Sunday, 31 December 2017

‘Pope Francis’ calls it the ‘fruit of war’. But what is war the fruit of?

‘Pope Francis’ calls it the ‘fruit of war’.But what is war the fruit of?....FREEDOM “my rights”.Therefore, the picture shows the ‘fruit of FREEDOM”....because if all would obediently serve GOOD, would serve and worship the One God thru His Son Jesus, there would be no war.BUT ‘Pope Francis’ proclaims & worships instead the spirit of FREEDOM for each to claim their rights, their self defined and self justified “gods / religions”.See how this FREEDOM feeds on itself, each for their self FREEDOM….to do own will.Very soon, the Lord Jesus, Son of the 1God & Creator, will return to rule the earth according to the Will of His Father….and FREEDOM no more.What will man do?....war?

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Netanyahu proclaims FREEDOM & Right to worship ANY gods in Israel & Jerusalem.

Netanyahu, in replying to OIC statement, declared that: "Not only is it the capital of Israel but in Jerusalem, we uphold freedom of worship for all faiths...". Yes,Netanyahu & the nation of Israel uphold FREEDOM of worship for all faiths, for ANY gods. They proclaimed the same FREEDOM just before the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Israel. Today, Israel redefines Jerusalem to be the temple of FREEDOM & justifies it is right & good for each to worship any faith.
But the God of Abraham & Moses commanded Israel that ONLY He is to be worshiped in the nation of Israel. The resurrected Son, Lord Jesus, of this same God said that we are to worship the One Lord your ONLY God and Him Alone serve.

Ironically,Christians & Muslims, and all other religious / non religious "faiths" worship this same FREEDOM.

Sunday, 10 December 2017 the name of the One God & in the name of FREEDOM of ANY gods?

Israel (PM Netanyahu) claims Jerusalem in the name of the One God of Abraham & Moses. 
POTUS Trump agreed & declared, also in the name of the One God of Abraham & Moses, that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
And yet BOTH also proclaim Jerusalem to be a city of FREEDOM where each can worship ANY gods.
BUT...The One God said that you shall not (are NOT FREE to) worship any other.
&...Lord Jesus ,His Son, said you will worship the Lord your One God and Him Alone serve.
The king of the north will place the tabernacle of his palace between the seas and the Holy Mountain.
Judgement very soon.

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Trump's new US Embassy in Jerusalem...where will it be? what will it look like?

POTUS Trump said that the new US embassy in Jerusalem would be "a magnificent tribute to peace". Location is important to Trump...perhaps on Mount of Olives, Mount Zion, in Christian Quarter, in Jewish Quarter?
Appearance & Symbolism are important to will be a new building (a new approach)...will it look like an altar symbolic of peace and the image of FREEDOM that man worships?

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

‘Death’ testifies to the existence and authority of the 1MasterGod.

‘Death’ testifies to the existence and authority of the 1MasterGod.
But man claims FREEDOM
And rebelliously demands FREEDOM my rights, my right to exist.
And so many turn to their ‘beliefs or religions’ claiming continuity beyond death.
Denying the One God Who said that the penalty for sin is death (& eternal death).
Man does not believe this God to be real. Others claiming Him to be cruel.
Embracing instead the lie of the devil who said “surely you will not die”.
But there is a proof of God’s existence...the authority & power of Death itself.
None can escape it, all are subject to it.
None has FREEDOM from it.
For it is this God that said that all men must die once the physical death.
And then judgement as to eternal life or eternal death.
Only through Jesus, in servitude to Lord Jesus, is eternal life possible.
And so the 1st death itself testifies to the existence & authority of the 1Creator God

Who gives life ...takes it away….and can give it.

Friday, 1 December 2017

Is FREEDOM 'good'?

Is FREEDOM 'good'?
...mankind (& the devil) says it is .
But Lord Jesus said that ONLY His Father, the 1Creator God, is 'good'.