

A "devout Muslim woman", her full face veil, and her love for freedom.

...A devout Muslim, 24-year-old French woman, argued that the ban on full face veils violates her freedom of religion and expression....

It is interesting to see that this "devout Muslim" turns to for protection and believes in FREEDOM ( freedom of rights , religious freedom) in order to defend her "religious way".
It is interesting to see that this same FREEDOM is also claimed by the Christians, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, etc.
It is also interesting to see that this same FREEDOM is also claimed by heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, polygamists, fornicators, adulterers, pedophiles, etc.

It is also interesting to see that President Obama has confessed in Jerusalem that this FREEDOM  is the LIGHT & RIGHTEOUSNESS of man, that it is the "will" of the "common god" of the Christians, Muslims, Jews, and mankind.

And this FREEDOM dictates that it is RIGHT to worship ANY 'god' as per one's own justification.

This French woman claims to be a "devout Muslim", but her first love is FREEDOM....just as it is the first love of all religious, of all mankind.

The Lord Jesus said that we are to worship Only the One Creator and Him Alone to serve in obedience and for Him and love for, to do GOOD to, the fellowman.

Soon, very soon, the The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator, will return to rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of the One Who Gives Existence to all that Exists and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom"....
...and there will be no more religious christian, religious muslim, religious jew, nor any self-freedom in the kingdom....for there is Only the One Truth, Only the One Creator.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

America's Faith Leaders...RFRA...confessing to Congress it is RIGHT to worship ANY 'god'

America's faith leaders...their first love is FREEDOM
...and this FREEDOM dictates that it is RIGHT to be free to worship ANY 'god'.

BUT the One Creator said that we are to have NO OTHER 'gods' before Him.
...The Lord Jesus Christ , Son of the One Creator, said that it is written that we are to worship Only the Lord your God and Him Alone to serve in obedience and for Him First and Foremost and love for, to do GOOD to, the fellowman.

Instead man confesses that his ways are right and that the One Way of the Creator is not right.
...for man desires to claim the taken freedom, in disobedience, to serve, exalt, and magnify oneself (XES) profess that the fruit of the forbidden tree is good for be 'like god'.

Soon, very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power according to the WILL of the One Who Gives Existence to all that Exists and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom"...for in the Kingdom there is no freedom of self-rights, there is no freedom of religion....there is ONLY THE ONE CREATOR.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Hobby Lobby reality a victory for Obama.

In reality , this is a victory for President Obama.
President Obama believes in FREEDOM of rights for ALL.
...freedom of rights for women ( pro-life & pro-choice)
...freedom of rights of sexual lifestyle ( heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, polygamist)
...freedom and equality of rights for all religions ( Christian, Muslim, Jew, atheist, others)

For he has declared that this same FREEDOM that all worship for their self-justified interests and desires is the LIGHT & righteousness of man...he has also confessed in Jerusalem that this FREEDOM is the "will" of the "common god" of the 3 main "religions" and of mankind.

David Green , owner of Hobby Lobby, won his case...but he did it in the name of "religious freedom"...
....and this "religious freedom" is a branch of FREEDOM which dictates that it is RIGHT to be free to worship ANY 'god'.
....he did not win this case because he confessed that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of the One and Only Creator...that there is no other 'god'.
...he did not win this case because he confessed that the Way of Christ is the Only true way of life...instead he confessed that freedom of self-rights, freedom of all and any religions is the true way of do his own do what is right in his own serve, exalt, and magnify oneself (XES).

President Obama may have to make modifications to his health care program, but he has pressed David Green to deny the preeminence of the One Creator and to publicly confess his first love for "his self-freedom".

....and this is happening everywhere.

Note that soon, very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power according to the Will of the One Who Gives Existence to all that Exists in love for the Only Creator for Him and love for, to do GOOD to, the fellowman......and NOT according to man's first love for "his self-freedom"....for there will be NO freedom of self-rights nor freedom of religion in the Kingdom, for there is Only the One Creator.