Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Freedom must be given, not taken,...for we are a creation of the One God.

Christians believe that God gave man "free will". Mankind believes that it has free will.
But the One Creator never gave man the "freedom" to do one's own will.

Freedom must be given...for we are a creation of the One God...all belongs to Him, all exists because of Him, all is under His authority.

He is Lord and Master....for He gave us our existence.

Are you able to drive a car?
I will assume for this exercise that you do.
...You are able to drive a car? YES....& you have the given freedom (from gov't) to also drive within the speed limit...for this is good and there is no judgement & penalty when you do so.

...You are able to drive a car? YES...but you do not have the freedom to drive past the speed limit...for if you do you not only will suffer the consequence of a speeding ticket but you also disrespect and endanger the safety of others...for speed driving is dangerous and is forbidden.

The One Creator made man with the ability to choose....and He said (in the garden) that man may freely take (choose) of any of the trees ( GOOD TREES) that He created in the garden.....for any of these choices are good for man and for his neighbor....for any of these trees were declared by God's Will to be Good.

....The One Creator also said to man ..."I command you not to take of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for if you do...you will die.".....Man is not free to drive faster than the speed limit...he is not free to establish / justify for one's self-interest / desire that it is "good" to drive faster than the speed limit...he was not free to establish / justify what is "good and evil" in his own eyes....for this self-justifying way, this way that desires to serve and magnify oneself (XES), leads to "sin" at the expense of others, of God's creation.

Man has been deceived to believe and choose that this disobedience in the eyes of the One Creator is "freedom". Today this disobedience has been relabeled and glorified by man to be the way of "freedom of self-rights", human rights, "free will"....declaring that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free (without punishment) to worship ANY 'god'....but this is blasphemy and "sin" for there is Only One Creator.

The Lord Jesus Christ said the we are to worship Only the One Lord God and Him Alone, His Will Alone to serve in obedience and love.
...for His last words on the Mt of Olives were..."not my will but Yours be done"...to be done by man.

Soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of YWHW, and NOT according to man's first love for "his free will".

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One and Only Creator

Friday, 20 June 2014

Obama...Iraq...Self - Freedom for the Sunni, Shia, and Kurd...

In Iraq, the Sunni Muslims are claiming and fighting for their rights, power, and freedom for their interests.
The Shia Muslims are claiming and fighting against the Sunni Muslims for their rights, power, and freedoms for the Shia interests.
Both believe in and will die for THEIR RESPECTIVE FREEDOM.

President Obama said that this FREEDOM  is not given, that it must be taken.
….and so each is taking “their freedom”.

And this FREEDOM is preoccupied only with one’s self interest…
....to serve and magnify oneself (XES)
...to do what is right in one’s own eyes
….to be keeper of oneself first ...to fight and destroy the brother if necessary.

President Obama has confessed in Jerusalem that this FREEDOM is the will of the common ‘god’ of the Jews, the Muslims, the Christians, and of all mankind...that this FREEDOM is the LIGHT and Righteousness of man…..and in so doing he has declared an end to sacrifice and offering to the One Creator….placing his ‘god of self-freedom, his god of fortresses” above the One Creator, Whose identity and character (name) is defined by His Son the Anointed Jesus.

This “FREEDOM” also arrogantly and blasphemously dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship any ‘god’ as per one’s own self-interest.
...as President Obama has recently termed it to be  “inclusive”.

But there is Only One Creator, One Truth, One True Way - Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator - and the Anointed Jesus said that we are to worship Only the One Creator and Him Alone to serve in obedience and love...love for Him, the Truth & Good, and to do this GOOD for the fellowman….to be a brother’s keeper.

Soon, very soon, the Lord Jesus Christ will return as promised to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the One Who gives Existence to all that Exists and Not according to man’s first love for “his freedom”...for his desire to do what is right in one’s own eyes, to justify good and evil as per one’s self-desires.

John Stefanyszyn

Sunday, 15 June 2014

PM Cameron & Muscular Freedom against extremism...BUT Christ said He is Only Truth.

Prime Minister Cameron spoke (June 15) of advancing a "muscular democracy".
....a muscular self-rule
....a muscular way to advance freedom of rights, freedom of all religions

But the divisions you see in your land is because of each embracing the freedom for his rights, his religion, his lifestyle...this is its fruit.
And This FREEDOM blasphemously & arrogantly declares it to be Right (a right) to worship ANY 'god'.

But the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ is extremism, He claims it to be the only truth, ...for He said that we are to worship the One and Only Creator God and Him Alone to serve in obedience and love...love for Him and Love for the fellowman.
The Anointed Son Of the One Creator never spoke of self-rights / freedom...for this “freedom” to do one’s own will is in reality disobedience to the Will of the One Creator.

AND, very soon, the Lord and One King Jesus Christ will return to rule this earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the One Creator, Who gives existence to all that exists, and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom” to do what is right in his own eyes, for his desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).
...and man will weep and clench his teeth in anger when “his self-freedom” will be no more and the judgement is of the One and Only Creator, and none other.

John Stefanyszyn

...a bondman of the Lord Jesus Christ, Resurrected Son of the One Creator

Friday, 13 June 2014

Sistani...a call to fight and defend Shia Freedom

Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani , at (June 13,2014) Friday Shia prayers, issues a call to fight against Sunni militants…..
"Citizens who are able to bear arms and fight terrorists, defending their country and their people and their holy places, should volunteer and join the security forces to achieve this holy purpose."

The Muslim Sunni believe that the Muslim Shia are corrupt...and hate them…& pray to Allah
The Muslim Shia believe that the Muslim Sunni are corrupt...and hate them…& pray to Allah

Both believe that they are right in their eyes.
And President Obama has proclaimed that it is “right to be free” from corruption.
...to have the freedom for one’s own rights and the responsibility to fight for this freedom.
...to have the freedom for one’s own religion and the responsibility to fight for this freedom.
And so, the Sunni and the Shia believe that it is right to be free from the corruption of the other.
And so, because of the love for this self-freedom, each hates his brother and believes that it is right to kill his brother, as Cain did.

When one truly takes a close look, each side, the Shia and the Sunni, believes, worships, and lives by the SAME “religious” belief...the core belief in SELF-FREEDOM….to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

And this is the “god of fortresses” that President Obama, leaders of all nations, leaders of all traditional “religions” advance, proclaim, defend, support, and glorify as the righteousness of man….but as you can see it does not give peace.

Take Note...Very Soon, the Son of the Only Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, will return to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the One Creator Who gives existence to all that exists, to love Him and to love the brother…... and NOT according to man’s first love for the freedom to do his own will....and all men will cry and clench their teeth in anger when “their self-freedom” will be no more.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Bergoglio, Peres, Abbas...pray to the 'god' of freedom.

...but to which ‘god’ did Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), President Peres, and President Abbas pray for peace at the Vatican since neither prays to the “same god”?



Abbas……..Sunni Islam

In addition to this,

: Jorge Bergoglio (Catholic) (“Pope Francis”) has redefined Christ to be a representative of religious liberty & inter-faith advocacy & compromise for the sake of general (“catholic”) peace.

:the Judaic religion rejects Jesus Christ as the Son of God...referring to Him as a blasphemer and false prophet….and President Peres prayed for peace as a holy mission...perhaps the Israelis “holy mission” of self-freedom & reclaiming the totality of the land for Israel.

:the religion of Islam also denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God & that He was a non-resurrected prophet, claiming instead that Muhammad was the last true messenger….and President Abbas prayed for a “comprehensive & just peace” so that the Palestinians can be as free as the Jews.

So to which ‘god’ did they pray for “peace”?

:::::But there is one common “call it religion” that all three worship, believe in, glorify, and live by.

….they prayed to the ‘god’ of FREEDOM...freedom of self-rights, freedom of self-religions.

….Bergoglio….freedom of rights and religions for the Israelis, the Palestinians, the Christians, the Jews, the Muslims, the “non believers”, and the “others”.

….Peres…...freedom and rights for Israel ( and they believe that it is right for them to repossess all of the land for Israel)

….Abbas...freedom and rights for the state and land of Palestine...the land that they believe is rightly theirs.

= each believes his way to be right in their own eyes = I will serve and do good for myself first (XES), my neighbor second = way of conflict (and not peace) as Cain killed his brother Abel.

And this ‘god of fortresses’ dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship ANY ‘god’.

But there is Only One Creator, whose identity is clearly defined by His Son Jesus Christ….and He said that we are to worship the One and Only Creator and Him Alone, His Will Alone to serve in obedience and love….love for Him and love for the neighbor….and not “my rights”.

Note...soon the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the One and Only Creator and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”.....and man will weep and clench his teeth in anger when “his self-freedom” will be no more.

John Stefanyszyn