Sunday, 9 September 2018

Tormented by the devil and demons or tormented by holy angels and the Lamb???

Tormented by the devil and demons or tormented by holy angels and the Lamb???
Many believe in the scenario that satan and his demons will be doing the 'tormenting' because of popular religious teachings, but this is incorrect.
See what it says in Rev. 14:10...and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the PRESENCE of the HOLY ANGELS, and in the presence of the LAMB.
It does NOT say that they will be in the presence of satan and his demons...but instead in the presence of holy angels and the Lamb (Lord Jesus).

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Ben Shapiro wrote that POTUS Trump is a result of POTUS Obama.

Mr Shapiro,
You wrote that POTUS Trump is a result of POTUS Obama.
...they are connected.....
POTUS a lamb/prophet of "FREEDOM"
POTUS a dragon of "FREEDOM"
Both believe in the SAME "FREEDOM"
..."FREEDOM" 'rights - my rights'
..."FREEDOM" 'religions - my religion'
..."FREEDOM" 'will - my will'
..."FREEDOM" 'sexual lifestyle - my sexual lifestyle'
..."FREEDOM" 'speech - my speech'
..."FREEDOM" 'nations - my nation (MAGA)
You are seeing the fullness of "FREEDOM" and its true nature. serve and magnify oneself (XES).

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

"FREEDOM" to abort is SAME "FREEDOM" spirit as in "FREEDOM" of religions.

Franklin. it is true that ..they are denying the worth of millions of children to be made into the image of God.
...and they do so BECAUSE they claim "FREEDOM" for their rights, their desires (their will), their happiness, their interests, their "god". In a way it can be said that they sacrifice their children into the fire on the altar and to the "god" of "FREEDOM".
BUT you also believe in this SAME "FREEDOM" spirit for your fact for any religion / for any god.
The devil offered to & tested Lord Jesus ( in the dessert) 3 times to embrace this "FREEDOM" to claim "his rights" to serve and magnify himself... but in each case Jesus refused, declaring submission and obedience to His Father, the 1God.
As you know the devil failed with Jesus...BUT satan used these same temptations on man and the devil has been very successful in having man embrace this "FREEDOM" for each to serve and magnify oneself.
...and so they fornicate (&adultery)(ie "FREEDOM" sex) and kill their children for their "FREEDOM"
...and so you are also a hypocrite because you also claim this "FREEDOM"..."FREEDOM" of religion...for the right for each to worship ANY "gods".
Why do you not DECRY this "FREEDOM"?
The 1God said that you shall NOT (are NOT FREE nor have the right to) worship any other.