Saturday, 25 April 2015

Franklin Graham Supports Strong Leaders for Religious be Free to Worship Any 'God'.

Franklin Graham said .."I appreciate strong leaders...who are defending religious freedoms in our nation...." (Charisma News, 4/24/2015, Jennifer Leclaire)

Religious freedoms...freedom of all religions.

Mr. Graham, "religiously" you speak of Jesus Christ as the Son of God but when you are no longer looking at the mirror, in your way of life, you confess that it is RIGHT, a right, to be free to worship ANY  'god'.

This "religious freedom" dictates that it is RIGHT, your right, for you to worship the "christian religion /god"...BUT it also dictates that it is RIGHT, a right, for the Muslim to worship his "islam religion / god" ...that it also dictates that it is RIGHT, a right, for the Jew to worship his "judaic religion / god", that it is RIGHT, a right, for the atheist, the satanist, the fornicator, the adulterer, the polygamist, the homosexual, the capitalist, the abortionist, etc to worship their 'gods'.

In reality, FREEDOM of self-rights, freedom of religions, confesses that it is right and good for man to be free to worship any 'god', any self-justified personal idol or desire.

But the One Creator 'I AM' commanded man not to worship any other 'gods'...He did not give to, nor support, nor bless man with the freedom to worship any other god....In fact, He said that if man were to worship any other god that the penalty for this DISOBEDIENCE would be death.

Mr. Graham, it is clear that your first love is this "freedom" and not the servitude to the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One and Only God.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power as the One King according to the Will of 'I AM' and not according to man's first love for "his freedom", for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).....and man will weep and clench his teeth in intense anger when his freedom will be no more.

Friday, 17 April 2015

"Rabbi" Jonathan Cahn decries violence against Christians in the name of FREEDOM to worship ANY 'god'.

Mr. Cahn,
Why, in your speech, did you glorify the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which declares that everyone has the right to "manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance."?
Does not this "FREEDOM OF SELF-RIGHTS / SELF RELIGION" dictate that it is RIGHT, a right, to be free to worship ANY 'god'?
BUT the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator, said that we are to worship the Only The One Lord your Creator and Him Alone to serve in obedience and love, love for Him first and foremost and love for, TO DO GOOD TO, the fellow man ( whether friend or foe).
Mr. Cahn, in the same breath that you decry the violence against "Christians" you also confess that it is right to be free to worship any 'god'.
...If these Christians did die for Christ as their first love, then you are insulting them by attributing their sacrifice to the name of the "god of freedom" to worship any god.
...If these Christians died confessing "their right" that they were free to worship any god ( their god among gods), then you and them glorify a false god.
The Lord Jesus Christ did not cry out for his "freedom rights" but instead was true and faithful, in obedience, to the Will of the One Creator...for there is no other.
Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of 'I AM' and NOT according to man's first love for his freedom to worship "his religions", for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).....and there will be intense anger and weeping when his "freedom" will be no more.

Monday, 6 April 2015

“Freedom is my God now….” A testimony from a minister's daughter....The 'god of fortresses' of mankind.

A testimony from a Christian minister's daughter...“Freedom is my God now….”.

FREEDOM...freedom of self-rights, freedom of religion(s), freedom of self-happiness, freedom of speech, freedom of sexual lifestyle, and so on….this FREEDOM is the IMAGE that all people worship and glorify for their self interests and desires.
It is ironical to see that as a minister's daughter has embraced “freedom as her god” to do what is right in her eyes that the minister himself has also confessed his love for this same freedom, for religious freedom, so as to worship his religion among all other religions.

A Catholic demands freedom for his religion.
A Protestant demands freedom for his religion.
A Jew demands freedom for his religion.
A Muslim demands freedom for his religion.
An atheist demands freedom for his “call it religion”.
A Calvinist demands freedom for his religion.
All demand and embrace the SAME “Freedom”.
...Therefore, it is clear that this FREEDOM confesses that it is RIGHT, a right, to be free to worship one’s own god, i.e. ANY ‘god’.

But the One Creator commanded man NOT to worship any other ‘gods’, He did not give him the freedom to worship other gods, because the penalty for this disobedience, this sin, this self-righteous will, is death.
The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator, said we are to worship Only the Lord your Creator and Him Alone to serve in obedience and love, love for Him first and foremost and love for, to do good to, the fellow man (friend or foe).

The Creator did not give man “FREE” will….He gave him the ability to make choices ( there is a big difference). the garden The Creator said that they were free to take only of any of the GOOD trees, which would give man access to the tree of life. the garden The Creator forbid man to take of the tree of “knowing good and evil”, that he was not free to take of this tree, warning them that death would be the punishment for their disobedience. But man disobeyed, desiring to be "free from" the Will of the One Creator so as to do his own self-claimed “free” will, to establish, define, and justify (“to know") good and evil as per his self desires.

From the time of Adam and Eve, man has embraced this freedom. Today, the leader of the free world, the beast world power, has advanced and is confessing that this freedom is the light and righteousness of man...glorifying that “Freedom is his ‘god”. And all of mankind has received the mark of this “FREEDOM” upon one’s forehead or hand, worshipping its IMAGE, which has the power, through sanctions (ability to buy and sell), to dictate this way to be “righteous”, a human right.
...people around the world are protesting, fighting, and killing for this freedom
...and in the last several years the "king of the north" has stretched forth his hand advancing his "god of fortresses" to the the nations in the glorious land...and they are all demanding freedom...even Muslim against Muslim.

This “freedom” is the river as a torrent coming out of the dragon’s mouth, carrying away all, even having the power to deceive the remnant of those who claim to be servants of Jesus Christ.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power as the One King according to the Will of the One Creator ‘I AM’ and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”, for his desire to justify “good and evil” in his own eyes, to serve and magnify oneself (XES)...

...and there will be great anger and intense weeping when his “freedom” will be no more.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Obama is confident in the “Worship of Freedom Rights”.

Israel demands, in the name of freedom of rights, its right to existence.
Iran demands, also in the name of freedom of rights, its right to nuclear power.
( Israel may not have nuclear energy but it does have nuclear weapons.)

Both believe in the SAME "IMAGE OF FREEDOM" for their rights.

(by the way, the Palestinians also demand, in the name of freedom, their right to exist as a state within their claimed land....which the Israelis believe instead to be rightfully theirs.)

President Obama has confessed that this FREEDOM is the light, righteousness, and way of peace of man.

So why does this "FREEDOM" produce instead conflict and hatred?

FREEDOM OF RIGHTS in itself is not preoccupied with the well being of the is preoccupied first and foremost with the freedom for oneself to do what one establishes to be right in their own Cain arrogantly and defiantly declared after he killed his brother Abel " I my brother's keeper?!"

And this FREEDOM dictates that it is RIGHT, a right, to be free to worship ANY 'god'.
...for this FREEDOM confesses that the Jews are free to worship their gods.
...for this FREEDOM confesses that the Christians are free to worship their gods.
...for this FREEDOM confesses that the Muslims are free to worship their gods.
...and this same FREEDOM confesses that man is free and has the rights to be a fornicator, an adulterer, an abortionist, a homosexual, a polygamist, a sorcerer, a liar, a warrior, a capitalist, a communist, etc.

BUT the One Creator said that man is to worship Only Him, that it is sin to worship other gods, that man is not free to worship other gods...for the penalty of doing so is death ( yes, man will be judged by the One freedom of choice here)

And His Anointed Son, the Lord Jesus said that it is written that man is to worship the One Lord your Creator and Him Alone to serve in obedience and love, love for Him first and foremost and love for, to do good to, the fellowman (friend or foe).

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of the One Creator 'I AM' and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom" to establish "good and evil" for his self desires, to do what is right in his own eyes, to serve and magnify oneself (XES)....and there will be great anger and intense weeping when man's freedom will be no more.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The armies of Arab nations unite to follow the HEELS of FREEDOM against extremism.

In the "name of freedom of rights" the Arab nations create a joint military force to fight extremists who justify violence in the name of their rights.
It is written in the words by the messenger Daniel...
..." he (the last king of the north / his god of fortresses) shall also enter the glorious land and many countries shall be overthrown....he shall stretch out his hand against the countries and the land of Egypt shall not escape....also the Libyans ( from north Africa) and Ethiopians (from the land of Cush) SHALL FOLLOW AT HIS HEELS."

President Obama has proclaimed freedom of rights, freedom of religions, to be the light and righteousness of man and that it must be "taken"....and so people are protesting, fighting, and killing for it.
And so all peoples, nations, and leaders are claiming "THEIR FREEDOM" to do what is right in their own eyes.
And now the Egyptians, the Libyans, the Ethiopians, the Arabs, the Sunni Muslims, the Shiite Muslims have embraced this FREEDOM as their "god of fortresses / above their fortress" and are following on the heels of the king of the north, of the beast power that rules the earth with the image of FREEDOM.

This FREEDOM dictates that it is RIGHT, a right, to be free to worship ANY 'god'.
...But the One Creator said that man is to worship Only Him, that man is not free to worship other 'gods' ...for there is no other.
...The Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator, said that it is written that man is to worship the One Lord your Creator and Him Alone to serve in obedience and love, love for Him first and foremost and love for, TO DO GOOD TO, the fellow man ( friend or foe).

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,  will return to rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of the One Creator 'I AM" and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom", for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).