Friday, 15 November 2019

"Pope" Francis , in the name of "FREEDOM", defends his ritual worship of Pachamama fertility goddess.

WHY did "Pope Francis" participate in the worship of Pachamama, a pagan fertility goddess?
Why did he also "bless" the a statue of the naked, pregnant goddess?
Why did he diplomatically defend his action and rebuke his critics?
ANSWER >>>> because he believes in "FREEDOM" of religion...for each ( n this case the Amazonians) to worship any god ( incl religious idols).
He also believes that Lord Jesus is a PART of this "FREEDOM" of man's will to worship any "god".
Reminder...The devil did offer to Jesus the worship from mankind if Jesus were to bow to and serve satan's way (of "FREEDOM MY WILL").
BUT NOTE....very soon Lord Jesus will return to rule mankind as the ONE KING according ONLY to the WILL og His Father , the 1 and ONLY God.....and man's (satan's) "FREEDOM" will be NO MORE.

Donald Trump defines good to be evil and evil to be good.

Donald J. Trump, a "billionaire", took money from a charity fund (which he controlled and publicly promoted by him to be used for the poor, hungry, and sick) for his self interest. He also betrayed the trust of the donors for their donations to be used as promised.
And...How incredible it is that POTUS Donald Trump still insists (in his twitter 'STATEMENT') that he did nothing wrong, that he has been the most generous charity giver, (a reminder for his evangelicals...what did Lord Jesus say about those who publicly boast of their charitable generosity?), and has EVEN redefined the $2M penalty AS a DONATION that he is happy to give to those charities.
He truly believes himself to be right (as a god) in his own eyes.
He truly believes in "FREEDOM' to do his own will and define evil to be good for his self interest and self magnification.
Does this remind you of anyone? satan?

Ravi Zacharias states that "we cannot do our own thing". But Ravi believes in "FREEDOM".

Mr. Zacharias
I heard your radio message today (Nov. 28, 2015, Montreal) in which, at one point, you stressed that "we cannot do our own thing (way)".
Very true.
...whose way then is man to do?
Man desires to do his own thing, his own do what he do what is right in his own serve and magnify oneself.
What is required in order for man to do his own thing?
Is it not freedom?
To be FREE from an authority so as to be FREE to do one's own way, one's own self-justified rights. a slave that escaped his master a prisoner that has broken out of jail ( parameters)
This FREEDOM is in fact a disobedience, an error, a sin, which man has redefined to be good, as Eve redefined the forbidden tree to be good for one's desires, pleasures, and wisdom.
...she also believed that she would not die because of this freedom to do what is right in one's eyes.
This veil of FREEDOM is very is as a river torrent carrying away even the elect.
This FREEDOM is proclaimed as a "god of fortresses"....confessing FREEDOM of rights ( human rights), FREEDOM of religions ( for all gods), FREEDOM of speech ( for any blasphemy), FREEDOM of sexual lifestyle (for fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, bisexuals, polygamists, pedophiles...even sanctifying homosexual marriage), FREEDOM of abortion, & the list goes on.
Most significantly , this FREEDOM ( religious liberty) procliams that it is right, a right, to be free to worship ( without judgement) ANY 'god', ANY 'non traditional god', ANY ''absence of any god' (secularism).
Ravi....but you did not extrapolate your statement....but kept the identity and name of this "freedom" vague and covered.
You do not refer to it by its name as if it is not acceptable for you to lay blame on this 'freedom' . Is this because you love it for your desires and self wisdom?
Whose way is man then to do?....the Will of the One Creator Who is Good.
The One Creator, as Master, gave instruction, permission, license to man to freely take only of the trees that He created and defined to be GOOD.
The One Creator, as Master, also gave instruction commanding man not to take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil... was other words He did not give man the freedom to take of this tree, warning man that if he were to do so ( to disobey) that the judgement and punishment for this disobedience ( this self taken freedom) would be death.
How powerful is this 'freedom' to cause Adam & Eve to disobey their Creator and to redefine that which is evil to be good.
Man is born with it....but the Lord Jesus Christ said that we must be reborn and to serve only the Will of the Creator.
Ravi, I hope that you will see and witness the One True Way.
...if you do, be ready to be stoned for man loves first and foremost his FREEDOM to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
John Stefanyszyn
..indebted, as a bondman, to the Lord, Savior, & King Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator Who is Good.