Wednesday, 28 August 2013

President Obama..."freedom is not given".....a LIE

Today (August 28,2013) President Obama said that "freedom is not given"......but this is not true....since one can only be truly free if his master gives this "freedom" to him. 
If "freedom" is not given....then any action for or presumption of "being free" is in fact DISOBEDIENCE to the will of the Master / Ruler / King. 
The USA was created by an act of disobedience to the will of the King of England. 
AND more importantly the desire for and belief in "freedom of self will"..."freedom of self rights" is in itself DISOBEDIENCE TO THE WILL OF THE ONE AND ONLY CREATOR GOD whose identity is clearly defined by His Son Jesus Christ. 
Why?....because this "freedom" that is taken by man, this disobedience that is flaunted by man as "righteousness", declares that it is RIGHT (A RIGHT) for man to worship any god of his own justification...that it is just for man to establish what is right in his own eyes. 
BUT there is Only One Creator God who did not give man the "freedom" to take of the tree of self knowledge....for He said the judgement and punishment would be death for man. 
As you can see, man is not free from his Creator / Master / Ruler for this True God has authority over his creation. 
Therefore man's "self-freedom will" is in fact disobedience to the Will of the Creator God. 
SOON....Christ will return to RULE the earth/ mankind according to the Will of the One God and not according to the self proclaimed "freedom will" of man....and man will weep and will clench his teeth in anger when his first love for his "freedom" will be no more.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

To Mr Dobson (@ Focus on the Family), re. Christ's definition of family?

Mr. Dobson

Since your radio message is focused on the family, I would ask you to explain to me the following scripture:

Mark 3: 33-35...
But Christ answered them "Who is My mother, or My brothers?"
And He looked at those who sat about Him and said "Here are My mother and My brothers!
For whoever does the Will of God is My brother and My sister and mother."

Mr. Dobson, if one instead does his own will, if one confesses that it is right to be free to do one's own will / one's own rights...if one believes in freedom of rights, freedom of all this one part of the family of Christ?

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

To Mr John Munro (@Back to the Bible)...Why and by whom is satan defined to be evil?

On August 13, you said that satan is evil. This is true.
...what defines him as "evil"?

In whose eyes is satan (the adversary) evil? the eyes of the One God.
(note that in satan's eyes his way is not evil but instead good...a light of his belief)

What makes satan evil in God's eyes?
....Christ (atop the highest mountain) commanded satan that he is to worship the Lord Your God and to serve Him Alone. But satan rejected this and left (fled from) Christ.
This means that satan rejects the worship of Yehowah Elohim as his Lord/Ruler and refuses to serve only the One Creator God.
...why? ...because he would not be free to do his own will, that he would not be free to define what is right for his self desires.

This is disobedience to the Will of the One God.

Satan instead believes that it is RIGHT for him to be free from the Will of the Creator God so as to be free to serve his own will, to worship himself, to serve "know", define, establish "good and evil" as per one's own self interests.

This, today, is known as the belief in and worship of "FREEDOM" of rights, human rights, freedom of all religions, freedom of self happiness, freedom of sexual lifestyle and orientation, freedom of speech...etc
...all of which serves and magnifies the "self" (XES).

This is the (spiritual) mark of the beast on one's forehead.
This is the "image that speaks" that all worship and glorify.
This is "as a light" that President Obama is confessing and advancing to all nations.
This is the "god of fortresses" that all proclaim as their first love and that which Egypt, Libya (North Africa), and Ethiopia (land of Cush) are following at its heels.

This is the Blasphemy and Abomination...for it has been placed above the One Truth and Holy Mountain of the One God and His Christ.

Mr Munro...this is the tribulation and deception that is testing those that
claim to follow Christ. Christ your first love or is it "freedom"?

To Mr. Ravi Zacharias "self-referencing" ...vs living by "freedom of self-rights"

Mr Zacharias
I heard your message given on Saturday August 10.
Sir, it is clear that you know scripture inside and out and are eloquent in presenting the words of the bible.
But why do you not say the One Truth in the face of "christians"?

You said that man has rejected the One God.....Yes, this is true.

You said that man is "self referencing" the establishment and justification of "good and evil" (of one's self happiness)...Yes, this is true.

You said that The One God commanded that "you (man) will not take upon yourself the sovereignity over good and evil"....Yes, this is true.

So why do you not say that this "self referencing" is DISOBEDIENCE to the Will of the Creator Ruler?

So why do you not say that this "self sovereignity" is man's belief in his self proclaimed FREEDOM to do his own will (and not the Will of God)?

So why do you not say that man has, in his disobedience, rejected God so as to embrace his belief in FREEDOM OF SELF RIGHTS (freedom of all religions, freedom of self happiness)...the belief in self rule?

President Obama has confessed that "freedom is the light"...that all have equal rights...Obama has declared in Jerusalem that the will of his god is "freedom"....and all nations, rulers, and religious leaders applauded this (Israel included).
...,Christ said that all would be deceived by this "message (angel) as of light".

Mr Zacharias, do you embrace this
"freedom" to serve one's own "self referencing" rights? (the XES)