Sunday, 25 May 2014

Jorge Bergoglio ("Pope Francis") bows his head onto the wall...and prays to the "god of freedom".

Jorge Bergoglio ("Pope Francis") bows his head onto the wall, onto the written sign that proclaims FREEDOM.
...The same FREEDOM that President Obama has confessed in Jerusalem to be the "light" and "righteousness" of man, to be the "wIll" of the "common" 'god' of the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims.

AND this same FREEDOM confesses tat it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship ANY 'god'.

BUT the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the One God, said that we are to worship the One Lord Creator and Him Alone, His Will Alone to serve in obedience and love...for there is no other.

Soon, The One Ruler Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the One Who gives Existence to all that exists, YWHW, and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom".

John Stefanyszyn

Bergoglio ("Pope Francis"), President Peres, President Abbas will pray for peace at the Vatican...but to which 'god'?

...but to which ‘god’ will Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), President Peres, and President Abbas be praying to for peace at the Vatican since each practices a different “religion”, since neither prays to the “same god”?
Bergoglio….Catholic Christianism
Abbas,,,,,,,,,Sunni Islam

In addition to this, the Jews and the Muslims deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

So to which ‘god’ will they be praying for “peace”?

There is only one conclusion….they will be praying to the ‘god’ of FREEDOM...freedom of self-rights, freedom of self-religions.
….Bergoglio….freedom of rights and religions for the Israelis, the Palestinians, the Christians, the Jews, the Muslims, the “non believers”, and the “others”.
….Peres…...freedom and rights for Israel ( and they believe that it is right for them to repossess all of the land for Israel)
….Abbas...freedom and rights for the state and land of Palestine...the land that they believe is rightly theirs.
= each believes to be right in their own eyes = I will serve and do good for myself first (XES), my neighbor second = way of conflict (and not peace) as Cain killed Abel.

And this ‘god of fortresses’ dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship ANY ‘god’.

But there is Only One Creator, whose identity is clearly defined by His Son Jesus Christ….and He said that we are to worship the One and Only Creator and Him Alone, His Will Alone to serve in obedience and love….love for Him and love for the neighbor.

Note...soon the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the One and Only Creator and NOT according to man’s first love for “his freedom”.

John Stefanyszyn

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Jorge Bergoglio's ("Pope Francis") desire for religious reconciliation in Holy Land

Jorge Bergoglio ("Pope Francis") is going to the Holy Land in the name of reconciliation between the Catholics, the Jews, the Muslims, and the Eastern Orthodox....a reconciliation of common ground and common values.

A reconciliation which is rooted in the belief of freedom of rights, freedom of religion, freedom of all religions and personal beliefs.

And this FREEDOM dictates that it is RIGHT (a right) to be free to worship ANY 'god'.

But it is commanded that one will worship Only the One Creator...and none other ...for there is no other.
....and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of this Only Creator God, said that we are to worship the One Lord God and Him Alone, His Will Alone to serve in obedience and love.

Even in view of these straightforward words, Jorge Bergoglio desires to find reconciliation among the different "religions" , some of which deny Jesus Christ as the Son of the One God and Only Savior and all of which , including the RCC, that deny the Preeminence of YWHW as the Only Creator, whose identity is defined by His Son Jesus Christ.

It is clear what Jorge Bergoglio and others are reconciling themselves the image of FREEDOM of self-rights, self-religion.
...the same FREEDOM  that President Obama confessed in Jerusalem to be the "light" and "righteousness" of man and the "will" of the "common"  'god' of the Christians, the Jews, and the Muslims.

The return of the Lord Jesus Christ is soon, and He will rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of YWHW and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom".

John Stefanyszyn

Saturday, 17 May 2014

A Harvard's Club "Black Mass"...But it is the Same FREEDOM that "Pope Francis" says is right.

Ref.: "Update: Harvard's satanic 'black Mass' cancelledBy Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog Editor, May 12,2014

A Harvard's club 'black mass" expression of "religious freedom", an expression of "speech freedom", an expression of "freedom of self-rights"..
.....but the Catholics say no to this "black mass" and Jorge Bergoglio ("Pope Francis") gave warning about the devil.
.....they believe that this "black mass" is not right.

However...Jorge Bergoglio (and the assembly of general values of Rome)  has proclaimed and confessed that it embraces and defends the way of freedom of religion....freedom of all be good and righteous.
....for it also turns to this freedom to justify its "religion" rights.

As you can see, this FREEDOM in reality is really only concerned with one's own its desire to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

And this FREEDOM , this freedom of all religions, also dictates that it is RIGHT  (a right) to be free to worship any 'god'...for in reality their 'god' that they LIVE by is FREEDOM... a self-proclaimed 'god of / above all fortresses'.

However, the One Creator, who gives existence to all creation around us, gave man the fruit of all the good trees but He forbid man to take of the tree of self- knowledge, self-justification of "good and evil" as per his self-serving desires.
Man disobeyed His Creator so as to be free to do his own will...but as a disobedient creation he is not free to do his own will for he still belongs to his Master and Creator...and judgement-punishment is coming.

The Son of the Only Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, said that we are to worship the One Lord Creator and Him Alone, His Will Alone to serve in obedience and love.

The return of Jesus Christ is soon, and He will return to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of YWHW, and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom"...for there is no "religions" in the kingdom...there is Only the One Creator.

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

In the Beginning...there was NO RELIGION...there was Only the One Creator

President Obama, leaders of all nations, leaders of all religions....each believes in "his religion" / "his god" / "his way of life.

Each believes that it is right (a right) to be free to worship "their religion".

Each believes in and embraces in his heart this FREEDOM., today's "god of fortresses".

But in the beginning, there was NO RELIGION...there was Only the One Creator, Who gives existence to all that exists.

...and this One Creator sent the One of Him, From Him, and With Him...His Son Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, to be and show us the One True and Good Way.

But man confesses that it is right for each to do what is right in his own eyes...freedom of self-rights...freedom of self-religion...freedom to serve and magnify oneself (XES).

Note, when the Lord Jesus Christ will return soon to rule the earth in power, He will do so according to the Will of the One and Only Creator YWHW and NOT according to man's first love for "his self-freedom" ...for there will be no "religion" in the Kingdom...for there is Only the One Creator.

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the One Creator

Saturday, 3 May 2014

...You shall not ( you are not free) to worship any 'other god'

The 1st Commandment is true.
It is a commandment given by the One and Only Creator, YHWH, the 'I AM WHO I AM'....for there is no other.
It is a commandment given by our Master and Creator to his creation of man.
The Lord and King Jesus Christ also said that we are to worship Only the One Creator and Him Alone, His Will Alone to serve in obedience and love.

So why does man , in his heart, believe that it is right to be free to worship any god?
So why does man, in his heart, believe and confess the righteousness of freedom of all religions, all (any) gods?

It is strange to see christian preachers speak very well the words about YWHW from their lips when they are behind the pulpit in church but in the world they confess 'freedom' of rights and 'freedom' of religion (the freedom to worship any god).

YWHW has said that the punishment for disobeying the commandment is eternal death....therefore He has not given man the "freedom" to worship any 'god', for if He would have given that 'freedom' then it would not be disobedience nor would there be the consequence of death.

Satan believes in worshipping another god....himself...for he desires to be free to do what is right in his own eyes, to know "good and evil" as per his self-justification. And man has also embraced this way, this self-justified freedom (this glorified freedom of self-rights, freedom of all religions)...but in the eyes of the Only YWHW this is disobedience and sin.

Eve, the helper / the spirit of man, embraced this "freedom" when she took of the tree on self-knowledge of "good and evil" and said that its fruit was good and wise...even though YHWH COMMANDED them NOT to take of it and said that the punishment of disobedience would be death.
...but Eve did not believe this for she wanted to be free to do her own satan said that she (this 'freedom') would not die and would be like 'god'....and today this "freedom" is the 'god of fortresses' that all worship.

I hope that the false "light of freedom" will stop blinding you to the One True Way of YHWH, for the Lord and One King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator, lived, died, and was resurrected for the One Truth.

...and soon the Lord Jesus Christ will return to rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of YWHW and NOT according to man's first love for "his freedom".

John Stefanyszyn

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Obama...Malaysia...advancing the "god of fortresses"

President Obama
You spoke of "rights", freedom of rights and equality to the people of Malaysia.
You also said that the foundation of your way of life is based on a teaching of Jesus Christ which says that we are to  'treat others as we would want them to treat us".

Based on your primary belief  of "freedom" is clear that you believe that we are to respect the freedom and rights of others as we would want them to respect one's own freedom and that each can do what is right in one's own serve and magnify oneself (XES). other words, according to your way of life, one is to respect, embrace, and worship the "freedom" that confesses that it is right to be free to worship any 'god'.

But the Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrected Son of the One and Only Creator, also said that the first duty is to worship the One and Only Creator God and Him Alone, His Will Alone to serve in obedience and love.....since there is no other....since it is sin to worship any other ( the consequence of which eternal death).

Jesus Christ gave warning that many would come "in His Name"....taking authority over His message and presenting another "christ".

Mr. Obama, you have confessed in Jerusalem that FREEDOM is the light and righteousness of man and that this FREEDOM is the will of the "common" god.
You are advancing this "god of fortresses" to all nations and placing this way above the Will and Truth of the One Creator.

President Obama...note that the return of  the Lord Jesus Christ is soon and He will rule the earth in power according to and in obedience to the Will of the One and Only Creator and NOT according to the way of "SELF - FREEDOM".

....and man will weep and will clench his teeth in anger when "his freedom" will be no more.

John Stefanyszyn
...a bondman of the Lord and King Jesus Christ, Son of the Only Creator.