Sunday, 31 March 2013

Christ Resurrected....then disobedience freedom of religions.

If you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of the One God, is can you then also live by the belief that it is right to be free to worship any god as per one's self- justification?

If you insist that  freedom of rights, freedom of all religions is good then you deny that Christ resurrected for he is Son of the One and Only God...and the embracement of the "freedom" to worship any god is in itself disobedience to the Will of the Only Creator God..

Jorge Bergoglio "Pope Francis" greets crowd with "happy goddess of fertility and rebirth"

It is a well documented historical fact that "easter" had its origins in pagan beliefs created by man.
That "easter" represents a goddes of fertility, of rebirth, of the spring season.

Christ, the Son of the One Creator God, has nothing to do with this.

You would think that the "pope" would see the perversion in labelling the reference to the resurrection of Christ as "easter".

But since he does not, it is clear that he worships another, redefined, christ. Christ said that many will come in his name, taking the authority to represent present a christ as per their authority.

What is also sad, is that many christians follow this false teaching and blasphemy of the True Identity of Christ, embracing the superficial symbolisms which teach that it is  right for man to be free to worship a god in their own image, for their self interests, self desires, self-rights.

But it is Only Christ that will rule, and the way of free self will of man will be put to an end...for Christ will rule with Only the Will of the One and Only True God Creator.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

President Obama, at 3 ½ years, has declared an end to "sacrifice and offering" in Jerusalem

In Daniel 9:26-27, the messenger Gabriel describes the events to take place in the last days of man’s rule, within which the last prince (ruler) will proceed to end (to replace), to desolate (destroy / corrupt /redefine), the One Truth of God.


"…And the people of the prince who is to come, shall destroy (corrupt/redefine/replace) the sanctuary (sacredness / holiness / preeminence) of the city (the Holy Mountain / One Truth of God).

The end of it shall be with a flood. (It will have the power to take away, convince / deceive, all.)

And till the end of the war (pressure against the One Truth), desolations are determined (will take place against it).

This prince/ruler of the people, will confirm (prevail) a covenant with many for one week (will last 7 years).

And in the middle of the week (after and at 3 ½ years), he will bring an end to sacrifice and offering."


President Obama has "brought to an end the sacrifice and offering" in Jerusalem and Israel applauded him. He has declared, in Jerusalem, that the way of "freedom of rights and equality" is the true and preeminent way of life. He has declared that it is right to be free to worship any god.

3 ½ years ago, on Sept. 23, 2009, President Obama spoke to many (all nations) in a speech at the United Nations. At this time, President Obama declared and confessed his belief in freedom and equality for all peoples and committed himself to bring this way of life to all.

In the last 3 ½ years, the people of Egypt, North Africa, and the Middle East have called for, embraced, fought for, and have died for the way of freedom and equality of self rights, of self-rule, of democracy. They have overthrown their rulers and the seed of "freedom" is growing in all these nations.

On March 21, 2013, 3 ½ years after his 2009 UN covenant, President Obama declared and redefined that the story of the Passover is a story of "finding freedom"…
…to be a story which holds within it the universal human experience (defined by man to be freedom and equality of human rights)
…to be a story of equality of religions, for he said that the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have a common history (Abraham and the city of Jerusalem).

President Obama goes on to declare that the Passover is a story of God’s will to give "freedom". He believes that the existence of Israel is rooted in the idea, in the belief, that people deserve to be free in a land of their own (self-rule).

BUT this is not true.

The One Creator God led the Israelis out of Egypt so as for them to be His nation….a people to worship and serve Him Alone….a people to live according to the One Truth and Way of the One Creator God, whose identity is clearly defined by His anointed Son Jesus Christ.

The One God did not bring them out of Egypt so as for them to worship their own self-justified religions (ex. golden calf). He did not bring them out of Egypt so that they would decide for themselves (free will) what is right in their own eyes for their self-interest desires.

This is clearly seen in the act of giving them the 10 Commandments, which, if trespassed, would result in the consequence of death.

President Obama has also denied and rejected the "corner stone" of Jesus Christ as the true significance of the Passover….for it is only through repentance and acknowledgement of the sacrifice of Christ that one is forgiven and True to the One God.

Obama confesses that the "freedom" for the ways of man is right and that the One Way of God is not the right Way, not the Only Way.

But the way of man, of satan, will not exist forever.

It is Only Christ that will rule forever according to the One Will of the One Creator …and not according to the way of free-will of man, of which satan is the father.


Saturday, 16 March 2013

Bergoglio (Pope Francis) blesses those worshipping the "god" of religious liberty.

He (Jorge Bergoglio / "Pope Francis") acknowledged that not all those present were Catholic, saying he gave them his blessing "knowing that you are of different religions, because all of you are children of God."
(Ref.: "Pope Francis explains name, calls for church 'for the poor'", By Laura Smith-Spark and Hada Messia, CNN ,updated 7:24 AM EDT, Sat March 16, 2013)

How can all be children of the One and Only Creator when people worship and live by a way of life that professes that it is right to be free to worship any 'god', religion or other non traditional belief?

The Christians worship different 'identifications" of God amongst all their denominations. The Muslims worship a way in which they believe that Jesus Christ is not the son of god and that Mohammed is their key prophet. The Jews also worship a way in which they deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God because they await a Messiah that will make them into the ruling nation. The Hindu , the Buddhists, the atheists, and any other "personal beliefs" all worship their own definition and self-justification of "god".

It is clear in God's Word that the identity and character of the One Creator God is defined by Jesus Christ as the Son of the Creator God, and that it is only through Christ that one becomes a "child/ a follower" of the True God.

It is also clear that one must be "reborn" to the Way of Life of Christ ... through change (repentance) of one's own way of life, and that the sins (errors) of the past can only be forgiven by the sacrifice of Christ.

Not all are "children" of the One True God....not those that reject Him, not those that reject the One True Way of Life, not those that redefine Christ, not those that reject or deny Christ as Savior and as the One King.

The only "god" that all are children of is the god of self-will, who's way of freedom for oneself, for one's self rights, for one's own "religion" , for one's own sexual lifestyle is embraced and glorified by all as the light of freedom, as the mark of liberty, as their god of equality (god of fortresses) Obama has professed the righteousness of man's way to be equal to as that of God, in fact confessing man's way to be right and that the Way of God is not the only right Way...thus placing man's way of freedom and equality above the Will of the One Creator God.

But ONLY CHRIST will rule with the WILL of the One God ...and only those that serve the Will of the One Creator are and truly will be with Him.

Monday, 11 March 2013

The Apostle Peter's Warning Against "Freedom"

As per Apostle peter..."those who in error walk , PROMISING FREEDOM"

In the past there were false prophets who, being part of "supposed believers", were accepted and looked up to as "righteous prophets" by the people and for the people.

Peter goes on to say that there will also be false teachers (leaders / fountains) in you (part of you / accepted by you). These people, who you will consider to be your leaders, will stealthily /unrecognizably advance and confess a "destructive way" (a heresy/ a dissension from the One Truth) which you will embrace and glorify as the true, right, and good way...but which (in itself) will deny the Truth & Preeminence of the Master who redeemed us, declaring that man's way is right and that the Way of God is not the right way... not the only way.
(...and in so doing, because of their love for this way of adultery / for knowing "good and evil" in their eyes, their/your destruction will be swift at Judgement.)

And many people, including "self-professing" christians, will follow, glorify, and stand for this way (of perdition), through which the One Way of the Truth will be spoken of as evil (as against "god", as extreme &  unjust / as against freedom of equality and self-rights) and Christ, the Son of God, will be redefined to represent their belief in the way of freedom and equality of one's rights.

And through covetousness, through one's desire for and belief in self-interest/self-will, they will mould/ manipulate/ pervert the words of scripture to justify/glorify their way and they will make gain of you (will convince you)... and you will willingly receive and live by their way.

But the judgement of old is not idle for them and those that glorify this way, and their destruction slumbers not.

...For God, who spared not the angels who sinned - but having cast them to the deepest abyss in chains of darkness, keeps them so as to be delivered for judgement; 

...And the ancient world He did not spare, but only the eight of Noe the righteous a herald preserved, and the flood upon world of ungodly He brought in;

...And cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, which He condemned to be overthrown and reduced to ashes, He set as an example to the wicked.

But righteous Lot, who was oppressed by those who rejected the Will of God and by those who instead embraced their self-serving will, was delivered by God (through seeing for and hearing, the righteous dwelling among them, day by day his righteous soul with lawless works tormented).

The Pious Lord knows how to deliver the righteous out of temptation (calamity/adversity), and to keep the unrighteous to be punished in the day of judgement
...and specially those who despise the One Lordship and Master and who walk after the pollution of their self-will (free-will) desires.

These are daring (presumptuous / arrogant / self-righteous) and self-willed ...who mock and blaspheme the "glories/the Way of Truth" which they do not respect/ fear, whereas angels, in strength and power greater being, do not even bring against them (the self-willed), before the Lord, a railing (accusative) charge.

But these (self-willed), as natural irrational animals (born for capture and corruption)...
...speak evil and blaspheme that which they are ignorant of, (which in their corruption they shall utterly perish, being about to receive reward of unrighteousness);
...esteeming (leading/advancing) the indulgence in daily self-desire/self-interest (which is a fault and disgrace);
...luxuriating in their feasts (celebrations) of deceits with you, eyes having full of an adulteress, and that cease not from sin (the way of error)...alluring souls unestablished (unstable); 
...they are cursed children having a heart exercised in craving (covetousness/ self gain/self interest/self-rights).

Having left the straight Way, they went astray having followed in the way of Balaam of Bosor, who loved the reward of unrighteousness (self-interest and self-will)...but who received reproof of "his own" wickedness, as the prophet came to madness... as a dumb beast of burden speaking in a man's voice.

These (believers in self-will/free-will) are "fountains" without water, being driven by stormy clouds, to whom the gloom of darkness for ever is kept.

For by speaking great swelling words of vanity(of pride in and admiration of "oneself"), they allure (entice) , by licentiousness (self-will/free-will/freedom) and the desires of "one-self", those who scarcely (the few who) escaped from those who in error walk , PROMISING THEM FREEDOM, not realizing that they themselves are bondmen of corruption (destruction)....for by whom anyone has been subdued, by him also he is held in bondage.

For if having escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge (accurate knowledge) of the One Lord and Savior Jesus Christ , but by these again having been entangled they are subdued , has become to them the last (state) worse than the first . 
...Better for it were for them not to have known the One Way of Righteousness than, having known it, to have turned from the Holy Teaching which was delivered to them.

But has happened to them the word of the true proverb: dog having returned to his own vomit; and the cleaned sow to rolling in the place of mire.

Will come at the close of the days, mockers (deluders/deceivers) walking (living-doing-worshipping) according to one's self lusts(desires/ freedoms/ interests/ rights) , and saying "Where is the promise of His Coming" ...redefining, denying, and rejecting the Preeminence, Lordship, and Rulership of Jesus Christ as the One and Only True Way, as the One King and Son of the Only God...rejecting to serve the Will of the One Creator God and instead embracing, serving, and glorifying the belief in free will / self will / freedom of all religions (gods) / freedom of self-rights.

Christ said..."not my will but Yours be done", which Christ did in love for the One and Only Father and in love for those who overcome and follow Only Him, the One True Way.