Saturday, 31 January 2015

As per PM Harper "Violent jihadism "is not a human right." " ....Sir, it depends in whose eyes.

Prime Minister Harper, you declared today (Jan. 30, 2015) that…”Violent jihadism "is not a human right."

....Sir, it depends in whose eyes.

In the eyes of the self-justified, self-righteous jihadist, this violence is his right, is right.

….which is an example of extremist freedom...doing what is right in one’s own eyes... just as one justifies the violence of fornication, abortion, self-glorification, etc.

He also believes that his prophet and his god give him the freedom to kill in their names.

You can be sure, that in his heart, as he is demoniacally screaming allahu akbar, that he embraces his right and justification to kill his victims.

However, you can also be sure, that, if arrested and judged, when pressured, he will turn to his lawyers and the belief in “religious rights” in order to defend himself and his actions.

President Obama described this jihadist violence as an “evil” and as a “cancer”.

True, it is a grievous evil and a cancerous sore.

Is it a coincidence that the One God, by way of John, describes the effect of the first bowl to be an evil and grievous sore...falling as HAIL (terrorist attacks) mixed with blood on the beast and all those that worship its values? Could it be that the One God is using this to rub “self-freedom” in man’s face.

This same FREEDOM confesses that it is right to worship ANY ‘god’...religious freedom.

This is the true darkness of FREEDOM… It does not serve “the other” serves itself first.
President Obama has confessed that this freedom is not given ...that it must be taken.
...if it must be taken , then it is not given by the One Creator.
And President Obama has confessed that this freedom is the way of his “common” god.

But The One Creator God, He Who is GOOD, said that we are to worship Only Him, to worship Only GOOD, for there is no other way to life... and he said to Cain…”if you do good will you not be accepted?”

The Lord Jesus Christ, Resurrected Son of the One Creator, said that we are to worship Only the Lord Your Creator and Him Alone to serve in obedience and love, love for Him First and Foremost and to serve, to DO DO DO GOOD to the fellow man.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator, will return to rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of ‘I AM’ and NOT according to man’s first love for “his self-freedoms”, for his desire to justify, serve, and magnify oneself (XES).

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Obama & Cameron against "fanatical ideology"...BUT Jesus Christ said that He is the Son of the One and Only God

Obama and Cameron have declared, in the name of freedom of rights and freedom of religion...freedom to worship ANY ‘god’, that they will confront "fanatical ideology".

The Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed that He is the Son of the One and Only Creator...that He is the Only Way and Truth....that He will return to rule the earth as the One King....that he will judge man according to the Will of the One Creator...that there will be NO freedom of religion for He is Son of the One and Only God.

Will President Obama, leader of the free world, and Prime Minister Cameron also identify the Lord Jesus Christ as a "fanatical ideologist"?

He will judge & condemn all unrepentant sinners to eternal death.

His return is very soon. The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent for He is the Only Way and Truth.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

A Plague for the Vatican ( because of "Pope Francis's" First Love for the Freedom to Worship Any 'god')

Jorge Bergoglio ("Pope Francis") confesses that religious freedom is a 'fundamental right'.
Religious freedom dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) to worship ANY 'god' as per one's desire.

BUT the One Creator God commanded the Israelites to worship Only Him...He NEVER said that they were free to worship other 'gods'.

... and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, said the we are to worship Only the One Lord your Creator and Him Alone to serve in obedience and love, love for Him First and Foremost, and love for, to DO GOOD to the fellow man.

"Pope Francis" is blaspheming the Pre-eminence of the One Creator and His Son.

A sign for Jorge Bergoglio, who speaks as "pope"...from the beginning of February till the end of October the Vatican's water will be undrinkable with a foul stench of decay.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to judge and rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of 'I AM', of the One Who Gives Existence to All that Exists, and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom to worship any god", for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

The Lord Jesus Christ did not come to reconcile "religions"...for He is the Only Way and he said to repent and follow only Him.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

"Charlie" to worship any god...BUT Christ said He is the Only Way...a sign for France

...I am free to speak my will
...I am free to live my self defined rights
...I am free to justify my sexuality
...I am free to fornicate and commit adultery
...I am free to justify abortion
...I am free to justify killing
...I am free to justify killing in the name of religion.
...I am free to justify war

...I am free to worship ANY "god".

BUT the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of "I AM", of the One Who Gives Existence to All that Exists, said that we are to worship Only the One Lord Your Creator ( for there is no other) and to serve Him love for Him first and foremost and love for, to do good to the fellow man.

"Charlie" believes in doing what is right in his own President Obama confessed in Jerusalem that this FREEDOM is the light of man and the will of "his, the common, god of the Jews, Muslims, Christians and mankind".

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth according to the Will of the One Creator and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom", for his desire to serve, magnify, and worship oneself (XES).

A sign for France: In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, France will not receive any rain from the beginning of February till the end of September.

The Lord Jesus Christ said to repent.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Religious Terrorists kill French Satirists...doing what is 'their right' in their own eyes (XES).

...In the name of "their religion" ancient peoples killed and sacrificed their children to their gods.
...In the name of "their religion" the Israelis rejected the CREATOR and worshipped other "gods".
...In the name of "their religion" the Jews rejected and killed the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Creator.
...In the name of "their religion" "Christians / Catholics" tortured and killed many people.
...In the name of "their religion", certain Muslims have justified killing people. the name of "freedom and self-rights ( self-righteousness), all do what is right in their own eyes; all serve and magnify the self (XES); all love themselves first.

Jesus Christ, Son of the One Who Gives Existence to All that Exists, said that we are to worship the One Lord Your Creator God and Him Only serve in obedience and for Him first and foremost and love for, to DO GOOD TO the fellow man, friend or foe.

True judgement is in the hands of the One Creator and NOT in the hands of men who justify violence in the name of their gods, their self-righteousness, believing that they are free to do their will.

The Creator said to Cain..."if you do good will you not be accepted?"...and if you do not do good, then sin lies at the door and its desire is for you (the self). Man's justification & judgement for killing another human being is NOT DOING GOOD.

Very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth as the One King according to the Will of the One Creator Who gave us existence and all that is good and NOT according to man's first love for his self-freedom, for his desire to do what is right in his own attack verbally in self-justification or to kill in self-justification.