Thursday, 30 July 2015

Who is Anti-Christ?...he who claims to be FREE to do what is RIGHT in the eyes of each man.

...some say the "Pope".

People talk about the coming of a "New World Order" which would give equality to all religions  / gods...which accepts all religions, which accepts homosexuality, which accepts capitalism....
BUT THIS  "WORLD ORDER" ALREADY EXISTS and is worshipped by all nations and by all is known as FREEDOM of Rights, FREEDOM of Religion.
All people desire it and have willingly received its mark ( name = character / number=values) on their foreheads and hands.
The religious worship it for their religious freedom.
... the Catholics, the Christians ( & all its denominations), the Jews, all other religions, and yes, even the Muslims.
The capitalists worship it for the greed freedom.
The homosexuals worship it for the sexual freedom.

President Obama has declared the message, as a spiritual messenger(=angel) from on high,  that this FREEDOM is the "Light of the world" and the righteousness of man for his peace. He has confessed in Jerusalem that there is a "common" 'god' among the 3 main religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam whose identity and gift is FREEDOM. President Obama has placed the tabernacle of his FREEDOM palace between and above the Holy Mountain of the One Creator.

AND this FREEDOM dictates that it is RIGHT, a right, to be free to worship ANY 'god' as per one's self-desires and self-interests, established as per one's definition of "good and evil'.

BUT the One Creator commanded man to worship ONLY HIM. HE said that man is not to worship any other other words HE warned man that man is NOT FREE to worship other 'gods' for if he were to do so the judgement and punishment for this disobedience ( for this taken freedom) would be death.

The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator, said that we are to worship ONLY the One Lord your Creator God and HIM Alone to SERVE in obedience and love, love for HIM first and foremost and love for, to do GOOD according to the One True Way, to the fellow man.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return, as a thief in man's eyes, to rule the earth in obedience and power as the ONE KING according to the Will of 'I AM' and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom", for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
...and man will weep and clench his teeth in intense anger when his freedom will be no more.

The Anointed Lord Jesus said to repent and to serve Only Him, the One True Way of Life.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

The Theocracy of FREEDOM...god of / above all fortresses.

Since "FREEDOM / Freedom of ALL religions" DICTATES that it is RIGHT, a right, to worship ANY 'god', is this not in itself a "religious theocracy"?
It denies the preeminent authority of the One Creator and confesses that all of man's "gods" are equal in its eyes....placing itself on the pedestal of "god of/above all fortresses".
The "government" in heaven of the One Creator is not a is the TRUTH, JUSTICE, and GOOD.
The kingdom on earth of the Lord Jesus Christ will neither be a "theocracy", for it is not a "religion", but, as I said, is the TRUTH, JUSTICE, and GOOD.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return, as a thief in man's eyes, to rule the earth in obedience and power as the ONE KING according to the Will of 'I AM', of the One Who Gives Existence to All that Exists, and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom", for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES) as a 'god'.
...and man will weep and clench his teeth in intense anger when "his freedom" will be no more.

The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator,  said to repent and to serve Only Him, for He is the One True Way that defines the One Creator.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

"Pastor Bill Owens" Urges Christians to Stand, in the name of FREEDOM, Against Gay Marriage and for the Religious Freedom to Worship Any 'god'.

Mr. Owens,
You stated , regarding your stand against gay marriage, that the American Constitution ( i.e Freedom) and one’s rights were founded on “Godly principles”.
Mr. Welch echoed the same stand in his following words… “Either we have the right to freedom of conscience and religion and the freedom to practice it, or we don't."

Sir, do you realize that the FREEDOM, the religious freedom, that you believe in and worship, and claiming it to be from the One God, is the SAME FREEDOM that the homosexuals, the courts, and the American Constitution embrace and worship?

The homosexuals claim this FREEDOM for their right to “gay marriage” and you , representing the religious Christians, claim this FREEDOM for your religious rights.

Sir, are you aware of what this FREEDOM really is?
...this FREEDOM that you worship dictates and confesses that it is RIGHT, a right, to be free to worship ANY ‘god’ as per one’s self-desires. states that all “gods / religions / beliefs” are equal in the eyes of FREEDOM...of this “god of fortresses”. this FREEDOM therefore a “Godly principle” as you claim it to be? Is it not, instead, the principle of satan?

True that homosexuality (gay marriage) is an error, a sin, a rejection of the Will of the One Creator...but so is bisexuality, fornication, adultery, polygamy, pornography, and the lust for a woman in the eyes of a man.

BUT it is also TRUE that it is an error, a sin, a rejection of the Will and Preeminence of the One and Only Creator when when one worships the belief, the FREEDOM, that confesses that it is RIGHT, a self-right, for one to be free ( freedom of all religions) to worship ANY ‘god’ as per one’s self-justified “personal faith’.

The One Creator commanded man to worship ONLY HIM. He forbid man to worship any other gods...for no other exist. In other words He said that man is NOT FREE to worship any other gods...for if in doing so the judgement and penalty would be death.

The Lord Jesus Christ said that we are to worship Only the One Lord your Creator God and Him Alone to SERVE, as a slave, in obedience and for Him first and foremost and love for, to do GOOD in accordance to the the One Truth, to the fellow man.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator, will return, as a thief in the eyes of man,  to rule the earth in obedience and power as the One King according to the Will of ‘I AM’ and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”, for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
...and man will weep and clench his teeth in intense anger when “his freedom” will be no more.

The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent and serve Only Him, for He is the One True Way.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

"Pope" describes FREEDOM to maximize profits as the devil's dung...BUT he worship the SAME FREEDOM to maximize "religion".

Jorge Bergoglio ( "Pope Francis") described unbridled capitalism to be the 'dung of the devil'.
What is the core belief of this 'capitalism', for all capitalism is 'unbridled / unfettered' maximize one's own profits for self-gain and self-desires?

Is it not the desire to serve and magnify oneself?
Is it not justified by the belief that one will do what is right in one's own eyes?
Is not this way worshipped as one's FREEDOM, FREEDOM of SELF-RIGHTS... FREE ENTERPRISE?

Jorge Bergoglio blames capitalism to be a "social" ill in society, to be, as he colourfully and "religiously" described, the 'dung of the devil' BUT in reality it is a product of a way of life that he himself, along with the General (catholic) Church of Rome (Roman Empire), worships, defends, and being the way of FREEDOM of SELF-RIGHTS, which he embraces for his "religious liberty / freedom" rights.

As "Pope Francis" he has confessed his belief in the righteousness and goodness of the way of FREEDOM of Religion, which includes ALL religions , ALL 'gods'. YES, if you open your eyes you will see that the spirit of FREEDOM of RIGHTS dictates that it is RIGHT, a right, to be free to worship ANY 'god' as per one's self-desires.

BUT did not the ONE Creator command man to worship ONLY HIM?
Did not the One Creator forbid man to worship any 'other gods'?
In other words the One and Only Creator said that man is NOT FREE to worship any other gods / religions....for if man were to do so HIS judgement and punishment for this disobedience  ( this self-taken freedom) would be death.

The Lord Jesus Christ also said that we are to worship ONLY the One Lord your Creator God and Him Alone to SERVE in obedience and love, love for Him first and foremost and love for, to do GOOD in the eyes of the One Truth, to the fellow man.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator, will return to rule the earth in obedience and power as the One King according to the Will of 'I AM' and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom", for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
....and man will weep and clench his teeth in intense anger when "his freedom" will be no more.

The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent and to serve Only Him, for he is the One True Way.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Obama..but Kenya's FREEDOM says NO to Gay but Says YES to Polygamy and YES to ANY 'religion/god"

Kenyan leaders, both political and religious, are warning President Obama to not include and promote his freedom-justified “gay” rights agenda during his forthcoming July Kenya visit.

BUT Kenya is a democracy. believes in freedom of rights (which includes freedom of speech) believes in freedom of all religions believes in the freedom and right of ‘polygamous’ relationships and marriage.

Did not the One Creator say that “a man shall be joined to his wife, and they shall become ONE flesh”?...Yes He did. (Genesis 2:24)
The One Creator did NOT say that a man shall be joined to many wives if he so chooses…. thus creating “multiple unions” which would make it impossible for them to become one flesh.

And yet, because of their love for their “freedom and rights” they have justified polygamy to be good in their eyes.

And they also believe in FREEDOM of all religions, i.e. religious liberty, which confesses that it is RIGHT , a right, to be free to worship ANY ‘god’ as per one’s self-interest.

Did not the One Creator say that man is to worship Only Him, that man is not to worship any other ‘gods’? Yes.
Therefore in other words, The One Creator commanded man that he is NOT free to worship any other ‘gods / religions’, for if he were to do so the judgement and penalty of this disobedience (this self taken freedom) would be eternal death.

The Kenyans worship the SAME IMAGE of FREEDOM that President Obama proclaims, except that in their majority “religious” self-righteousness “their freedom voice” is more powerful than the freedom voice of the homosexuals... for now.

BUT both have the same mark, name / character, number / values of FREEDOM on their foreheads or hands which gives allegiance to the beast world leader of SELF-FREEDOM.

The Lord Jesus Christ said the we are to worship ONLY the One Lord your Creator God and Him Alone to SERVE in obedience and love, love for Him first and foremost, and love for, to do GOOD according to the One Truth, to the fellow man, whether friend or foe.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in obedience and power as the One King according to the Will of ‘I AM’, and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”, for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

...and man will weep and clench his teeth in intense anger when “his freedom” will be no more.