Monday, 30 November 2015

'Pope' proclaims Christians & Muslims as brothers / sisters...But Islam denies Christ as Son of God.

‘Pope Francis’  declared to worshippers in a mosque in the Central African Republic that "Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters".

Someone once asked the Lord Jesus Christ who is His brother and sister.
But Christ answered them "Who is My mother, or My brothers?"
And He looked at those who sat about Him and said "Here are My mother and My brothers!
For whoever does the Will of God is My brother and My sister and mother."

...Whoever does the Will of the One and Only, Unique & Distinct, Creator God...Whose identity & name is defined by His Son Jesus his brother and sister and mother.

In order for the statement that “Christians and Muslims are brother and sisters”, as proclaimed by “Pope Francis”, to be true, both would have to worship the same Father.

This is not possible as Islam declares that Jesus Christ is NOT the Son of the God.

The only ‘common god’ that he Catholics (i.e. Christians) and Muslims worship is that of the desire to be free to do what is right in their own eyes...freedom of religion, freedom of rights, freedom to serve and magnify oneself. They are brothers and sisters in this “FREEDOM” god of fortresses.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One God,  will return (as a thief, unexpected & unwelcome) to rule the earth in power and obedience as the One King according to the Will of the One Creator Who is Good and NOT according to man’s first love for ‘his freedom’.
...and man ( brothers and sister in freedom) will weep and  clench their teeth in anger when their freedom will be no more.

The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One God, said to repent and follow Only Him.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Ravi Zacharias states that "we cannot do our own thing".

Mr. Zacharias

I heard your radio message today (Nov. 28, Montreal) in which, at one point, you stressed that "we cannot do our own thing (way)".
Very true.
...whose way then is man to do?

Man desires to do his own thing, his own do what he do what is right in his own serve and magnify oneself.
What is required in order for man to do his own thing?
Is it not freedom?

To be FREE from an authority so as to be FREE to do one's own way, one's own self-justified rights. a slave that escaped his master a prisoner that has broken out of jail ( parameters)

This FREEDOM is in fact a disobedience, an error, a sin, which man has redefined to be good, as Eve redefined the forbidden  tree to be good for one's desires, pleasures, and wisdom.
...she also believed that she would not die because of this freedom to do what is right in one's eyes.

This veil of FREEDOM is very is as a river torrent carrying away even the elect.

This FREEDOM is proclaimed as a "god of fortresses"....confessing FREEDOM of rights ( human rights), FREEDOM of religions ( for all gods), FREEDOM of speech ( for any blasphemy), FREEDOM of sexual lifestyle (for fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, bisexuals, polygamists, pedophiles...even sanctifying homosexual marriage), FREEDOM of abortion, & the list goes on.

Most significantly , this FREEDOM ( religious liberty) confesses that it is right, a right, to be free to worship ( without judgement) ANY 'god', ANY 'non traditional god', ANY ''absence of any god' (secularism).

Ravi....but you did not extrapolate your statement....but kept the identity and name of this "freedom" vague and covered.
You do not refer to it by its name as if it is not acceptable for you to lay blame on this 'freedom' . Is this because you love it for your desires and self wisdom?

Whose way is man then to do?....the Will of the One Creator Who is Good.
The One Creator, as Master, gave instruction, permission, license to man to freely take only of the trees that He created and defined to be GOOD.
The One Creator, as Master, also gave instruction commanding man not to take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil... was other words He did not give man the freedom to take of this tree, warning man that if he were to do so ( to disobey) that the judgement and punishment for this disobedience ( this self taken freedom) would be death.

How powerful is this 'freedom' to cause Adam & Eve to disobey their Creator and to redefine that which is evil to be good.

Man is born with it....but the Lord Jesus Christ said that we must be reborn and to serve only the Will of the Creator.

Ravi, I hope that you will see and witness the One True Way.
...if you do, be ready to be stoned for man loves first and foremost his FREEDOM to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

John Stefanyszyn
..indebted, as a bondman, to the Lord, Savior, & King Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator Who is Good.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Terrorist Hail / what then Mountain on Fire...?

Some background words from Daniel.
The Word of the One Creator in Daniel (11:36-45)  speaks of a king of the south and a king of the north in the last days.
The king of the north will worship a “god of fortresses” which will reflect his belief in ‘serving and magnifying‘ oneself. He will advance this “god of fortresses” and will cause it to rule over many (all other fortresses).
However, the king of the south worships his own “fortress”.
...but the king of the north will advance to place his “god of fortresses” above that of the king of the south.

Causing...the king of the south to attack the king of the north.

This attack by the king of the south is as hail, on fire mixed with blood, cast upon the earth (the earth represents the king of the north).

But the king of the north “will come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, horsemen, and with many ships….and he will enter, overwhelm, and pass through...he will enter the glorious land...he will stretch out his hand against the countries...”

The reference to “mountain” is used often as a metaphor of a dominant great empire, authority.
...The One Creator uses it with reference to “ Holy Mountain of God”

But this metaphor is also used to show the empires of men and also the empire of authority of Satan on the earth.
...Satan bring Jesus Christ onto the HIGHEST mountain (on earth) and shows Him the other mountains of the nations of men...and satan says to Jesus Christ that he has authority over all (as a god of fortresses) and that he is willing to give to Jesus ruler ship over them all as long as Jesus would bow down to satan’s will.

The “mountain on fire” in the 2nd trumpet represents the world ruling empire, the beast,  the king of the north….the belief in the way of the “god of fortresses”.
This mountain (earth) goes against the king of the south (his fortress) with strength, determination, and anger (as on fire, consuming, converting) and it is cast into the ‘sea’ … “ and he caused an end to and change of the trio (triton) comprised of the ‘sea’, the ‘creatures’, the ‘ships’ (these are metaphors).

Today there is a nation as a great (spiritually, economically, militarily) dominant mountain and it rules as the king / leader of the FREE world. Its image is being advanced to all, and all receive and are unified in its worship. Its image of FREEDOM defines, justifies, and dictates with power that it is right for each to be free to “serve and magnify  oneself”. ...confessing even that it is right and good in its eyes for each to be free to worship ANY ‘god’ as per one’s self-wisdom…thus denying the preeminence and singularity of the One Creator Whose identity is defined by His Son Jesus Christ. it is written...there was wonder in the whole earth for this beast (mountain, king of the north) and they did homage to the dragon (spirit to serve and magnify oneself, a taken freedom) who gave authority to the beast.

The beast, the mountain on fire, the king of the north is the USA, lead by President Obama ...supported by all self-ruling , freedom worshipping, self serving nations and peoples.

One other thing...keep in mind that the bloody & fiery hail and the ‘mountain  on fire’ are both part (trumpets & bowls) of the judgement, wrath, and fury of the One Great God on mankind and on those that claim to be “Christians”.

...bondman of the Lord Jesus Christ

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Terrorist Attacks....are they not as hail ?

The terrorist attacks....are they not as hail (small but numerous)...on fire and mixed with blood...being cast onto the earth?

Saturday, 14 November 2015

McConnell (preacher of Christ) confesses FREEDOM ; to be free to worship any 'god'...BUT Christ confessed Only One!

Mr. McConnell confessed his true belief & core way of life in these his words...""The issue is the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, the freedom of worship and the freedom of preaching the gospel and saying what is in your heart."
It is clear that Mr. McConnell worships FREEDOM....even though this FREEDOM defines & dictates that it is right & good in man's eyes, his human rights, to be free to worship ANY 'god' and self-ruling belief (for even those that desire gay marriage worship this SAME FREEDOM for "their rights").

But the Lord Jesus Christ said that man is to worship the One and Only Lord your Creator God and Him Alone to serve...which means, as the One Creator commanded Israel, that they are not to worship, that they are NOT FREE to worship any other gods....for He warned man that if he were to do so that the judgement and penalty for this disobedience, this self justified and self taken freedom, would be death.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return, as a thief in man’s eyes (suddenly, unexpected, unwanted), to rule the earth in power and obedience as the ONE KING according to the Will of the One Creator Who is Good and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom", for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
...and man will weep and clench his teeth in anger when his freedom will be no more.
The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent and serve Only Him, the One True Way of the Creator.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015 the name of FREEDOM (evil = good) recognized as LGBT "ally of the year"

President Obama is recognized by the LGBT as "ally of the year".
Is it because he believes in homosexuality as a personal lifestyle? NO (not to general knowledge)
Why then?
...because of the belief in FREEDOM of self-rights.....because of the Absolute FREEDOM which confesses (without preference) that it is right and good, a human right, to be free to worship ANY 'god / self-ruling belief'.

The only 'god' that has preeminence in the eyes of FREEDOM is itself, as a "god of fortresses" whose IMAGE speaks with authority and whose 'mark' of allegiance is set on every individual's forehead and hand.

This FREEDOM therefore denies and rejects the Supremacy, Singularity, and Authority of the One Creator , Whose Identity and Name is defined only by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return, as a thief ( suddenly, unexpected, unwanted) to rule the earth in power and obedience as the ONE KING according to the Will of the One Creator Who is Good and NOT according to man's first love for his freedom to redefine the forbidden tree to be good, to redefine evil as good, to do what is right in one's own eyes, to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

And man will weep and clench his teeth in anger when his freedom will be no more.

The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent and to serve Him, the One True Way of the Creator.

Warren Wiersbe (Back to the Bible)..."to be free to do what one wants is the worst bondage"

Mr. Wiersbe @ 'Back to the Bible'

In your Nov. 8 radio (WCHP) message I heard you speak that the Lord Jesus Christ , through His Spirit of Truth, Righteousness, and Love, gives freedom from the bondage, the blindness, the veil which condemned man to the judgement of death. You also said that this freedom is not like the freedom in which man claims to be free to do what one wants (i.e. his will, free will).

Jesus Christ has freed us, those that repent and serve Him, from the condemnation of death through His sacrifice and payment for our debts of sin, thus making us indebted to Him as permanent slaves to do His Will, to do the Will of His Father (as per Apostle Paul).
This freedom is not so as to do our own will but instead to serve the Will of the One Creator.
This given freedom from our Master therefore gives us license (which can only be given by an authority) to do only that which is defined to be ‘good’ in the eyes of the One Creator Father.
Therefore, this freedom is not the ‘freedom’ that man desires but a bondage to do the good Will of the One and Only God.

But man desires another freedom...a taken freedom….a freedom in which you said he desires to be free to do that which he wants.
Mr. Wiersbe, you did not extrapolate the full identity of this freedom….why not?...the only thing you did say, in passing, was that this freedom to do one’s own will (what one wants) was the “worst bondage”.

What is then this “freedom” which you say is the “worst bondage”?

Based on your brief description that this freedom consists of ‘one doing what one wants’, you are by your definition implicitly referring (however with a clouded restraint?) to the belief in freedom of rights, freedom of religions, freedom of speech, freedom of self-happiness, freedom of sexual lifestyle, freedom of maximizing self-gain, etc.
...Are you not therefore saying that  “freedom of rights” is the “worst bondage”?
...Are you not therefore saying that the belief in “freedom of rights” is against the Lord Jesus Christ?
...Are you not therefore saying that the belief in “religious liberty” ( which dictates that it is right, a right, to be free to worship ANY god) is against the Lord Jesus Christ?

Mr. Wiersbe, perhaps you did not clearly and completely identify this “worst bondage freedom” because you prefer to keep the truth veiled for love of this freedom to do what is right, one's rights, in one's own eyes.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return, as a thief (suddenly, unexpected, unwanted), to rule the earth in obedience and power as the One King according to the Will of the One and Only Creator and NOT according to man’s first love for his freedom, for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
….and man will weep and clench his teeth in anger for 'his freedom' will be no more.

...and many will say to Him “Lord, Lord”, have we not preached in your name?...but He will say I do not know you.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Freedom the wide gate...Christ the narrow gate.

Many claim that  Adam and Eve were given the freedom to do anything they liked with one rule, "Don't eat the apple".

I would like to ask you to take a closer look at God's words about the above statement..please refer to Genesis 2:16-17....& Genesis 3:1-6.

First of all "freedom / free will" is absolute. Either one is free or he isn't. A slave that is free is no longer subject to the authority of his previous master. Please look up definition of "freedom".

You will see in the scripture that the One God "commands" man that he can take freely (without judgement or penalty) of any tree in the garden EXCEPT the tree of "knowledge of good and evil". Therefore man is NOT FREE to take of ANY / ALL which the One God warned man that if he were to do so ( to disobey the commandment) that the penalty would be death. It is clear that the One Creator Master did not give man the FREEDOM to do his own will.

You will see in Genesis 3 that , now, absolute freedom is the subject presented to Eve by satan.

Satan asked Eve a question..."..did God indeed (really?) say to you "You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?"".

In other words, did God really say that you are not free to eat of every tree?

Satan is now talking about the access to absolute freedom.

Eve replies that they can eat of every tree except the forbidden tree, and that disobedience would bring on the consequence of death......that they are not free to take of the forbidden tree.

But satan proceeds to advance his belief that the tree of knowledge of good and evil is instead good, that it instead represents the freedom to define and justify 'good and evil" like 'a god'...and that this absolute freedom would not die.

And Eve, the helper of Adam and mother of mankind, saw - redefined that the forbidden tree was instead good for one's sustenance (gain), pleasure, and wisdom.
She desired now to be free to define and establish "good and evil" , to establish what is right for her, her "rights", in her own eyes. But this "freedom to take of every tree, including the forbidden tree" was really a 'taken freedom' reality a disobedience of the Will and Commandment of the One Creator.

Today, this FREEDOM of Self-Rights, Freedom of all religions, is worshipped by all mankind.

This Freedom is the way of the world, the large gate opening that all desire to go through. 

Is it not suspicious that all of mankind worships this wide open FREEDOM but that the Lord Jesus Christ said that the gateway to Him is narrow and few will find?

And you claim that this FREEDOM was given to man by the One God. is instead the deception of satan, for he believes and desires to be free to do his will instead that of the One Creator, he desires to be free and higher that the One True God.

Obama...FREEDOM is strength and not U.S. military.

The President speaks the truth. It is not the US military that generates the power of the is the spirit of FREEDOM that speaks with the greatest authority to all nations. Not only do the nations desire and worship this FREEDOM but more importantly this same FREEDOM is desired and worshipped by EACH INDIVIDUAL, whether rich or poor, small or great, employer or employee.

BUT hypocritically, this FREEDOM denies the preeminence of the One Creator, Whose name and identity is defined by His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. This FREEDOM redefines and dictates that it is right & good, a right, to be free to worship (without judgement) ANY 'god - self-ruling belief'...thus confessing that all gods are 'equal'.

America prays to the "god of fortresses" of FREEDOM and all worship this IMAGE, carrying its mark on their foreheads and on their hands.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return, as a thief ( suddenly, unexpected, unwelcome), to rule the earth in obedience and power as the One King according to the Will of the One Creator Who is Good and NOT according to man's first love for his freedom, for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

Man is subject to the One God. In His Name this winter in the district of Columbia will bring paralyzing snow.

The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent and to serve the One True Way, to serve the One Creator Who is Good.