“...as a lamb and will speak as the dragon”
What does the dragon, satan the devil, say when he speaks?
There are only two major instances in the Bible where the devil is quoted, where the devil speaks.
The first instance is in the garden of Eden, when satan,serpent, “speaks” with Eve.
The second important instance is during the temptations against Christ in which satan “speaks” to the Lord Jesus at the end of His 40 days in the desert.
These are the two major instances in which we can hear what comes out of the dragon’s mouth. Since it is rare to witness his direct words, these instances must therefore be very significant in revealing and giving insight into his character, his core belief, his most important and worshipped desire.
The One Creator God said that that which one speaks, which comes out of one’s mouth, shows what is in his heart.
What is therefore in satan’s heart?
The dragon, the serpent, satan the devil “speaks” to Eve, the woman.
And he said unto the woman...
“Has God indeed said that you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”
( ...did God also say that you are NOT FREE to eat of every tree of the garden?)
(...is it true that God did not give you the FREEDOM to choose of any tree?)
And the woman said to the serpent,”we may (have the permission to) eat of the trees of the garden BUT of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God said,”you shall NOT EAT of it, NOR SHALL you TOUCH IT, lest you die.”
(Eve said that God did not give them the freedom to either touch nor eat of the fruit of this forbidden tree, stating that judgement and punishment for disobedience would be death.)
And the serpent said to the woman,”you shall not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
(Satan now speaks, as a self-god, defying and denying the Word of God, and claims that instead of death that the eyes of Eve will be opened, that she will be free to define and justify good and evil in her own eyes, for her own pleasure...that she will be as a god.)
And the woman, disobeyed, and proceeded to see & define that the forbidden tree was instead good for food, for one’s pleasure, for one’s self wisdom.
( the woman, the rib of man, the spiritual mother of mankind, embraced the FREEDOM to define evil to be good, and good to be evil, because she believes that this freedom will not die.)
...This is what the dragon, satan, the devil “speaks”. FREEDOM is his heart.
Satan tried to deceive the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One God, with this FREEDOM to serve and magnify oneself when he offered Christ “kingship” over all nations, without having to do the Will of the One Creator. The Lord Jesus instead stood true in His love for and His servitude to His Father...and He said to satan that man is to worship ONLY the Lord your Creator God and Him Alone to serve in obedience and love...for He is GOOD.
And satan rejected this for he desires, he speaks, to be free to do his own will, to define good and evil for his own wisdom.
Man (all of mankind, all nations, all religions) today worships the image of this FREEDOM as his ‘god of fortresses’, willingly receiving its mark, its identity, upon his forehead and hand.
And this FREEDOM is advanced by the Leader of the Free World, the most powerful nation -beast, confessing, as a lamb, it to be the “light of man” and way of peace.
But very soon, the Lord Jesus, Son of man...Son of the One God, will return to rule the earth in power and obedience as the One King according to the Will of the One Creator Who is Good and NOT according to man’s 1st love for his freedom...the FREEDOM that comes out of the dragon’s mouth as a river torrent….by which the elect are even willingly carried away by it.
The Lord Jesus said to repent and to follow Only Him, for He is Only True Way to the Father.