To HUMBLE (ταπεινώθητε) oneself to the 1God
Mr Wallace, I heard your radio conversation with Mr. Charles Morris a couple of days ago (Oct 11?) in which you spoke of one's need to HUMBLE oneself...but you did not really explain to the listeners what this HUMBLING entails. I know that you know the Greek langauge. It seems however that you missed the true significance of ταπεινώθητε. It is clear that to humble oneself to the 1God is to be fully dependent on the Lord – dismissing reliance upon self (self-government) and emptying carnal ego. In other words “not my will but Your’s be done” other words to be a servant who submits totally to the Lord….and a true and good servant does NOT desire nor have “FREEDOM” to do his own will for his own desires...since this servant serves ONLY the Will of his Master. This ταπεινώθητε is an inner lowliness which depends solely on the Lord rather on the self (i.e.therefore NO “MY will, MY FREEDOM”.) This ταπεινώθητε means being God-reliant rather than self-reliant (rather than ‘MY will, MY rights, MY FREEDOM’)
Lord Jesus very clearly expresses what this ταπεινώθητε is in His following words:
John 6:38…For I have come down from heaven, NOT to do 'MY own will', but the will of Him who sent Me.
John 5:30...I do not seek 'MY own will' but the will of the one who sent me.
Luke 22:42...not 'MY will' but Yours be done
But mankind desires each to do his and hers own will....claiming "FREEDOM" of will and their rights.
Their love for this is so primal that they , and even people who claim to be Christians, make the statement that God gave man the FREEDOM to do his own other words that the 1Master said to his servants that they are free (if "free" then permission given without judgement and punishment and even no longer subject to the Master's Will) to do their will, to do whatever they desire.
There is no Word of God which gives man this "FREEDOM' to do his own will.
This "FREEDOM" is claimed by man but is in reality DISOBEDIENCE, arrogance, pride, self reliance (the opposite of ταπεινώθητε)
...and the adversary the devil, satan, is the father of this claimed "FREEDOM' for each to do their own will, to serve and magnify oneself.
Lord Jesus said...."For I have come down from heaven, NOT to do 'My own will', but the Will of Him who sent Me."
This is clearly written.
Is the veil of 'FREEDOM MY WILL' preventing you from seeing the truth?