Wednesday, 30 July 2014 the name of FREEDOM...Russia will not be able to "buy & sell".

President Obama announced today, July 30 ‘2014, that the USA would rally the international community in standing up for the rights and freedom of the people around the world.
….& that the USA will be imposing new sanctions on Russia

….Sanctions that,  in the name of FREEDOM of Rights, will make it more difficult for Russia to “buy & sell”.

It is written in The Word of the One and Only Creator that (during the ruler ship of the last king of the north) the mark (allegiance), name (character) , and number (value system) of the last world ruler would be received by all nations…..and that those that would resist the way ( the “god of fortresses”) of the king of the north would not be able to “buy and sell”....causing them , all, to change, embrace, and receive the mark of the last ruler of the north.

The image, the ‘god of fortresses’,  that is embraced and worshipped by man  is FREEDOM.
These sanctions by the USA, leader of the free world, and by the international community are being levied in the name of, mark, and value of FREEDOM of Rights.

And in the name of this same FREEDOM, for the sake of and desire for economic freedom for the Russian people, Russia (Putin) will, sooner or later, change.

And this FREEDOM also dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) to worship ANY ‘god’.

BUT the One and Only Creator forbid man ( did not give the freedom) to worship any other ‘gods’.
The Lord Jesus Christ said that it is written that we are to worship Only the One Lord Creator and Him Alone to SERVE in obedience and for Him First and Foremost and love for , TO DO GOOD TO  the fellowman.

Soon, very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of the One Who Gives Existence to All that Exists and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”, for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).


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