Thursday, 16 January 2025

They did "their will" and chose the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Genesis 2:9

"...In the middle of the garden He ( the 1God) placed the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil."

Adam & Eve decided to do "their will"...and so they chose to take of the tree of knowledge of good and define good and evil in their own eyes for their self interest desires.

How powerful was this desire to do "their will" that it caused them to NOT choose the tree of life?

This is what both the Republicans and Democrats believe in.

This is what the nations of the world believe in and worship.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

The "Pope" welcomes the "Medal of Freedom" which justifies SIN.

The "Medal of Freedom".

The "FREEDOM" which admonishes, justifies, and glorifies the human claimed rights to define the existence of any / other gods and to justify the right of worship of these any / other gods, whether they be of a traditional religious or secular nature, to dishonor one's parents, to kill and to war, to justify the right for any sexual life style (which includes LGBTQ, fornication, adultery...and abortion), to steal, to bear false witness, to covet & to justify greed.

This is what this person... "Pope" Francis of the Roman Katholika Church, who is supposed to represent the Resurrected Son , Lord Jesus, of the 1 & ONLY Creator God...He Who is the Beginning and the End, He Who is Existence, He Who is Good...received with welcome arms and a big smile.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

"Medal of Freedom" for "Pope" Francis of the Roman Katholika Religion ???

What do you think of POTUS Biden awarding the 'Medal of FREEDOM' to "Pope" Francis and the "Pope" accepting this "FREEDOM" medal, which I believe is supposed to be the most prestigious of all the USA medals?

...clearly, POTUS Biden believes that the Roman Katholika Church is under the auspices of the spirit of "FREEDOM" that justifies any religion and the worship of ANY gods.

...clearly, the "Pope" has accepted this "FREEDOM" medal because he believes that the Roman Katholika Church exists under the auspices of this "FREEDOM" way.

BUT note that the 1 God has said that He is the ONLY ONE and Lord Jesus has said that He is the ONLY Way to the 1&Only God, His Father.

The 1God has said shall NOT worship any other

Lord Jesus has shall worship the Lord your God and Him Alone serve