Friday, 25 December 2015

Queen speaks of which "light"...Freedom OR the Lord Jesus Christ?

Queen Elizabeth must be referring to man's "light" of FREEDOM  because she has confessed that it is right and good, a human right, to be free to worship (without judgement) ANY 'god'....even though, hypocritically, she gave oath in her coronation to acknowledge & serve ONLY Jesus Christ, the Light of Truth, Son of the Only God.

She carries the mark of FREEDOM on her forehead and on her hand and she glorifies its image.

The Lord Jesus Christ will return very soon and judgement will come to man in His ruler ship as the One King, Son of the One and Only Creator God.

In His Name, plagues will come on the king of the north, he who confesses the FREEDOM to serve and magnify oneself, the leader of the free world...and on all mankind that worships his image and carries its mark on their foreheads or on their hands.

The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent and to serve Only Him, the One True Way of Life.

"Pope" shows in mass that mankind is intoxicated with "Freedom".

'Pope Francis' (Jorge Bergoglio) states that world is intoxicated with consumerism...and he shows that they are also intoxicated with idol worship (bowing to, kissing, and carrying a statue of a half naked child)....and both do it in the name of FREEDOM...which defines & confesses that it is right and good, a human right, to be free to worship ( without judgement) ANY 'god'.

The Lord Jesus Christ will return very soon and judgement will come to man in His ruler ship as the One King, Son of the One and Only Creator God.

In His Name, plagues will come on the king of the north, he who confesses the FREEDOM to serve and magnify oneself, the leader of the free world...and on all mankind that worships his image and carries its mark on their foreheads or on their hands.

The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent and to serve Only Him, the One True Way of Life.

Monday, 14 December 2015

Apostle Paul contradicts claim by Ravi Zacharias that God gave man right to disbelieve.

Here are some words by the Apostle Paul which contradict your proclamation that God gave man the right to disbelieve.

(ref. II Corinthians 6: 14-18)
>Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what participation has righteousness and lawlessness?
And what fellowship has light with darkness?
And what concord hath Christ with Beliar?
Or what part has he that believes with an unbeliever?
And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? for you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be to me a people.
Wherefore come out from among them, and be separated, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean (the unbeliever); and I will receive you, And I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.<

As you can see the One God describes the unbeliever, he who disbelieves, as lawlessness, darkness, as a follower of Beliar, as an idol worshipper, that will not be His people, as the unclean...which will not be received by the One Creator Father.

It is clear that His rejection of the unbeliever shows that the unbeliever has no right given by God to disbelieve but that instead this self proclaimed “right” by man is, in the Eyes of the One True God,  disobedience and ‘un - right - eousness’....subject to rejection, judgement, and punishment.

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One and Only God.

Ravi Zacharias confesses that God gives each the 'right to disbelieve'.

Today, Sunday December 13 (Montreal), I heard you saying in your radio message that “God gives each the right to disbelieve”….this means that you are confirming that God said to man that man is free and has the right (therefore not subject to judgement and penalty) to deny that God is the One Creator, to disbelieve and deny that He is the One Truth, to deny that He is Father of His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

You are in error, for is it not instead that MAN has claimed this TAKEN FREEDOM, in his disobedience, so as to claim himself the right to disbelieve, the right to deny the authority of the One Creator over his existence.

Are you not instead making reference to the adversary, satan, as this “god’ who has claimed his desire to be higher that the One Creator, who claimed that he has the right to disbelieve in the authority of the One True God, that he has the right to disbelieve in the righteousness of the One and Only Creator God, that he has the right and the freedom to define (know) ‘good and evil’, that he has the right to serve his own will?

I will also like to point out that one of your fellow preachers, Mr. John MacArthur, has even been so bold as to state that even in the Kingdom, when the Lord Jesus Christ will rule as the One King, that man will have the freedom and the right to disbelieve.

How powerful is this love for self-freedom and self-righteousness….that, as it flows out of the dragon’s mouth, it carries away, as a river torrent, even the so called elect.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return, unwelcome by man, to rule the earth in power and obedience as the One King according to the Will of the One God Who is Good and NOT according to man’s first love for his freedom and his self claimed right to disbelieve the One Truth...for his desire to serve and magnify oneself as a ‘god’.

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Rivlin follows at the heels of Obama, king of the north

President Rivlin’s purpose was to get a commitment for more money, more weapons, and more support from President Obama since Prime Minister Netanyahu failed to do so. He pronounced Jewish flatteries, lighted Hanukkah candles, sang a song (made Obama laugh), and promised acknowledgement of ‘legacy’,......and even confessed that Israel (as an adulterous prostitute) believes in the FREEDOM and right, human right, to worship ANY ‘god’.

He even daringly and self-righteously corrected Obama’s reference to Israelis as Jews, to which Rivlin at one point stopped him and said, “Mr. President, say Israelis,” adding: “There are 8 million citizens in Israel and they are not all Jews. Two million of them are Arabs. If they want to define themselves as Palestinian Israelis, that is their right.”
...But President Obama, who knows better, used the proper reference since Netanyahu desires Israel to be a ‘Jewish State’.

After all was said and done, President Rivlin left the customer as a salesman without a sale, desperately holding onto a customer’s  promise of “I’ll think it over”, knowing in his gut that the customer is not going to buy his pitch.

Israel walks at the heels of President Obama, leader of the free world,  king of the north,  and his hand is being stretched out against Israel.

President Obama believes in FREEDOM for each and every individual...FREEDOM for the Israelis & FREEDOM for the Palestinians….and FREEDOM for ANY ‘god’ to be worshipped.

BUT Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One and Only God, will return, as a thief in man’s eyes (unexpected, unwelcome), to rule the earth in power and obedience as the One King according to the Will of the One Creator Who is Good and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”, for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

...and man will weep and clench his teeth in anger when his freedom will be no more.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Obama spoke as 'angel of light' proclaiming FREEDOM... regardless the 'god' they worship.

President Obama spoke, at an event marking end of slavery,  as an 'angel of light' confessing freedom-equality, that each is free to  practise any faith, to worship ANY 'god'.... BUT only Christ will rule and judgement is coming for there is Only One God, defined only by His Son Jesus Christ!

The Lord, Savior, Master, and King said to repent and to serve Only Him.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Obama Oval Office Address...Terrorist Attacks and Freedom

President Obama,

Sir, you stated that terrorists  attacks,  as acts of violence and murder by followers who have radicalized and perverted the religion of Islam, are all too common in our society.
This is true.
These attacks are a foul and loathsome sore, an evil and cancerous scourge, as if on fire and mixed with blood...which have been cast upon the earth...small but many, here and there in many nations.

What then is the Mountain on Fire? You must know the answer to this.

Sir, you stated that America was founded upon a belief in human dignity -- that no matter who you are, or where you come from, or what you look like, or what religion you practice that each is equal in the eyes of God and equal in the eyes of the law, of this freedom. You also said that Americans should not forget that this freedom is more powerful than fear.

Sir, you must be referring to another ‘god’, for the One Creator God, Whose name and specific identity is defined only by His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, said that man should fear Him for He is the Almighty Who will judge each and every individual according to the One Truth.

Sir, you must be referring instead to the ‘god’ of the earth who, in his disobedience, proclaimed his freedom to do what is right in his own eyes, redefining evil to be good and good to be evil, confessing that the “forbidden tree” is instead good for one’s pleasures and self wisdom.

Sir, very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return, as a thief in man’s eyes (unexpected and unwelcome), to rule the earth in obedience and power as the One King according to the Will of the One Almighty Creator God Who is Good and NOT according to man’s first love for his freedom”, for his freedom to worship ‘any’ god, for his desire to serve and magnify oneself.
...and man will weep and clench his teeth in intense anger when this freedom will be no more.

The wrath and judgement of the One Creator God is upon man for the evil caused by “his freedom” as a ‘god of fortresses’. Sir, plagues will come upon America and all who worship your ‘god’ of freedom.

The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent and to serve Only Him.