Sunday, 26 February 2023

Who started the term "Christian"?

It is recorded, in the Bible in Acts 11: 19-26 and in historical records covering the rule by the Roman emperor Trajan (ruled from C.E. 98 until C.E. 117) and the Roman governor of Antioch, Pliny the Younger, that the term and label "Christian" was first used.

Did the followers of Lord Jesus start at this time, after some 60+ years after the resurrection of Lord Jesus to refer to themselves as "Christians"?

Was it instead the Romans in Antioch lead by the Roman Antioch governor Pliny the Younger that started to refer to the followers of Christ as "Christians"?

Up until this time, the true followers of Lord Jesus refered to themselves as 'disciples' of Lord Jesus or as followers of 'The Way' (i.e. the 1 True Way). Why would they, after some 60 years, start to refer to themselves as "Christians"?

It is recorder that the governor of Antioch, Pliny the Younger, wrote to the emperor Trajan asking what to do with these “ Christians". It seems much more likey that the Romans created this label as a means to identify the followers of Christ as a fringe religious group that did not believe in also bowing to Caesar as a god.

Saturday, 4 February 2023

Satan's Declaration of Independence

Many believe in "self-rule under God."

Self-rule under an oxymoron.

Self-rule cannot exist under the 1 God since under the rulership of the 1 God ALL are His servants.

Lord Jesus will rule as the 1 King....therefore no self-rule by mankind.

The only one who gave man the desire for self-rule, for "FREEDOM", is the devil, the father of it.

This is seen in satan's declaration of independence: Isaiah 14:12-14

...I will (my will - my desire to ) ascend into heaven (to the top)

...I will (my will - my desire to) exalt my throne (ruler ship) above the stars of God

...I will (my will - my desire to) sit also upon the mount of the congregation

...I will (my will - my desire to) ascend above the heights of the clouds (the glory of God)

...I will (my will - my desire to) be like the most High, to be equal to God...and if equal to then also not subject to God’s Will.

This is his declaration for SELF-RULE & "FREEDOM".

This is what the devil believes in.

It is a declaration to rule oneself, to do one's own will (desires), to serve and magnify oneself. It is the claim for the power to think, speak, and act for one's self claimed rights and desires, and to define good and evil in one's own eyes., this is worshiped as the image of "FREEDOM".

Friday, 3 February 2023

POTUS BIDEN said ..."“What’s the soul of the nation? it not "FREEDOM"?

POTUS BIDEN said ..."“What’s the soul of the nation? The soul is the breath, the life, the essence of who we are. The soul makes us us. It's embodied in the sacred proposition: we’re all created equally in the Image of God,” .

What is the "soul" of the U.S.A.?

Is it not the spirit of "FREEDOM"?

...This "FREEDOM" is embodied in a proposition which Biden describes as being sacred.

...This "FREEDOM" does proclaim "equality of human rights"

But this "FREEDOM" is NOT from the 1 & Only Creator God, for the 1God said "you shall NOT (i.e. do not have the "FREEDOM" to) worship ANY 'gods'...because He is the Only One.

This "FREEDOM" can therefore only come from one who desires to be as high as and equal to the 1 Creator God... from its father the devil who is NOW the ruler of mankind...and who has deceived mankind to worship this "FREEDOM" as "a light".