Monday, 27 October 2014

Ravi...the mother of secularism is "freedom" of self-rights.

I heard a radio message from you on Sunday Oct 26 (Montreal).
You spoke of secularism but you did not really describe its source, its foundation, its mother. Why not?
What is Secularism?.... (as per Merriam Webster dictionary) it is the indifference to, or rejection, or exclusion of religion and religious considerations.
What belief rules this secularism?
Is it not the belief in and desire for FREEDOM?..freedom of rights, equality of rights, freedom of religions, equality of religions.
FREEDOM does not show preference for nor does it discriminate against any self-justified right, any self-justified religion. does not impose any "one" Truth or declares that all 'gods' are equal as per one's self justified is as a 'god of fortresses'.
FREEDOM confesses and dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship ANY 'god'.

BUT as you very well know...the One and Only Creator commanded man to love, worship, and obey Only Him...for there is no other Creator .
....also warning man that his disobedience to this command would result in death. other words...The Creator never said to man that he is free to worship any 'god'...for if this "freedom" were given then there would not be any judgement and punishment, as no command would have been trespassed.

Strange, that you speak of secularism as an ill in society but you refrain from identifying its source, that of man's first love freedom to do one's own will, to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

Is it because that you believe and desire 'freedom'...freedom of rights -your rights, freedom of religions - your religion?

Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator God, did not die for freedom....He died for and was resurrected  for the servitude to the One Creator and for those that repent and serve the One Creator Father.

Very soon, The Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power as the One King according to the Will of the One Who Gives Existence to All That Exists and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom - for his secularism"...each embracing and demanding the freedom to do what is right in his own eyes.

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One and Only Creator

Saturday, 25 October 2014


Mr. Macarthur

In an article (by ERIN BENZIGER ∙ 4 JULY 2012) you are quoted as saying..."As shocking as it is profound, God’s Word teaches that true freedom can only be found through slavery to Christ. Though they think they are free, all unbelievers are in reality slaves to sin...".

True that we are free when we serve, as bondmen / as slaves, the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One and Only God.
....yes we are free from condemnation, from punishment, from eternal non existence...for we do , in obedience and love, the Will of the One Creator.

Then you mentioned that all unbelievers (i.e. as slaves to sin) "think" that they are FREE. believes that he is free to do what is right in his own eyes
............that he is free to justify and embrace his self-claimed and self-justified freedom of rights, human rights
............that he is free (religious freedom) to worship ANY 'god' as per his self-desires
............that he is free to justify and embrace his self-defined happiness, his sexual lifestyles, etc

Man believes that this FREEDOM (this god of fortresses) will not die...and through it that he / his spirit will not die...that somehow each has the self-justified right, entitlement, and freedom for eternal existence.

Mr. Macarthur , you said that obedience to the Lord and Master Jesus Christ is "true freedom".
That being the case, and it is the truth, then the FREEDOM (ie freedom of rights, freedom of religions) that mankind / unbelievers worship and live by is a FALSE a false light....which man glorifies.

Mr. Macarthur, you speak of God but is FREEDOM (freedom of rights-your rights, freedom of religion-your religion) your first love or is it the servitude to the Son of the One Creator?

Mr. Macarthur, one does not need FREEDOM in order to serve the One Creator, in order to do good to the fellowman or to his enemies.

Mr. Macarthur, Jesus Christ did not die for FREEDOM...he died in servitude to the One God and in servitude to man, for those that will repent and serve the One Creator.
....for which He was resurrected and will return to rule the earth in power as the One King according to the Will of the One Who gives existence to All that Exists and NOT according to man's first love for 'his freedom', for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the One and Only God